Many are going to regret their vote for Trump

Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:12 am
Ha! Whatever you say Oli.
However, these are our rules & laws - we are happy with them and we could care less what you think about them.
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:16 am
Just don't lie about them. You don't actually need to spead lies, do you? Or is your creed so weak that only lies can support it?
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:18 am
And where was that ever written by any of the founders?

It's just an antiquated, obsolete system from before the telegraph. Period.
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 06:22 am
The telegraph has some kind of importance for your argument?

The electoral college vote is all that matters. I'm not sure why this fact is giving your senses such a callisthenic workout, Olly.
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 07:04 am
Builder wrote:

And what reason is that?

To ensure that there's an equal representation in government, from all walks of life.

This is really true. Whether the EC serves or thwarts our personal interest during a single election is such a non-point when we consider why it exists, and what the results would be if it were abolished. The US is a vast piece of land with some geographically-driven lifestyle/economic needs that affect the country at large - & candidates are only answerable about these vital issues --& possibly only become informed about these issues in these various American regions because of the EC.

I think, due to a collapse of statesmanship and an increase in globalization, dead cities and swaths of country would pockmark the US like a third world country if candidates weren't legally bound to face each state.
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 08:03 am
An excellent point. As a resident of the state with the motto "land of the ban, home of the fee" many times we would wish NYC to be the 51st state so we from upstate would not be overrun by the millions of liberals there.
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 08:04 am
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Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 08:58 am

You and your ilk are the only ones lying about them, and spreading lies.

You are intellectually dishonest.
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Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 09:12 am
Olivier5 wrote:

And where was that ever written by any of the founders?

It's just an antiquated, obsolete system from before the telegraph. Period.

Were it not for the EC and the way that the states get to decide the federal government, the US wouldn't exist. We'd be 50 (or so) small countries.

Instead, the founders had the foresight to see that happening and gave the states equal say in the senate to satisfy the small states, and unequal seats in the House to satisfy the big states. That number gets to pick the President. You'll just have to deal with it as it isn't going to change.
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 09:58 am
The small states already have the Sennate to throw their weight around undemocraticallyy. Why should they have the EC too especially when the prez is for all of us equally, not just them. When we were founde 90percent livedon the farm and 10 percent in cities. Now it' 90 in cities and 10 percent in the country but the EC still disproportionally favors the country. On another thread someone didthe math, and one Montanan had the same electoral clout as six Californians. There is no justification for that 200 years on inĂ¼ this experiment in living. Equal justice under law has always been oneof our guidin principles. Oliivier is right. The EC is NOT equal justice and shpuld go, just likeappointment of senators by by statelegislators ratherthan by popular vote went a century ago

Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 10:00 am

The EC is equal justice, and it must be protected & preserved.
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 10:23 am
So explain to me how it is equal justice when it was purposefullyy set up to give some states and voters more power than other states and voters
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Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 10:24 am
Let history judge 0bama by his actions, not his words. 0bama is the most hateful & destructive president the US has ever had.
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 10:27 am
Not much of an answer about equal justice. Obama has been judged. You opinion has been drejected.
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Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 10:29 am
Mob rule is NOT equal justice.
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 10:32 am
Stupid answer.Popular vote is not mob rule.
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 10:34 am
The telegraph made obsolete the hand-carrying of election results. The US doesn't technically need the EC post-telegraph, therefore.
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Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 10:35 am
The civilized world regrets America voting for 0bama, he continues to be a global disaster.
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 10:36 am
You aren't very smart, are you MJ?
Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2016 10:39 am
You dont have a clue about world opinion, do you? The civilized world thinks quuite highly of Obama. They are appalled by Trump..

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