How can Trump reach today's situation?

Fri 11 May, 2018 04:24 pm
Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference

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Fri 25 May, 2018 02:29 pm
The Deep State controls this country. They are not elected so they don't represent the will of people. Yet they stay long enough to control the powerful department such like FBI, CIA, NSA..... and election system.

Trump is a candidate of the Deep State. His success in president election is a good sample of how Deep State works. He is an unqualified candidate for president. But the The rules don’t apply to him. ("Trump blew through one political stop sign after another as he sped recklessly past the competition; again and again, he burned rubber away from the feckless, doughnut-munching cops of the media, the swamp and academia. The rule about not calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” in your announcement speech? The rule about not attacking a war hero or a Gold Star family? The rule about releasing your tax returns, and the one about never, ever boasting of sexual assault while wearing a live microphone?")

Trump's story exposes the US is controlled by Deep State.
0 Replies
Thu 7 Jun, 2018 04:09 pm
Before 2016, the presidents of the US were still the politicians from two parties. There is a secret coup in 2016 when the Deep State push out a candidate of thier own - Donald Trump. So Boehner realized there is no Republican Party anymore. The Trump Party he referred is a Mob team that rules the US. That Mob team is the FBI.

John Boehner Hits GOP: 'There Is No Republican Party. There's A Trump Party.'

Ed Mazza,HuffPost• June 1, 2018

Former House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said the Republican Party is “taking a nap somewhere” after it was taken over by President Donald Trump.

“There is no Republican Party,” he said at the Mackinac Policy

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Thu 21 Jun, 2018 03:59 pm
Unelected group of bureaucratic operatives control levers of power
Jamie White | Infowars.com - MARCH 20, 2018

A large majority of Americans across the political spectrum believe that Washington D.C. is controlled by a Deep State of unelected government bureaucrats, according to a new poll.
A Monmouth University Poll found 60% of those surveyed feel that unelected or appointed government officials wield too much power in determining federal policy.

The term “Deep State” itself isn’t familiar to most people (63%).

“However, when the term is described as a group of unelected government and military officials who secretly manipulate or direct national policy, nearly 3-in-4 (74%) say they believe this type of apparatus exists in Washington,” the report said.

cicerone imposter
Thu 21 Jun, 2018 04:45 pm
Isn't that how it always existed?
Tue 26 Jun, 2018 07:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Super belated congratulations ci:
Supreme Court finally rejects infamous Korematsu decision on Japanese-American internment

Chief Justice John Roberts and his conservative majority upheld President Donald Trump's travel ban Tuesday, but in the process -- thanks to a heated argument with Justice Sonia Sotomayor -- finally overturned the infamous 1944 Supreme Court decision blessing internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

In her dissent to the majority's ruling on the travel ban, Sotomayor compared the decision to the Korematsu v. US case, saying there are "stark parallels" in the reasoning.
Too bad it is sullied at the loss to the freedom of religion and Muslims! Maybe 70+ years from now this atrocity too will be amended, sooner I hope!
cicerone imposter
Tue 26 Jun, 2018 09:45 pm
I was listening to the tv when I learned about that atrocity coming out of the supreme court. It seems they don't even understand the US Constitution, and they're supposed to be the protectors of it. Sad day. Forget about equal justice under our laws. This is now a different country today than it was yesterday. They are all bigots running our country. I feel sorry for the future of this country, and especially for our children.
0 Replies
Thu 5 Jul, 2018 05:13 pm
Deep State was going on to steal this country for a long time. Here is how they change the Supreme Court to their's. I wrote it 13 years ago.

344. Roberts, a secret agent of D.O.J. (9/18/05)

Roberts ducked important questions Demo asked him in hearing. So at the end he is mostly a man of unknown to the people. This is a typical figure of D.O.J.: hide everything with a cover. Does everything in covert.

Is he a speculator? After he refuses to show his stand, he can later turn out to be red, or if necessary, to be blue. Or just a flip-flop. This is a typical figure of secret agent. They really have no interest in any side. They only favor what their master favors. So they have no opinion of their own.

He will be selected as the judge of Supreme Court. Because that's the choice of Inside Group. Bush is only a puppet to deliver the words. Demo Senators only played a little bit what opposition Party should do. They knew Roberts will take over the seat. All this is a drama.

But when you select a general, how can you know nothing of his opinion about war? (his excuse is he only can answer in specific battle) How can you select a CEO for the company who refuse to express his idea about economy?

When US politics develops to this point that an mostly unknown person can take such an important job, is this drama too ridiculous? Bush administration even sealed Roberts record from public.

Roberts is more likely a secret agent who will work for the Feds, (D.O.J.)

D.O.J. hurriedly sent Roberts to the seat of Chief Justice is for the framed case of September 24, I think. My case is the most important one for D.O.J. since I reveal the true face (crime) of them. To frame a case, they even sacrifice both directors of FBI and DEA in a secret deal in 2001.

On 5/10/2002, I wrote "65. Birthday Party on May 3 (5/10)", revealed there was an attempt framed case on me and my family on 5/3. Several days later, my tenant and a neighborhood suddenly left.(both were from China. see #85, 86) It was until three months later when newspaper reported Ashcroft had been rebuked by judge in May for cheating the court, I then knew I was under the surveillance by FISA warrant. When judge found they were cheated by Ashcroft and FBI, they cancelled the warrant. Two Chinese secret police, my tenant and a neighborhood, had to leave.

The surveillance recovered in November 2002 when D.O.J. claimed Patriot Act gave them such power. But how could they frame an innocent man without evidence? They still need evidence to carry out an arrest.

Since then, D.O.J. tried their best to "break" the wall of "share information from foreign intelligence" with "domestic criminal law enforcement". The recent "Pentagon's information about Atta" is such an effort.

This issue must have been passed into Supreme Court. I think, Chief Justice William Rehnquist had defended the fourth Amendment of the Constitution. Thus he became the obstacle of D.O.J.. He had a cancer.

If Rehnquist's health condition was very bad, he would have resigned earlier. But he hadn't. That means he himself felt he was still OK for the job. His death was sudden. I think it was a controlled murder. I have said, "2. Control the death on will. They can make target getting sick by slow poison, once the death is necessary for Feds, what they have to do is just increase the dose, the target died to intelligence' demand without causing a suspicion." (186. Slow poison (12/6/03))

When I found there was another big framed case set up on 9/24, I revealed it on 9/2. (see "339. The September plot (9/2/05)") Next day, Chief Rehnquist died. Roberts is hurried to be nominated and said his confirmation is almost certain and will be in post in October. Because the framed case will break off on 9/24. D.O.J. needs a man of their own to guarantee the case can be set up by "sharing foreign intelligence information with domestic criminal law enforcement"

William Rehnquist's death and Roberts' nomination may signal the death of 4th Amendment that American people will lose the protection from "unreasonable search and arrest". US Justice will be ruled by an evil group.

(The 4th Amendment has been made to protect people from the "plant" of corruptive law enforcement force. That the warrant must based on evidence not the "plant". The "sharing information" low the standard to "suspicion" (foreign intelligence source) and made search and arrest possible based on "plant". see "335. 4th Amendment (8/17/05)")

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Fri 20 Jul, 2018 03:40 pm
Trump Told Russia To Get Clinton's Emails. The Same Day, They Obeyed.

Amanda Terkel,HuffPost• July 13, 2018

In the morning of July 27, 2016, Donald Trump encouraged Russian hackers to find emails that had been deleted from Hillary Clinton’s private server that she used while serving as secretary of state.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said at a press conference in Florida. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Russia appeared to be listening and heeded Trump’s call, according to a bombshell revelation on Friday. A grand jury convened by special counsel Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officials for their involvement in hacking the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election.

The indictment states that on July 27 ? the same day as Trump’s press conference ? Russian hackers, “for the first time,” attempted to break into email accounts, including those used by Clinton’s personal office. Notably, the indictment specifies that the hack happened in the evening, meaning the Russian officials could have done it after Trump’s press conference.

Around the same time, they also tried hacking the Clinton campaign ? although the hacking of the campaign began earlier, before Trump’s call.


That's as efficient as a military action. The collaboration was between two hostile nations. Obviously it was planned in advance. It was odd that no others but Russia had been chosen as the hacker.
0 Replies
Fri 20 Jul, 2018 03:44 pm
So Katsung, does the Internet Research Center pay well? Do you get to work in St. Petersburg? Does Putin ever come by to give you guys a motivational speech?
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 04:14 pm
So Katsung, does the Internet Research Center pay well? Do you get to work in St. Petersburg? Does Putin ever come by to give you guys a motivational speech?

No, but it's obvious they have their informants walking in internet webs to monitor and harassing people. Both Russians and Americans.

Inside Putin's feared GRU spy network that casts a shadowy web of covert operations across the globe and whose agents are blamed by Mueller for trying to influence the 2016 US election

Special Counsel handed down indictments against 12 members of the GRU

Full name is Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces

An afterthought in USSR , it is now country's largest foreign intelligence agency


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cicerone imposter
Fri 3 Aug, 2018 07:38 pm
Supreme Court finally rejects infamous Korematsu decision on Japanese-American internment

Regardless, the US government apologized and gave us $20,000 reparations to all surviving Japanese Americans. Unfortunately for some, they lost much more in farms, homes and other property. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Liberties_Act_of_1988
0 Replies
Fri 17 Aug, 2018 03:04 pm
They call Hillary Clinton criminal in 2016 election, the real criminals are Trump and the Feds (FBI and D.O.J.)

The Feds had a coup in 2016 president election. To escort their candidate Trump to the POTUS, they colluded with Russians to hack the emails of Clinton and accused her of "treason" for using private server. That's a strange logic. The whole case was like a mob group (Trump and his group, the Feds) bribed a thief(Russia) to steal money (emails) from victim (Clinton) who put her money in her purse (private server) instead of a safe. Then say Clinton was a criminal because purse was not a safe place for money.

Clinton might make a mistake to put emails in her private server for convenience but that's out of careless, nothing relate to "treason". On the contrary, Trump openly call on Russia for a "hacking" against his campaign rival. Asking help from a hostile country against an US politician, if it's no "treason" then what is it?

Absurd thing is the criminal has stole the seat of presidency, now accuse victim "treason". What happens to the US? What I could say is, US is hijaked by a mob group - the Deep State which rules the nation in rogue's way.
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Fri 31 Aug, 2018 03:18 pm
G.R.U. is a military spy organization. It doesn't work for individual deal. Because Trump has spy back ground, so Russian took over the deal. But could Russian really manipulate US voters? I don't think so. What the Feds needed was an excuse to justify Trump's victory. Russia was just a scapegoat.

To send an unqualified man to the seat of President, they need a rigged election. In US, they pick up president by rigged election because they control the spy system.(FBI) And justify the result by poll because they control the media. (controlled by the Feds too) This time is particular one so they bought Russia to meddle the water.
cicerone imposter
Fri 31 Aug, 2018 05:03 pm
We don't know how much influence social media has on our elections. Bad stories against Hillary surely had some impact; we just don't know how much.
Fri 14 Sep, 2018 03:50 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Donald Trump is a candidate of the Feds. The Feds have a strong troop of informants. They control almost the whole social media.

I say so because in this campaign there is a lot of comedy show done by S.S.G..

Those rallies, either for trump or against him, have the purpose to raise his popularity.

What is S.S.G.?

" The FBI Special Support Group , or SSG (They're nicknamed G's), supposedly does much of the routine work for the Bureau, leaving the FBI agents themselves free to pursue more important matters. ...

They usually work part-time, and earn about $5,000.00 - $10,000.00 per year or more. The FBI doesn't advertise the existence of the SSG, but it's no big secret either. The reality of the Special Support Group is much different than the "released" information. SSG teams regularly harass and even menace people on the FBI's Black List. ...

The FBI calls this harassment "dangling," and they do it on a regular basis to people who frequently have committed no offense other than to have drawn the ire of the Bureau. Many SSG's are of the lowest caliber of human life, especially those chosen for excessive harassment of innocent citizens. Far too often SSG teams consist of bullies, perverts, racists and ex-convicts and other dregs whose sole purpose is to drive people crazy and ruin their lives. If one of their victims snaps and tears one of them up, the bloodied G will press charges, perjure himself if confronted with his FBI affiliation, and the victim is locked up. Mission accomplished. That's one reason why the FBI is not very open about the SSG. This is just one of the many questionable and outright illegal activities that the FBI uses our tax dollars for. The very people sworn to uphold our Civil Rights are perhaps the most flagrant violators. If you attend a protest rally, or otherwise call attention to yourself, don't be surprised if you start seeing the same bizarre group of people showing up everywhere you go, bothering you and behaving like psychotic clowns."


Of course, Donald Trump himself is a S.S.G. - a high ranking one.

cicerone imposter
Fri 14 Sep, 2018 06:11 pm
I think Trump is a high ranking KKK member.
0 Replies
Thu 27 Sep, 2018 05:58 pm
960. Silk Road Forum (5/13/2017)

Trump fired FBI Director Comey. There is a big argument. I think it's part of the Feds' plan - "Drain the swamp". To have a FBI Chief of their own. The last FBI director who left the post without fulfill the full ten years term is Louis Freeh. Both left on my case, I think.

Louis Freeh's case: I (Kat Sung) am the target of the Feds. They plotted to eliminate me in a framed drug case with Chinese secret police. The Feds signed a secret deal with Chinese police.

1. To justify the payment to Chinese secret police, Pentagon created an air incident(US spy plane collided with a Chinese fighter in South China Sea and landed in HaiNang Island.)

4/11/2001, spy plane crew were released by China. A step to justify the payment as ransom for the crew.

2. 6/11/2001 Tim McVeigh (Oklahoma bomber) was executed. It was a planed breaking out date of the framed drug case. The planed case failed. (see story) The Feds used to distract public attention from a small case by a big event.

** Louis Freeh, FBI Chief resigned in June, two years short of his term. He took the responsibility of that secret deal which made China an economic power.

3. 9/11/2001. 911 attack in New York which justify the Afghan war and Irag war. A pay back from the Feds to Pentagon for spy plane case.

7/13/2001 China granted to host 2008 Olympic Game.
9/17/2001 China got the membership of WTO. These are the payments to China. Since then China has a big leap on its economy and now is the economy number 2 of the world.

I conclude this from Skolnick's article and my experience. The persecution from the Feds never stops. Now there is a new one.

4/7/2017 Trump met with Chinese president Xi in Mara-lago in the name of discussing the North Korea issue. I think it's for another secret deal. N. Korea case is a very formal national event. It should be talked in Washington D.C.. But scandalous things are afraid to be exposed to the sunlight. They even don't trust people worked in White house. see "955. New deal on 4/7? (4/4/2017)"

5/9/2017 Trump fired FBI Chief Comey. I think a new framed case has been arranged by the Feds and Chinese secret police. They need some one of their own to carry out the illegal operation.

5/15/2017 One Belt and One Road Forum holds in Beijing. I think the payment of secret deal to China
will be signed in the form of contract or treaty, possibly with some ally's infrastructure contract such like high speed rail contract (Indonesia) or treaty with N.Korea.

China has managed to rope in the US at the last minute for its Silk Road summit besides South Korea, the EU and Japan, leaving India to be the only major country yet to confirm its participation in the high-profile event.

The Trump administration announced that Matt Pottinger, Special Assistant to the President and senior director for East Asia of National Security Council of the White House, will lead the US delegation to the attend the One Belt and One Road Forum.

"The United States recognises the importance of China's One Belt and One Road initiative and is to send delegates to attend the Belt and Road Forum May 14-15 in Beijing," a joint statement by China's finance and commerce ministries said.


Later May. My brother was arranged a trip to Shanghai in March and will come back in late May. The Feds used to plot a case when victims are in trip. see last message #559.

see story at:

0 Replies
Thu 11 Oct, 2018 03:05 pm

961. The real reason why Comey was fired (5/16/2017)

In last message, I said "The last FBI director who left the post without fulfilling the full ten years term is Louis Freeh. Both left on my case, I think." But Freeh resigned to take the responsibility to sign a secret deal with China whom collaborated to frame a drug case. Comey was fired for his persistence on law. That's quite different.



.... Before the past months' controversies, Comey was perhaps best known for a remarkable 2004 standoff with top officials in the George W. Bush administration over a federal domestic surveillance program.

As the deputy attorney general, Comey rushed to the hospital bed of Attorney General John Ashcroft to physically stop White House officials in their bid to get his ailing boss to reauthorize a secret no-warrant wiretapping program.

Comey described the incident in 2007 testimony to Congress, explaining that he believed the spy program put in place after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks was legally questionable.

When he learned that Andrew Card, the president's chief of staff, and Alberto Gonzales, the White House counsel, were heading to Ashcroft's hospital room despite Ashcroft's wife's instructions that there be no visitors, Comey told Congress, Comey beat them there and watched as Ashcroft turned them away.

"That night was probably the most difficult night of my professional life," Comey said.


It happened in 2004 - the year when the Feds tried to eliminate me by "unreasonable search and arrest by police". Here is a quote of my message #238.

"238. Manipulate Supreme Court (7/4/2004)

Several times I talked about my allegations that Feds tried to force me out alone. On the purpose to eliminate me by unreasonable police search, arrest or police violence.

Re: "My immediate thought was that it proved my allegation they would use local policeman for a violent murder or arrest." (229. Unreasonable search and arrest (5/19))

"Forcing me out alone, or in a stranger's car, to encounter a police search, then a police violence or arrest. (230. Unreasonable search and arrest (2) (5/24))"

What the Feds want is to have a "no-warrant wiretapping programe". It means a power of search and arrest without warrant. How civilians are threatened by this? Here is what I wrote,

369. D.O.J. wants unlimited power (1/2/06)

Though Bush tries to put the argument in the name of "we are in the war, saving American's lives", his real purpose is to legalize unreasonable search. The real commander behind him is the Department of Justice.

1) US citizens are protected by the Constitution. If government wants to put you under surveillance, they must apply for a warrant from the court with evidence.

2) FISA(Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) is in low standard. Government can apply a warrant based on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to prevent it to be used in domestic criminal case. Because there is big difference between suspicion and evidence. And we have seen how D.O.J. hates this wall and activated waves of attack on it. ....

370. The corrupt D.O.J. attacks (1/2/06)

The purpose of 4th Amendment is to protect people from evil activities (set up, plant) of corrupt law enforcement agent.

If corrupt official plant fake evidence at your home. (gun, drugs) And asked for a search warrant. Judge would asked him for evidence. The corrupt official couldn't say:" Because I suspect it." That's how domestic criminal law requires. It depends on Evidence not suspicion.
The official also couldn't say, "I knew it because I had a search already." That's unreasonable search. (warrantless search) It's illegal.

FISA standard is low. Law enforcement official can request a warrant on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to forbid it be used in domestic criminal law. Otherwise 4th amendment will mean nothing.

Corrupt officials plant fake evidence at your home. Then apply a warrant from FISA. Say they suspect you are a terrorist. They get a warrant then found the "evidence"(gun, drug) at your home. That's how the 4th Amendment bypassed. A foreign intelligence method is used in domestic criminal law. Though D.O.J. said Patriot Act gave them such privilege, there is at least a FISA court watch their behavior.

Now you see how important Comey had done in 2004, he protected the Fourth amendment of the Constitution.

But a man adheres to law
is an obstacle to corruptive officials. That's why Comey was fired by Trump - Who stole the president power with the help of the Feds.

Comey was fired on May 9. I allege it is for a framed drug case. My brother and his wife has been arranged a trip to Shanghai in March and will return in late May. It's an unusual long time trip. So I worry the Feds has planted in my brother's house too. The Feds (FBI and DEA) need a Chief of their own to handle a framed case. Chinese secret police plays a big role in this case. They'll make a search and arrest when my brother passed the custom in late May.
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Thu 25 Oct, 2018 04:08 pm
Why should Russia help an individual for president? Because Trump is supported by the Feds.(FBI) That's a secret deal between Two spy systems. The Feds bribed Russia to do the hacking. It didn't work. The poll in 2016 election showed Clinton should have won the election. She lost it because there was a rigged election. They made hacking a big issue to cover up a rigged election.
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