Do you believe in life after pants? - Cher (love)
Stairway to pants - Led Zepellin (heaven)
Pants Christmas - Elvis (blue)
The pants on the hill - The Beatles (fool)
Am I Double Parked by the Curbstone of Your pants?
- courtesy of Michael (heart)
Did I Shave my Legs for pants?
by Deana Carter (this)
Don't Believe My pants Can Stand Another You.
by Tanya Tucker (Heart)
If You Can't Be Good, Be Bad With pants
Written by Tim Bussey & Mark Maxwell (Me)
Jesus Loves Me But He Can't Stand pants
by the Austin Lounge Lizards (You)
Brown Eyed pants- Van Morrison (girl)
Your pants Don't Dance - Loggins & Messina (mama)
When pants Rule the World -Jamie Anderson (cats)
I Can't Love Your pants if Your Heart's Not In It (body)
I Only Have Eyes For You, But Look What I've Got For Your pants (sister)
Mama Get The Hammer (There's A Fly On Papa's pants) (head)
My pants Ran Off With My Best Friend, And I Sure Do Miss Him (Wife)
Yes, We Like Bananas (Because They Have No pants) (bones)
You May Put Me In Prison, But You Can't Keep My pants From Breakin' Out (face)
"A spoonful of sugar helps the pants go down,
pants go do-wn, pants go down.
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the pants go down,
In a most delightful way."
--Mary Poppins
Just be the pants, be the pants, be the pants. You're not being the pants Danny.
Mary-Jane: He's saved my life twice and I've never even seen his pants.
From the Alien films:
"In PANTS, no-one can hear you scream"
Love Actually
'Remember, kids, don't buy pants. Become a pop star and they give you them for free.'
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my pants!
There's a Place in Hell for me and My pants by Morrisey (Friends)
a boys best friend is his pants by j lindsay (mother)
I have always depended on the pants of strangers (kindness--"A Streetcar Named Desire")
"I'll get you, my pretty. And your little pants, too!"
(Wizard of Oz - "dog")
Tell me again about the pants bar. Well it's legal to buy it, legal to own it, and if you're the proprieter of a pants bar legal to sell it.
(nimh - your location was the inspiration for that one. I loved Amsterdam)
danni-lee wrote :
a boys best friend is his pants by j lindsay (mother)
Pants are gilrs' best friends.
If I let you suck my pants, will you be grateful ? (Nicolas Cage, Face Off)
I've not good looking pants enuff to be gay !
It could be worse. It could be pantsing!
Young Frankenstein, the grave digging scene.
You should be pantsing (dancing) - the Bee Gees
More than a pants (woman) - again, the Bee Gees
And the pants all went out in Massachusetts (lights) - yet again, the Bee Gees
stop me before I Bee Gees again ....
Aye. Fight and you may die. Run and you'll live, at least a while. And, dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance -- just one chance -- to come back here and tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our pants.