Death Row - ALL members of the household have to be included. Otherwise, stay at home moms could get on Food Stamps and receive other benefits even if their spouse is making $100,000. They have to have his information (Soc. Sec. number, income, signature, etc) in order to assure that your family qualifies.
If he is failing to provide that information or is refusing to sign the paperwork, my understanding is that you will have to wait until you are no longer living with him. Sorry about your situation. Sounds like you are in a tough spot.
Ok hello everyone, i am the one on disabilty not him. i don't get i repeat i don't get 600.00 a month. yes he is a very dead beat and yes i am going to get ride of him as soon as i can. i am waiting on some apartments to come open for me. I can't push him out the door because the judge says so. i am sorry if i was screaming at you. he is rude to.
I am going to show myself the door soon as my place comes up.
Death Row, is the person who helped you with your diability insurance someone with whom you can talk? You are getting some good advice here, but talking to someone who really knows your situation is far better and, usually, far more helpful. As for coming here for support and just to vent, please feel free to vent and let it out right here. I wish you all the best.
Oh yaeh i know. i was just putting some feelers out is all i was doing. i do have somebody legal working on it. Good one about the fire.
You are getting better-informed advice than I can offer already, but I do want to wish you the best of luck!
Panz, my peer, you're in trouble now!
ok thanks for your help and your time and thanks for you talking to me.
Peanut Green III

I miss Peanut so much. He was the best man in my life. He always made me feel so good when he would write to me. He was a real a man in ever since of the word. He was a powerful man to me. His words would just hit my heart so hard but it didn't hurt it felt good. Does any body else out here know? if so holla back at me.
Death Row, nobody needs to feel lonely with A2K at their(edited) fingertips. There's a hell of a lot of people who care about you here, as you can see.
O'Bill, I'll speak to you later.
Edward "Peanut" Green III Miss you so much!!!!!!
yeah i know. but i miss him so much. it hurts me to my heart that he is gone from me and my life. you feel me?
I read ya Death Row. At least you were lucky. Some people never had the luck to find their Peanut.
Yeah it's sad that not ever body had the chance to know him or be his friend in some way like i did. Did you know him or something? please be honest with me on it.
Nope,but everyone has a peanut in their life, sometime
Well if you didn't have this Peanut in your life then you missed out on a great treat there was only one like this one.
Montana, you'll find your peanut, when you least expect it.
This man was not like that he was just very very very very special to me is allthere was nothing that i wouldn't of done for him. That is just how specail he was to me.
panzade wrote:Montana, you'll find your peanut, when you least expect it.
All I can do is hope that the day will come (sigh).
what are you all talking about now?
I was saying how much I'd love to have a peanut of my own and Panzade said I'll find my peanut when I least expect it. Everyone should have a peanut atleast once in their lives.