Sat 2 Oct, 2004 12:56 am
#2 looks like Vermeer....
looks like Michelangelo : Pietá
Da Vinci : Benois Madonna
Caterina van Hemessen : Self Portrait
Thanks a lot everyone. With some help from a friend and of course you guys, I just need to find one more.
This one:
I'll keep looking on the net but if anyone knows who and what it might, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Once again, thanks for your help and I hope you can figure out this last one.
Welcome to a2k, awesome...
and welcome Ul. For those who don't know Ul, she is very smart about both the web and art.
I haven't had time to try looking for the links myself, this is a busy weekend - we have a gallery opening in an hour. But I've enjoyed seeing the question and answers.
Thanks for the welcome:)
I've still had no luck on that painting. Has anybody found anything? I just wanna get this over with but I can't find it. Any help is appreciated.
Hopefully someone here will know what it is.
When I first saw it I would have sworn it was a cropped Rembrandt painting, but I have done some searching and cannot verify this. Sorry but maybe it will give a direction to the search?
I dunno...Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places. I've tried everywhere. I'm getting so many different names, it's tough.