you guys are biting at each other for using printed word to explain why certain words are not acceptable.
Lets not make it uglier by miscommunication.
I can see these "revelations and predictions " about the future of the ship of state are coming out of many of our members primary orifices
We shall recognize Obama as one of our greatest presidents and either Trump will succeed , or not. ( I hope his success is possible because it is a populist victory and (mostly)because Im not interested in shooting myself in my own economic foot just for party loyalty and sepukhu at the Hillary shrine). Her meat is dead.
However, I do not see any major changes in the system. The voters and the rest of the public have been played by two poor
candidates and the results were based upon the brilliance of statewide candidate management..
After all, this election came down to the brilliant capture strategies of two states, Pa and Michigan, by key LOCAL individuals. All the rest was mere scorekeeping. The Pa college pundits called this outcome in August because Hillary was not (in everyones estimation) paying suitable attention to 70% of the voters in Pa, and Trump, under constant urging of his Pa /Ohio campaign managers, had Trump visit so many small towns in Pa where he ENERGIZED voters by turning Hillary into the consumate DC Insider who was merely the "anti-coal mining" extension of Obama. Trump did this backroad Pa whistle stop electioneering unlike anyone since Kennedy (who did the same damn thing). Our Politics is NOT rocket surgery, its pure dishwasher soap marketing. We all knew this,
I feel fortunate to be able to see Alec Baldwins brand new comedy career blossom, and I think the entertainers who stray too close to politics got their uppances arrived..
Its gonna be a very interesting 4 years that, save any external tragedies, will decide the following four. No big sea changes.Thats all that politics today is about. Anybody seeing a politician being selfless enough to actually stand for principle or other than personal aggrandizement , is already reading J K Rowling Books as history