I have a question about Catholism. Who would like to give me a favor?

Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2016 07:36 am

In Catholic teachings, are people the lambs shepherded by Jesus Christ?

Thanks in anticipation.
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Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2016 08:55 am
Yes. It's a common theme in many Christian denominations. Sheeple.
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2016 10:06 am
Ceili wrote:


Heh, "sheeple."
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2016 10:28 am
InfraBlue wrote:

Ceili wrote:


Heh, "sheeple."

Sounds like you have used Sheeple as a disparaging term?

Is it neutral? Or positive? Or negative?
Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2016 10:31 am
It's not part of "Catholic teaching" but used as a symbol referring to a metaphor in the Bible (NT)

The image of the Good Shepherd, often with a sheep on his shoulders, is the most common of the symbolic representations of Christ found in the Catacombs of Rome, and it is related to the Parable of the Lost Sheep. Initially it was also understood as a symbol like others used in Early Christian art. By about the 5th century the figure more often took on the appearance of the conventional depiction of Christ, as it had developed by this time, and was given a halo and rich robes.
More >here<
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2016 10:32 am
It's negative. It connotes the idea of not thinking for oneself, a "herd mentality," etc..
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Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2016 10:39 am
Also, "I have a question about Catholicism. Who would like to do me a favor?
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Fil Albuquerque
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2016 11:12 am
If anything they got that analogy right...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2016 12:51 pm
Sheeple is not a word per se. Sheep - People - Sheeple. It's a play on words.
Reply Tue 8 Nov, 2016 02:19 pm
play on words
Love it Ceili

Wow I'm impressed by your profile. Only wish more might follow your example
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Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2016 08:51 am
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The Anointed
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2021 12:29 am
In Catholic teachings, are people the lambs shepherded by Jesus Christ?

No! In Catholic teachings, the people are the lambs shepherded by the Pope who claims to be Jesus Christ in the flesh?

Zechariah 11: 11-17; So the covenant was cancelled on that day. Those who bought and sold the sheep were watching me, and they knew that the LORD was speaking through what I did. I said to them, “If you are willing, give me my wages. But if not, keep them.” So they paid me thirty pieces of silver as my wages.

The LORD said to me, “Put them in the temple treasury.” (Some ancient translations Put them in the temple treasury; Hebrew: Give them to the potter.) So I took the thirty pieces of silver — the magnificent sum they thought I was worth — and put them in the temple treasury. Then I broke the second stick, the one called “Unity”, and the unity of Judah and Israel was shattered.

The 10 tribes of Israel were separated from the tribe of Judah with the pseudo tribe of Benjamin the 12th son who was entirely slaughtered by his brother tribes.

Then the LORD said to me, “Once again act the part of a shepherd, this time a worthless one. I have put a shepherd in charge of my flock, but he does not help the sheep that are threatened by destruction; nor does he look for the lost, or heal those that are hurt, or feed the healthy. Instead, he eats the meat of the fattest sheep and tears off their hoofs. That worthless shepherd is doomed! He has abandoned his flock. War will totally destroy his power. His arm will wither, and his right eye will go blind.”

Who do you think was the worthless shepherd that God raised up in the land after he had been paid the majestic wage of thirty pieces of silver, and abandoned, his stubborn flock?

Oh you shepherd of the darkness
Who claim God sent you out
And even though we know that's true
That fact I wouldn't flout
For God commanded Zechariah
Throw my wages cross the floor
Those thirty bits of silver
For I'll guide this flock no more
A useless shepherd now I'll raise
To guide that stubborn flock
And he will be a worthless one
Of him I'll take no stock
For he'll not feed my little ones
Nor search for them that's lost
But he eats the meat of the fattest sheep
And their hoofs? He tears them off
That worthless shepherd, he is doomed
For abandoning my flock
His power will I destroy by war
His arm will wither dry, then drop
And his right eye will I turn blind
That's why he's never seen
The passage where I speak of him
Zechariah 11; 12 to seventeen.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2021 04:27 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

In Catholic teachings, are people the lambs shepherded by Jesus Christ?

No! In Catholic teachings, the people are the lambs shepherded by the Pope who claims to be Jesus Christ in the flesh?

At no point in history has the Catholic Church taught that the Pope is Jesus Christ in the flesh!

Never. Ever.

The Pope is designated the Vicar of Christ on Earth. It is a title...as is Bishop of Rome.
The Anointed
Reply Sat 24 Jul, 2021 09:51 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Sorry mate read the link supplied below.


Now you can provide a link that shows how some over devote Catholic, attempts to twists the words of the Popes to make it seem that they did not say what in reality they did say.

QUESTION . . . . . Do you believe that we should accept the Holy Scriptures as truth, or the teachings of the church of Rome according to their traditions?

I see that you did not have the guts to reveal who it is today, who claims to be the shepherd of God's people, and who was the worthless shepherd that God raised up in the land to guide his people after he had abandoned those who had paid him the majestic wage of thirty pieces of silver.

I await your answer.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 25 Jul, 2021 08:36 am
@The Anointed,

At no point in history has the Catholic Church ever taught that the Pope is Jesus Christ in the Flesh.

If you can point to any church teachings that say that, cite them...or stop with the bullshit.

Now you can provide a link that shows how some over devote Catholic, attempts to twists the words of the Popes to make it seem that they did not say what in reality they did say.

If you can point to any church teaching that teach that the Pope is Jesus Christ in the Flesh...do it. Otherwise you really ought to shut the hell up while you are just far behind.

QUESTION . . . . . Do you believe that we should accept the Holy Scriptures as truth, or the teachings of the church of Rome according to their traditions?

I do not do "believing."

If you are asking if I am willing to accept "Holy Scripture" as telling the truth about REALITY...I would answer, "Absolutely not. Not in any way." What you call "Holy Scripture" has the same relationship to the truth about REALITY as does the book Alice in Wonderland.

If you are asking if I am will to accept the teachings of the Catholic Church as telling the truth about REALITY...I would answer the same way.

I see that you did not have the guts to reveal who it is today, who claims to be the shepherd of God's people, and who was the worthless shepherd that God raised up in the land to guide his people after he had abandoned those who had paid him the majestic wage of thirty pieces of silver.

I await your answer.

Wait as long as you want, you punk. Why would I give a rat's ass about how long you wait?
The Anointed
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2021 02:51 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote ….. At no point in history has the Catholic Church ever taught that the Pope is Jesus Christ in the Flesh.

If you can point to any church teachings that say that, cite them...or stop with the bullshit.

ANOINTED RESPONSED….. "The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth." (Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, "Cities Petrus Bertanous) "To believe that our Lord God the Pope has not the power to decree as he is decreed, is to be deemed heretical."

Pope Nicholas I, declared: “the appellation of God had been confirmed by Constantine on the Pope, who, being God, cannot be judged by man. (Labb IX Dist.: 96 Can 7 Satis Evidentur Decret Gratian Primer Para)

Frank Apisa wrote ….. If you can point to any church teaching that teach that the Pope is Jesus Christ in the Flesh...do it. Otherwise you really ought to shut the hell up while you are just far behind.

ANOINTED Responsed ….. The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, He is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of the flesh.” Catholic National July 1895.

Quote by Anointed:
QUESTION . . . . . Do you believe that we should accept the Holy Scriptures as truth, or the teachings of the church of Rome according to their traditions?

Frank Apisa wrote ….. I do not do "believing."

ANOINTED Responds ….. Oh! Don’t you lie you awful child; “You do so, 'do believing': You believe that the Popes who you so viciously defend, with your screaming and abusive foul mouth, never did say, that which they actually have said.

You might be able to intimidate women and kids with that sort of talk, but it don’t work here old mate.

Frank Apisa wrote ….. If you are asking if I am willing to accept "Holy Scripture" as telling the truth about REALITY...I would answer, "Absolutely not. Not in any way." What you call "Holy Scripture" has the same relationship to the truth about REALITY as does the book Alice in Wonderland.

If you are asking if I am will to accept the teachings of the Catholic Church as telling the truth about REALITY...I would answer the same way.

ANOINTED Responded …..No wonder you don’t believe that the popes ever claimed to be Christ in the flesh, because you don’t believe anything that they have ever said.

Quote By Anointed:
I see that you did not have the guts to reveal who it is today, who claims to be the shepherd of God's people, and who was the worthless shepherd that God raised up in the land to guide his people after he had abandoned those who had paid him the majestic wage of thirty pieces of silver.
I await your answer.

Frank Apisa wrote ….. Wait as long as you want, you punk. Why would I give a rat's ass about how long you wait?

ANOINTED Responds ….. I just love the way you atheists revert to dribbling verbal dysentery, every time you’re stuck for an answer.

Enjoy the rest of your hopeless life old mate.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2021 03:48 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote ….. At no point in history has the Catholic Church ever taught that the Pope is Jesus Christ in the Flesh.

If you can point to any church teachings that say that, cite them...or stop with the bullshit.

ANOINTED RESPONSED….. "The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth." (Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, "Cities Petrus Bertanous) "To believe that our Lord God the Pope has not the power to decree as he is decreed, is to be deemed heretical."

Pope Nicholas I, declared: “the appellation of God had been confirmed by Constantine on the Pope, who, being God, cannot be judged by man. (Labb IX Dist.: 96 Can 7 Satis Evidentur Decret Gratian Primer Para)

Frank Apisa wrote ….. If you can point to any church teaching that teach that the Pope is Jesus Christ in the Flesh...do it. Otherwise you really ought to shut the hell up while you are just far behind.

ANOINTED Responsed ….. The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, He is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of the flesh.” Catholic National July 1895.

Quote by Anointed:
QUESTION . . . . . Do you believe that we should accept the Holy Scriptures as truth, or the teachings of the church of Rome according to their traditions?

Frank Apisa wrote ….. I do not do "believing."

ANOINTED Responds ….. Oh! Don’t you lie you awful child; “You do so, 'do believing': You believe that the Popes who you so viciously defend, with your screaming and abusive foul mouth, never did say, that which they actually have said.

You might be able to intimidate women and kids with that sort of talk, but it don’t work here old mate.

Frank Apisa wrote ….. If you are asking if I am willing to accept "Holy Scripture" as telling the truth about REALITY...I would answer, "Absolutely not. Not in any way." What you call "Holy Scripture" has the same relationship to the truth about REALITY as does the book Alice in Wonderland.

If you are asking if I am will to accept the teachings of the Catholic Church as telling the truth about REALITY...I would answer the same way.

ANOINTED Responded …..No wonder you don’t believe that the popes ever claimed to be Christ in the flesh, because you don’t believe anything that they have ever said.

Quote By Anointed:
I see that you did not have the guts to reveal who it is today, who claims to be the shepherd of God's people, and who was the worthless shepherd that God raised up in the land to guide his people after he had abandoned those who had paid him the majestic wage of thirty pieces of silver.
I await your answer.

Frank Apisa wrote ….. Wait as long as you want, you punk. Why would I give a rat's ass about how long you wait?

ANOINTED Responds ….. I just love the way you atheists revert to dribbling verbal dysentery, every time you’re stuck for an answer.

Enjoy the rest of your hopeless life old mate.

All of your quotes have been thoroughly debunked since first they were invented by people who hated Catholicism.

No Catholic EVER claimed that the Pope was god...nor did the Catholic Church EVER teach that the Pope was Jesus Christ in the flesh.

I thought you were either a fool or a liar, but I see now that you are both.

But, you are a great joke...and I hope you stick around. You do more to damage religion than to further it...and for that reason, you are useful to those of us who see that religion poses many dangers for humanity.'

Good wishes back to you, Jerk. Wink

The Anointed
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2021 05:38 am
@Frank Apisa,
My earlier post.

Sorry mate read the link supplied below.


Now you can provide a link that shows how some over devoted Catholic, attempts to twists the words of the Popes to make it seem that they did not say, what in reality they did say.

QUESTION . . . . . Do you believe that we should accept the Holy Scriptures as truth, or the teachings of the church of Rome according to their traditions?

I see that you did not have the guts to reveal who it is today, who claims to be the shepherd of God's people, and who was the worthless shepherd that God raised up in the land to guide his people after he had abandoned those who had paid him the majestic wage of thirty pieces of silver.

I await your answer.

Have you ever bothered to open your eyes and look for the prophesied worthless shepherd? The one who God raised up in the land after he was paid his majestic wage of thirty pieces of Silver, and abandoned his stubborn flock? The one who now claims that he is the shepherd of God's people?

They are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2021 09:20 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

My earlier post.

Sorry mate read the link supplied below.


Now you can provide a link that shows how some over devoted Catholic, attempts to twists the words of the Popes to make it seem that they did not say, what in reality they did say.

Here is a well-reasoned piece from a guy with whom I very seldom agree. But I do here. It pretty much shows that hate-Catholic bullshit to be...ummm...bullshit.

There are no Catholic teachings that claim the Pope is a god...or that the Pope is Jesus Christ in the flesh.

You were a liar when you said it...and now you show, as we all knew, that you do not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge that you are full of **** on the issue.

No problemo! You are doing a great service for the non-theistic community here with your posts. I love you for it.


QUESTION . . . . . Do you believe that we should accept the Holy Scriptures as truth, or the teachings of the church of Rome according to their traditions?

I see that you did not have the guts to reveal who it is today, who claims to be the shepherd of God's people, and who was the worthless shepherd that God raised up in the land to guide his people after he had abandoned those who had paid him the majestic wage of thirty pieces of silver.

I await your answer.

Have you ever bothered to open your eyes and look for the prophesied worthless shepherd? The one who God raised up in the land after he was paid his majestic wage of thirty pieces of Silver, and abandoned his stubborn flock? The one who now claims that he is the shepherd of God's people?

They are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Ahhh...finally something on which are in complete agreement.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. YOU are as blind as they come...especially for those who, like you, choose blindness.

Whatever you do...please do not get frustrated and leave the forum. You do too much damage to religion to move on any time soon.

The Anointed
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2021 10:42 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Would you like a tissue to wipe off that muck that’s dribbling down your chin old mate?

The church, whose head, ‘The pope’, claims to be the shepherd of God’s people, who God raised up in the land after HE, who had filled his obedient servant, ‘the man Jesus’ with his spirit, had abandoned his stubborn flock, who had offered him the majestic wage of thirty pieces of silver, is the church that sits on the seven hills of Rome, and ‘SHE’ is renowned for having twisted and distorted the writings of the apostles to make them appear to be supporting her false and misleading beliefs, so too, are those devoted Catholics, who, like the so called holy bishops, would love to bend before their holy pope and kiss his holy ring, have twisted and distorted the words of the popes to make them appear to have not said, that which they actually did say.

Good News Catholic Study Edition; Revelation 18: 4-8.

Come out of her my people
Do not share in her sin
You must not share her punishment
Her judgement day has come.

Her sins are piled to heaven
And God recalls her wicked ways
She says ‘I am no widow’
And I’ll never see the grave.

Because of that in just one day
Disease will strike her down
Plagues and famine she’ll receive
Until finally she’ll be burned.

You must pay her back two-fold
For all that she has done
Fill her cup as she filled yours
But make it twice as strong.

For all the glory she has claimed
And all her luxury
Must be repaid this very day
With pain and misery.

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