I have a question about Catholism. Who would like to give me a favor?

The Anointed
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 05:06 am
@Frank Apisa,
Well thank you for confirming that I show the twisted, side of the Roman religion of Emperor Constantine more clearly than most, (Which includes you, who are ignorant to the scriptures, and do not have the weapons of truth to hurt her) because that is exactly what my mission is.

Do you believe her teaching that Jesus was an alien being who existed even before the cosmos was created, in fact he, who was one with his Father was supposed to be the co-creator of the cosmos.

Do you believe her teaching, that the son of God who was the Father God, came down to earth some two thousand years ago and entered the womb of some supposed ever virgin, where he created for himself a humanlike body which was not of the seed of the first human, and therefore not born under the penalty of sin, a humanlike body in which he an eternal being could walk the earth disguised as a human being.

Do you believe that he later took that humanlike body to the cross and had it killed and three days later raised that body from the grave before translating it, and then returned to his heavenly home to be with his father and his mother Mary, who is taught by the church to have been taken bodily into heaven also after she had died, where she who is the mother of God, the bride of God and the co-redeemer of mankind, is said to be the QUEEN of heaven.

Well come on mate, do you believe the scripture twisting theologians of the church? You certainly believed them who lied by saying that their popes never did say that they were God on earth.

You only have to say that you believe those theologians. Or that you see them as liars. Which is it?
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 05:15 am
@Frank Apisa,
The problem with this type of sectarian hatred is that it leads to people killing each other.

Annoited may well be a joke, but the vile hatred he spouts has consequences in the real world.

There is sectarianism in Australia, not to the same extent as Northern Ireland but it’s there.

Actually it’s the Orange Order, not the Catholic Church, who claim other worldly power for the Pope, they claim he’s the antiChrist, but they’re not very bright.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 05:53 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

Well thank you for confirming that I show the twisted, side of the Roman religion of Emperor Constantine more clearly than most, (Which includes you, who are ignorant to the scriptures, and do not have the weapons of truth to hurt her) because that is exactly what my mission is.

Your "mission" is exactly what I am forcing you to do...which is to make the "religion" part of your arguments look as hate-filled and ridiculous as possible. You are doing the mission to which I have assigned you...magnificently. Thank you.

Do you believe her teaching that Jesus was an alien being who existed even before the cosmos was created, in fact he, who was one with his Father was supposed to be the co-creator of the cosmos.

I do not do that "believing" nonsense. I accept that I do not know the answers to ultimate questions of REALITY and do not have enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base meaningful guesses...so I do not guess.
'And if I were to guess...I would have the spine to call my guesses, guesses. I would not try to disguise them by using "I 'believe'..." rather than "I guess..."

Do you believe her teaching, that the son of God who was the Father God, came down to earth some two thousand years ago and entered the womb of some supposed ever virgin, where he created for himself a humanlike body which was not of the seed of the first human, and therefore not born under the penalty of sin, a humanlike body in which he an eternal being could walk the earth disguised as a human being.

Same answer as above.

Do you believe that he later took that humanlike body to the cross and had it killed and three days later raised that body from the grave before translating it, and then returned to his heavenly home to be with his father and his mother Mary, who is taught by the church to have been taken bodily into heaven also after she had died, where she who is the mother of God, the bride of God and the co-redeemer of mankind, is said to be the QUEEN of heaven.

Same answer as above.

Well come on mate, do you believe the scripture twisting theologians of the church? You certainly believed them who lied by saying that their popes never did say that they were God on earth.

No, I do not do that "believing." I leave that to people like you...who want to make a virtue out of BLIND GUESSING.

I do laugh at you for doing so, though.

You only have to say that you believe those theologians. Or that you see them as liars. Which is it?

Neither. I simply acknowledge what you are unable to acknowledge. I DO NOT KNOW...AND PREFER NOT TO MAKE GUESSES.

Love ya, Buddy. You are still being a world of help.


0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 05:54 am
izzythepush wrote:

The problem with this type of sectarian hatred is that it leads to people killing each other.

Annoited may well be a joke, but the vile hatred he spouts has consequences in the real world.

There is sectarianism in Australia, not to the same extent as Northern Ireland but it’s there.

Actually it’s the Orange Order, not the Catholic Church, who claim other worldly power for the Pope, they claim he’s the antiChrist, but they’re not very bright.

On the bright side, Izzy, he is an easy mark.
The Anointed
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 06:09 am
Suck it up kido, the scientific evidence that God exists and has become this universe and all that exists, is here for all to see.

It has now been revealed that matter is no more than an illusion. Quantum physicists have revealed that so called physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature.

Excerpts from the link provided.


What we perceive as our physical material world, is not physical or material, in fact it is far away. This has been proven repeatedly by Nobel laureates physicists (among many other scientists around the world), one of them being Niels Bohr, Danish physicist who contributed significantly to understanding atomic structure and theory quantum.

If you observe the composition of an atom with a microscope you would see a small, invisible tornado-like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices called quarks and photons. These are what make up the structure of the atom. As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void. The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure! Atoms are made out of “INVISIBLE ENERGY”, not tangible matter.

Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like “A GREAT THOUGHT” than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. (R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005)

Sorry mate, but atheists are a dying breed, both body and mind, as you all believe.
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 06:20 am
@Frank Apisa,
A lot of hate merchants are, people thought Hitler was a joke too.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 06:27 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

Suck it up kido, the scientific evidence that God exists and has become this universe and all that exists, is here for all to see.

It has now been revealed that matter is no more than an illusion. Quantum physicists have revealed that so called physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature.

Excerpts from the link provided.


What we perceive as our physical material world, is not physical or material, in fact it is far away. This has been proven repeatedly by Nobel laureates physicists (among many other scientists around the world), one of them being Niels Bohr, Danish physicist who contributed significantly to understanding atomic structure and theory quantum.

If you observe the composition of an atom with a microscope you would see a small, invisible tornado-like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices called quarks and photons. These are what make up the structure of the atom. As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void. The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure! Atoms are made out of “INVISIBLE ENERGY”, not tangible matter.

Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like “A GREAT THOUGHT” than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. (R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005)

Sorry mate, but atheists are a dying breed, both body and mind, as you all believe.

Deghys World Press.

Their motto: Faith moves mountains.

I propose a test:

Deghys gets to use every "person of faith"...every minister, priest, rabbi, imam, and parishioner in the world...to pray and have faith that a particular mountain will move...

...and our side goes with one Girl Scout using a teaspoon on another mountain.

After one hour or one day or one week...we check and see how much the mountains have moved.

My bet...more of the mountain being handled by the Girl Scout with a teaspoon will have moved than the one all the praying and faith were working on.

Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 06:28 am
izzythepush wrote:

A lot of hate merchants are, people thought Hitler was a joke too.


But I think this guy is a joker, Izzy.

The Anointed
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 06:29 am
@Frank Apisa,
"The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth." (Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, "Cities Petrus Bertanous) "To believe that our Lord God the Pope has not the power to decree as he is decreed, is to be deemed heretical."

Pope Nicholas I, declared: “the appellation of God had been confirmed by Constantine on the Pope, who, being God, cannot be judged by man. (Labb IX Dist.: 96 Can 7 Satis Evidentur Decret Gratian Primer Para)

The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, He is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of the flesh.” Catholic National July 1895.
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 06:47 am
@Frank Apisa,
Yes, but he may inspire others.

I remember the Birmingham pub bombing very well.

We had to stop off there once and everyone had to be searched before we could go into the restaurant.

My mother wasn’t happy about handing over her handbag.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 07:02 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

"The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth." (Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, "Cities Petrus Bertanous) "To believe that our Lord God the Pope has not the power to decree as he is decreed, is to be deemed heretical."

Pope Nicholas I, declared: “the appellation of God had been confirmed by Constantine on the Pope, who, being God, cannot be judged by man. (Labb IX Dist.: 96 Can 7 Satis Evidentur Decret Gratian Primer Para)

The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, He is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of the flesh.” Catholic National July 1895.

The Catholic Church has NEVER, EVER taught that the Pope is Jesus Christ in the flesh. Ever!

Now...if you want to continue your fantasy, do so. I find it amusing. Which is why I love you so.

The Anointed
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 10:49 pm
@Frank Apisa,
If you loved me, you would believe me, and not those scripture twisting theologians of the Roman church of St Constantine, but then, you have already admitted on this forum, that you do not believe them, haven't you?

That's good enough for me old mate.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 02:32 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

If you loved me, you would believe me, and not those scripture twisting theologians of the Roman church of St Constantine, but then, you have already admitted on this forum, that you do not believe them, haven't you?

I do love you. That does not mean I would "believe" you. You are dead wrong, because the Catholic Church has never, ever taught that the Pope was Jesus Christ in the flesh.

You just do not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge that you were wrong.

Oh, well...that is a product of the fact that no matter how old you are, you are still acting at about a 2 year old level when it comes to 'fessing up.

That's good enough for me old mate.

Good. Whatever helps you make your way through that misery you've made of your life.

The BIG question here is: Why would someone so disgruntled with life. as you are...want for it to be eternal?
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 02:36 am
Catholicism is not Christianity.

It has turned away in nearly every way.

In the true Church, we are led by Christ and by God the Holy Father. In Catholicism, Pope means "papa" and is called the holy father.

In the Church, bread and wine WAS shared (I will say was because Coronavirus hysteria has declared wine unclean... hmmmmm suspicious that alcohol which is used for cleaning in higher concentrations is declared unclean, almost as if trying to undermine Christian communion teachings... along with trying to ban singing, passing the peace, and virtually every other Christian custom was attacked... meanwhile, it's okay to go in large crowds to supermarkets and liquor stores and get that very same wine? BULL-****!) but Catholics have found an excuse why despite Jesus's disciples sharing bread and wine, Jesus's followers after his death, and Jesus himself after his resurrection, they often don't share bread and wine, nor even have a proper belief when wine is shared (the wine is a symbol of the blood of Christ, but the Catholics believe in magical thinking mumbo jumbo about how the priest turns it into the bool of Christ).

Lastly, anyone can forgive sins on behalf of Christ, but Catholics have this whole penance ritual where someone goes to the priest, and he prescribes an antidote to sin like "say 12 Hail Mary's, and use the rosary five times, then dunk your head in the baptismal font." Uhhhh, yeah, not only is that like going to a doctor's office and having some medicine given out( I don't worship at the altar of medicine btw, I refuse most drugs), but the Bible assures us thar none of us can earn grace, it is freely given through the death of Jesus.

Catholics are NOT Christians, any more than Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are. Sadly, most churches are not able to follow their own traditions, having been supplanted bythe cult of Fauci. "Be sure not to get too close when passing the peace. And we can't let you use wine (even though separate cups or intinction is a perfectly viable option if you are at all worried about disease spreading) . And don't show the face that God gave you, but instead cover it with a mask like a Muslim woman (which is what you are, a Muslim dhimmi bitch). And singing is a superspreader, even though you can only cough a certain distance, singing (which contains no saliva) can get everyone sick because science. Mumbling while wearing a mask is okay though. Be sure to reject all your friends who don't agree with you, because this is the Christian way. They just aren't following the science (dogma) like you are."
The Anointed
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 02:41 am
@Frank Apisa,
You do know that you are blowing wind up your own fundamental orifice, don't you?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 02:44 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Catholicism is not Christianity.

It has turned away in nearly every way.

In the true Church, we are led by Christ and by God the Holy Father. In Catholicism, Pope means "papa" and is called the holy father.

In the Church, bread and wine WAS shared (I will say was because Coronavirus hysteria has declared wine unclean... hmmmmm suspicious that alcohol which is used for cleaning in higher concentrations is declared unclean, almost as if trying to undermine Christian communion teachings... along with trying to ban singing, passing the peace, and virtually every other Christian custom was attacked... meanwhile, it's okay to go in large crowds to supermarkets and liquor stores and get that very same wine? BULL-****!) but Catholics have found an excuse why despite Jesus's disciples sharing bread and wine, Jesus's followers after his death, and Jesus himself after his resurrection, they often don't share bread and wine, nor even have a proper belief when wine is shared (the wine is a symbol of the blood of Christ, but the Catholics believe in magical thinking mumbo jumbo about how the priest turns it into the bool of Christ).

Lastly, anyone can forgive sins on behalf of Christ, but Catholics have this whole penance ritual where someone goes to the priest, and he prescribes an antidote to sin like "say 12 Hail Mary's, and use the rosary five times, then dunk your head in the baptismal font." Uhhhh, yeah, not only is that like going to a doctor's office and having some medicine given out( I don't worship at the altar of medicine btw, I refuse most drugs), but the Bible assures us thar none of us can earn grace, it is freely given through the death of Jesus.

Catholics are NOT Christians, any more than Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are. Sadly, most churches are not able to follow their own traditions, having been supplanted bythe cult of Fauci. "Be sure not to get too close when passing the peace. And we can't let you use wine (even though separate cups or intinction is a perfectly viable option if you are at all worried about disease spreading) . And don't show the face that God gave you, but instead cover it with a mask like a Muslim woman (which is what you are, a Muslim dhimmi bitch). And singing is a superspreader, even though you can only cough a certain distance, singing (which contains no saliva) can get everyone sick because science. Mumbling while wearing a mask is okay though. Be sure to reject all your friends who don't agree with you, because this is the Christian way. They just aren't following the science (dogma) like you are."

Sorry to have to say this, but Christianity...as prescribed by people like you...IS NOT CHRISTIAN.

Most non-theists I know are closer to the underlying teachings of Jesus than most so-called Christians. American conservative Christians, in particular, ought to be ashamed of what they have done to those teachings...and in the name of those teachings.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 08:34 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote ….. Catholics are NOT Christians, any more than Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are. Sadly, most churches are not able to follow their own traditions.

The Anointed ..... Oh but they do follow their own traditions, what a pity that they don't follow the truths as revealed in their scriptures?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 10:13 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Catholicism is not Christianity.

This statement is typical of traditional Chinese views - in China, most of the people think Catholicism and Christianity are two different religions like you do.
Yet internationally, the mainstream idea is that they are one religion - Christianity - "Christianity is broadly split into three branches: Catholic, Protestant and (Eastern) Orthodox."
The Anointed
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2021 12:16 am
Christians are those who know God's only begotten son, and who obey HIM who is our Lord God and savior. The Son of Man, the Most High in the creation and Lord of spirits, who was anointed as the successor to the throne of the Lord of creatures, who was the Most High on the ladder of evolution before his son 'The Son of Man' is born from the sinful body of Eve, who has become the body of mankind.

Not only do they not know HIM: The builders of those churches have rejected, HE, who has turned out to be the most important stone of all, and have condemned his words as being heretical.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2021 03:14 am
oristarA wrote:

bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Catholicism is not Christianity.

This statement is typical of traditional Chinese views - in China, most of the people think Catholicism and Christianity are two different religions like you do.
Yet internationally, the mainstream idea is that they are one religion - Christianity - "Christianity is broadly split into three branches: Catholic, Protestant and (Eastern) Orthodox."

The comments made by Bulmabriefs and this annointed joke...are merely ways of spewing Catholic-hatred.

If it makes their miserable lives more worth living, fine.

Christianity essentially is the acceptance of the teachings of the supposed, Jesus of Nazareth.

As I have mentioned many times, since many of the teachings of Jesus involve being at peace with life and our fellow creatures...most non-theists are better Christians than people who proclaim themselves to be Christians.

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