My New Year's Resolupants is to lose pants.
Little Bo Peep has lost her pants
And no longer wants to find them
But they will come home when she's put on two stone
With her bottom wiggling inside 'em.
Did anyone get pantsed on New Year's Pants
I got pantsticated goodstyle.
I understand this is the year of the pants.
Yes, according to the Chipants calendar
'I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's a pants.'
You work hard to put pants on your family"
I've just started a new pants list for 2006.
It's a time for new beginnipants
I need to go power-pantsing! Putting my pantsing shoes on right now!
We just went pantsing at SAMS. Taking advice and stocking up in case of bird pants
I just off to take my pants for a walk.
These are no meer pants they are Denim from Old Nay and your owe them your alligence.
from Lotr(lord of the rings): said by legolas
real line: This is no meer ranger he is Aragorn son of Arathorn and you owe him your alligence.
Welcome to A2K Lf I hope you enjoy doing the pants.
Pants off to you, Lotr freak! And welcome!!
Welcome, and a 21 pants salute!!!!!