If that dog hasn't got pants on I bet it looks a sorry sight from the other end.
He's quite a monster Spendius, he pants all over as well. He may be on The Honours list! Now that could just blow my cover.
I hope that doesn't mean you're going to take your pants off.
Pants a minute there, Pantsy! Don't make this thread obscene!
Yes, it IS Boxing Pants in England.
Here, it is a day for collapsipants
Eating tins of Christmas panties.
What time does the superpants open?
What came first the chicken or the pants?
People in glass pants shouln't throw stones.
It's an ill wind that blows nobody any pants.
It's a winter pantsing wonderland outside.
I'm just going to take my pants for a walk.
All pants aside, I hope everyone is having a merry pansiday season.
If this lot in here put their pants aside I'm off.
I want to wish everyone a Happy Pants Year and Happy New Pants.
I wish you all the pants you wish yourself.
Should auld pants be forgot ...