maxdancona wrote:
Of course secular values are based on supernatural beliefs. What else would they be based on? Science and nature have no moral values.
Secular values are not based on science or the supernatural. They are based on materialism.
For example. Your life belongs to you, its yours. If someone attempts to deprive you of their life it is as uf they are stealing from you.
In religious beliefs, the concept is that your life is owned by god. If you do not follow gods orders then you forfeit your privilege to your life.
maxdancona wrote:Please explain to me what you think secular beliefs are based on then? The priests of many native American tribes sanctioned a system of child marriage. These societies functioned perfectly well before my European ancestors came to give them good Western values.
Secular values are based on personal ownership. Where you have a say in what happens to your body, possession's and thoughts.
The age limit to marriage was debated and the idea that a forced marriage was wrong because you own your life and your romantic relationship choices. It was determined that children shouldnt be married off at young ages because they havent fully developed their ownership of their life or emotions.
maxdancona wrote:Tell me why our our modern rejection of child marriage is any more true than their embrace of the practice?
First off this isnt a scientific based idea. Its based on how society views development on a mental and emotional level. Can there be exceptions? Sure but on a whole the idea is that under 16-18 you havent fully developed emotionally or mentally to make a proper choice for marriage.
Now is that a fact? No because their is a gray area. But for a father to force her daughter to marry is wrong because that father doesnt own his daughter. She owns her life. Her choices should be hers when she is emotionally and mentally ready. Until then it is our duty as parents ti protect our children from those who want to force their childrens choices.
Its not supernatural or scientific. Its based on materialism even though that word has been demonized by the religious as a derogatory way of thinking. Its honestly all we really have. Its the only real definitive basis that we can prove.