Sun 10 Oct, 2004 06:53 am
Edit [Moderator]: Moved from General to Autos.
Or perhaps you don't fancy the idea of your car sending a message to other road users?
Mine just says one word:
It harks back to the days when our prime minister refused to apologise to the "lost generation" of Australian Aborigines who were forcably removed from their families.
I thought it was a pretty clear message, but apparently not. I'm still often asked what I'm sorry about. Maybe my driving skills?
At the present I don't have a sticker on my car, but if I did, it would probably say something like "Hang up the #@%! phone and pay attention to the road"...just kidding
There is a lot of road rage on the highway and you have to be careful not to anger anyone :wink:
Say, things are pretty crook when a sticker on your car might bring out the monster in someone, colorbook!
My stickers says:
Here, I feel comfortabel
(Well, I live there :wink: )
I have two inherited stickers from the ex - one says MTB for mountain bike, one is a flag of Brazil. Well, I got the car from him as a gift, so I really musn't grumble. I added an SK sticker for Slovakia, something I would never do in Europe, where shows of patriotism are more limited and I wouldn't want to be confused for a Slovak nationalist (eeek). I also have a 'hang ten' boarding sticker on the side, and a little sun on the front windshield.
One says: Pray for our Troops
the other is a Christian fish
i don't have any thing on my car, but the strangest thing i ever saw was a bumper sticker that read, "in the event of the rapture, the driver of this car will disappear", the best bit was, the woman driving the car felt so strongly in her faith, she had neglected to put any of her for childern in car seats or seatbelts, (i could tell this, because the kids were moving freely from one side of the back seat to the other, as well as one who climbed from the back seat to the front) secure that god would look after her little angels
I have one that says: Pray for Christian fish.
"save the whales, collect the entire set"
i remember seeing ad's in some alternative media in the 80's that said
keep em all guessing, put this sticker on your carand the sticker read, "nuke a gay whale for christ"
None for me. The locals would vandalize my vehicle if I put a statement on there and all the joke ones are taken.
I'm thinking about putting this one on my car:
i think i may steal "You all laugh because i'm different, and I laugh cause you are all the same" as my new quote..I don't own a car or i would buy that one..:-)