The great bible book club (a rant/discussion)

Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 08:23 pm
Not a single non-stamp collector was drawn into my stamp collecting thread... even though I directly challenged them for their non stamp collecting. I even have declared that non-stamp collecting is in fact a hobby. It seems that no non-stamp collector cared enough to respond.

For some reason non-stamp collectors don't act the way that Atheists act. It is almost as if non-stamp collectors really don't care about stamp collecting. Atheists need to oppose religion on these threads. Apparently non-stamp collectors don't share this need.

There is something about being an Atheist that goes much farther than being a non-stamp collector.

Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 08:43 pm
maxdancona wrote:

Not a single non-stamp collector was drawn into my stamp collecting thread... even though I directly challenged them for their non stamp collecting. I even have declared that non-stamp collecting is in fact a hobby. It seems that no non-stamp collector cared enough to respond.

For some reason non-stamp collectors don't act the way that Atheists act. It is almost as if non-stamp collectors really don't care about stamp collecting. Atheists need to oppose religion on these threads. Apparently non-stamp collectors don't share this need.

There is something about being an Atheist that goes much farther than being a non-stamp collector.

You cant have a rational discussion with those who are delusional. Its funny because you want to bad mouth atheists as if you haveva superior position of thought. How is that any different from a zealous atheist? You are behaving exactly the same as you are scolding athiests for. You cant see your own contradiction?
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 08:57 pm
The dictionary definition of atheist is simply a person who lacks the belief in the existence of any gods.

You can lack a belief in any deity without opposing religion. Once you start opposing religion (as most people who claim to be Atheists seem compelled to do) you are going beyond what an atheist is. There is nothing that prevents an atheist from having beliefs in the supernatural that constitute a religion.

I don't believe in any gods. That makes me an atheist. This compulsion to oppose religion is not part of atheism.
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:00 pm
maxdancona wrote:

The dictionary definition of atheist is simply a person who lacks the belief in the existence of any gods.

You can lack a belief in any deity without opposing religion. Once you start opposing religion (as most people who claim to be Atheists seem compelled to do) you are going beyond what an atheist is.

I don't believe in any gods. That makes me an atheist. This compulsion to oppose religion is not part of atheism.

You cant be both an atheist (lack belief in any god) and be anti relion?
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:01 pm
Of course you can.

I am objecting to the assertion that there is no Atheist religion. The non-stamp collecting example Atheists are so fond of works perfectly. If people start advocating for non-stamp collecting and organizing to oppose the collecting of stamps... it starts functioning as a hobby. Of course, I haven't seen non-stamp collectors start doing this the way that Atheists act with religious zeal.

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Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:05 pm
Im not anti-religion persae but I am highly critical of some relious thought and scripture. I think its fine to believe what ever you want but you cant force those beliefs onto others or expect others to live by the rules laid out in that religion. Some religious people think they have a claim on the world and how people should live. Its wrong to force this without legitimizing the belief to begin with.
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:10 pm
you cant force those beliefs onto others or expect others to live by the rules laid out in that religion.

Every society has a set of beliefs that are based on the supernatural (i.e. things that can't be proven by natural science). We need these beliefs to function as a society. And, our society forces everyone to live by them or pay the consequences (social or legal). The idea that the values of our society are superior to that of earlier function societies is our modern mythology.

Our society is no different in this regard than another society. Our supernatural beliefs include human rights and equality. People who violate either of these in our society are punished.
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:13 pm
maxdancona wrote:

you cant force those beliefs onto others or expect others to live by the rules laid out in that religion.

Every society has a set of beliefs that are based on the supernatural (i.e. things that can't be proven by natural science). We need these beliefs to function as a society. And, our society forces everyone to live by them or pay the consequences (social or legal). The idea that the values of our society are superior to that of earlier function societies is our modern mythology.

Our society is no different in this regard than another society. Our supernatural beliefs include human rights and equality. People who violate either of these in our society are punished.

No thats false.

Secular values are not based on supernatural beliefs. Which is why the extreme religious attack secular values of materialism.
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:16 pm

I don't think that a non-stamp collector would ever be drawn in to a stamp collecting thread.

People who obsess about atheists as do you and some others on here get boring and tiresome after a bit.

I love irony. This is not an atheist thread. If you didn't have an agenda, there would be no reason for you to be on an explicitly religious thread. And, you wouldn't feel any need to respond when I tell you that you are acting an awful lot like a stamp collector (or a person who in fact has religious beliefs to defend).

I happened to see this post and responded. You jumped like Pavlov's giraffe.

Candlelight8 wrote:

Atheists too, have their religion. That was stated that way intentionally.
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Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:18 pm
Of course secular values are based on supernatural beliefs. What else would they be based on? Science and nature have no moral values. Animals rape, kill their spouses, and commit genocide on each other. Volcanoes erupt, meteors crash and viruses evolve with no respect for living things. Somewhere we came up with the idea that human life is sacred and that humans have rights. I happen to agree with this... but this is a supernatural belief. There is nothing in Nature (outside of humans) that gives any importance to human existence. Our modern society has constructed a mythology for ourselves... just like earlier societies did.

Please explain to me what you think your secular beliefs are based on? The priests of many native American tribes sanctioned a system of child marriage. These societies functioned perfectly well before my European ancestors came to give them good Western values.

Tell me why our our modern rejection of child marriage is any more true than the "Shamans" embrace of the practice?
Real Music
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:40 pm
I find too often when discussing the bible, unlike most books, that an interesting proportion of people have a markedly strong opinion on it who a) have not read it, b) do not understand it, or c) have no interest in reading or understanding it.

Yes. I believe you are correct with your assessment. Somewhere around 1987 to around 1999, there were periods of time off and on when I actually took the time to read and understand the bible. Yes, I was brought up and raised as a Christian. Yes, I do believe in the bible, but I don't claim to know the bible inside out from cover to cover. My knowledge of the bible is very limited. During my off and on time of bible reading, I probably read around 3 to 4 of the books in the Old Testament and around 6 to 8 of books in the new testament. Anyone who knows how massive the bible is, will realized that I barely scratch the surface of the entire bible.

Why research the book when Google is full of quotes that support your agenda, right?

I have to admit. Lately I have been guilty of googling for quotes that may support an agenda. The flaw in quoting bible verses and quotes, is they often are taken out of context. Yes, I have also been guilty of this. I believe in order to get a true understanding of the bible you have to know the complete context from which any bible verse came from. The context doesn't mean just the sentence or paragraph that came before and after a particular verse. More like entire books that came before and after a particular verse. I'm sure most people are aware that the bible is made up of the Old Testament and the New Testament. I'm sure that most people are aware that both the Old and New Testament are made up of many books. Examples such as Book of Genesis, Exodus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, etc.
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Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:41 pm
maxdancona wrote:

Of course secular values are based on supernatural beliefs. What else would they be based on? Science and nature have no moral values.

Secular values are not based on science or the supernatural. They are based on materialism.

For example. Your life belongs to you, its yours. If someone attempts to deprive you of their life it is as uf they are stealing from you.

In religious beliefs, the concept is that your life is owned by god. If you do not follow gods orders then you forfeit your privilege to your life.

maxdancona wrote:
Please explain to me what you think secular beliefs are based on then? The priests of many native American tribes sanctioned a system of child marriage. These societies functioned perfectly well before my European ancestors came to give them good Western values.

Secular values are based on personal ownership. Where you have a say in what happens to your body, possession's and thoughts.

The age limit to marriage was debated and the idea that a forced marriage was wrong because you own your life and your romantic relationship choices. It was determined that children shouldnt be married off at young ages because they havent fully developed their ownership of their life or emotions.

maxdancona wrote:
Tell me why our our modern rejection of child marriage is any more true than their embrace of the practice?

First off this isnt a scientific based idea. Its based on how society views development on a mental and emotional level. Can there be exceptions? Sure but on a whole the idea is that under 16-18 you havent fully developed emotionally or mentally to make a proper choice for marriage.

Now is that a fact? No because their is a gray area. But for a father to force her daughter to marry is wrong because that father doesnt own his daughter. She owns her life. Her choices should be hers when she is emotionally and mentally ready. Until then it is our duty as parents ti protect our children from those who want to force their childrens choices.

Its not supernatural or scientific. Its based on materialism even though that word has been demonized by the religious as a derogatory way of thinking. Its honestly all we really have. Its the only real definitive basis that we can prove.
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Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:46 pm
maxdancona wrote:

Of course secular values are based on supernatural beliefs. What else would they be based on? Science and nature have no moral values. Animals rape, kill their spouses, and commit genocide on each other. Volcanoes erupt, meteors crash and viruses evolve with no respect for living things. Somewhere we came up with the idea that human life is sacred and that humans have rights. I happen to agree with this... but this is a supernatural belief. There is nothing in Nature (outside of humans) that gives any importance to human existence. Our modern society has constructed a mythology for ourselves... just like earlier societies did.

Please explain to me what you think your secular beliefs are based on? The priests of many native American tribes sanctioned a system of child marriage. These societies functioned perfectly well before my European ancestors came to give them good Western values.

Tell me why our our modern rejection of child marriage is any more true than the "Shamans" embrace of the practice?

There is a difference between a human and a volcanoe. As a human we dont need to act in a destructive way. A volcanoe is a neutral thing that isnt acting with intent to harm or help.

Volcanoes are neither bad or good and they are both. Humans have intent and motivation to harm or help when they dont need to. We dont need to kill each other, we can live without it.
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Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:47 pm
Of course secular values are based on supernatural beliefs. - md

People were a different animal at one time. They relied on instinct and learned a bit here and there and their evolution gradually brought conscious thought. By this time they already had social order. Trial and error, plus what instinct provided, made supernatural wholly unnecessary.
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2016 09:55 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Of course secular values are based on supernatural beliefs. - md

People were a different animal at one time. They relied on instinct and learned a bit here and there and their evolution gradually brought conscious thought. By this time they already had social order. Trial and error, plus what instinct provided, made supernatural wholly unnecessary.

We are also social animals and need community for mental health and to survive. There are thousands of people you rely on daily for your standard of life. Without all these people your life would be a thousand times harder.
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Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2016 01:10 am
Not collecting stamps is a hobby I could get behind, do you have any tips to get me started?
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2016 01:33 am
You could start by reading The Stamp Collecting Delusion or The Selfish Philatelist.
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Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2016 01:54 am
First of all, stay away from the post office. If you actually do receive any letters, throw away the envelopes immediately. You don\'t want to become a stamp collector by accident.
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Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2016 02:07 am
Anyone who could actually think things through would realise that stamp collecting was a lousy analogy. Unfortunately fanatics can\'t do that, they just parrot what their high priests have told them, and when their position is challenged they just repeat it ad nauseam.

Here\'s an idea, if you don\'t want to be seen as a religion stop being evangelical.

Looks like a duck etc.
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Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2016 03:34 am
Just weighing in here, I think it is fair to say that some Atheists have no interest in Religion at all. Others who do I have noted a number of positions taken, but is certainly not an exhaustive list, like religious denominations, there are many different stances, many personal to the beholder

Some have spent a portion of their life in religious communities and have taken a big decision to come away from it for their own reasons, some of whom may have lost friends or family for the choice they have made, certainly there can be a degree of separation and even persecution for someone who has gone from Theist to Atheist. For some, this can leave a lasting bad taste in the mouth, and leave residual feelings of anger or irritation.
So perhaps it is the effect religion has had as a part of someone\\\'s life that keeps the subject alive as a topic of interest. My older Brother is not a theist, but he likes to discuss theology, he is well versed and we have some great and animated conversations on it, but I would never accuse him of being anti-religious. My father on the other hand drifts into the latter from time to time, so I don\\\'t engage him, we talk football, and the woes of his precious Wolverhampton Wanderers.

Some think Religion is stupid. As this is the interwebs, it is important to these to point out it\\\'s stupidity, perhaps to mock and laugh at those who believe in invisible bearded men in the sky. These often use their intellect to validate their position over \\\"the other side\\\". These live in blissful ignorance but are harmless.

Others think Religion is dangerous, and actively take time to discredit and educate it\\\'s followers, pushing propaganda and warning others of the dangers and credulous nature of religions and holybooks. This is when Atheism becomes religious; when the Atheist is driven by an inner need.

In conclusion, some Atheists are religious about their beliefs, but I do not see this as a majority, rather a small group.

p.s is anyone else having problems with backslashes being imput against apostraphes and speech marks?

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