Catholicism is not Christianity.
It has turned away in nearly every way.
In the true Church, we are led by Christ and by God the Holy Father. In Catholicism, Pope means "papa" and is called the holy father.
In the Church, bread and wine WAS shared (I will say was because Coronavirus hysteria has declared wine unclean... hmmmmm suspicious that alcohol which is used for cleaning in higher concentrations is declared unclean, almost as if trying to undermine Christian communion teachings... along with trying to ban singing, passing the peace, and virtually every other Christian custom was attacked... meanwhile, it's okay to go in large crowds to supermarkets and liquor stores and get that very same wine? BULL-****!) but Catholics have found an excuse why despite Jesus's disciples sharing bread and wine, Jesus's followers after his death, and Jesus himself after his resurrection, they often don't share bread and wine, nor even have a proper belief when wine is shared (the wine is a symbol of the blood of Christ, but the Catholics believe in magical thinking mumbo jumbo about how the priest turns it into the bool of Christ).
Lastly, anyone can forgive sins on behalf of Christ, but Catholics have this whole penance ritual where someone goes to the priest, and he prescribes an antidote to sin like "say 12 Hail Mary's, and use the rosary five times, then dunk your head in the baptismal font." Uhhhh, yeah, not only is that like going to a doctor's office and having some medicine given out( I don't worship at the altar of medicine btw, I refuse most drugs), but the Bible assures us thar none of us can earn grace, it is freely given through the death of Jesus.
Catholics are NOT Christians, any more than Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are. Sadly, most churches are not able to follow their own traditions, having been supplanted bythe cult of Fauci. "Be sure not to get too close when passing the peace. And we can't let you use wine (even though separate cups or intinction is a perfectly viable option if you are at all worried about disease spreading) . And don't show the face that God gave you, but instead cover it with a mask like a Muslim woman (which is what you are, a Muslim dhimmi bitch). And singing is a superspreader, even though you can only cough a certain distance, singing (which contains no saliva) can get everyone sick because science. Mumbling while wearing a mask is okay though. Be sure to reject all your friends who don't agree with you, because this is the Christian way. They just aren't following the science (dogma) like you are."