How can Trump reach today's situation?

Sun 12 Nov, 2017 01:12 pm
@cicerone imposter,
ci, That's the story of his life; and, in connection with his visit to Russia, it was a golden shower.......
0 Replies
Sat 18 Nov, 2017 07:44 pm
That's the way how the Feds(FBI) rule this country. Many other politicians committed similar sex crimes. Moore unfortunately is pick up as the scapegoat to intimidate others, be obedient or otherwise be Moore likewise. The purpose is for the coming new law. Either Healthcare bill or tax reform bill or others. Trump is the candidate of the Feds. So he exempted from such accusations.

GOP Senators Believe Roy Moore's Accusers But Not Donald Trump's

Jennifer Bendery,HuffPost• November 14, 2017

Moore’s scandal has put his party in an incredibly uncomfortable predicament: the more Republicans say the allegations by five women against Moore are proof that he doesn’t belong in the Senate, the more hypocritical they look for ignoring the 16 women who have accused Trump of sexual assault and helping him become president.

The White House position on the president’s accusers is that they are all liars. Trump denied all of the allegations again last month, calling them “fake news” and “made-up stuff.”

So why do Republicans believe Moore’s accusers but not Trump’s? HuffPost spent Tuesday asking GOP senators why the situations are different. Few could offer a convincing argument, instead opting to shrug their shoulders, pivot or abruptly walk away.

0 Replies
Sat 2 Dec, 2017 06:58 pm
Russian said US spies slept while Russians were electing Trump as president. That's a sarcasm. It's a deliberate negligence.

The FBI failed to notify officials they were being targeted by Russian hackers allied with the Kremlin

Associated Press Nov. 26, 2017, 12:05

Russian hackers tried to breach the personal Gmail accounts of scores of US officials.

The hackers were aligned with Fancy Bear, a Russian cyberespionage group allied with the Kremlin.

Fancy Bear was responsible for waging a hacking campaign in 2015 and 2016 targeted towards the Democratic Party and aimed at disrupting the 2016 election.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI failed to notify scores of U.S. officials that Russian hackers were trying to break into their personal Gmail accounts despite having evidence for at least a year that the targets were in the Kremlin's crosshairs, The Associated Press has found.

0 Replies
Fri 15 Dec, 2017 04:12 pm
Matthew Cole, Jeremy Scahill
December 4 2017,

THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION is considering a set of proposals developed by Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a retired CIA officer — with assistance from Oliver North, a key figure in the Iran-Contra scandal — to provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network that would circumvent official U.S. intelligence agencies, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials and others familiar with the proposals. The sources say the plans have been pitched to the White House as a means of countering “deep state” enemies in the intelligence community seeking to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency.

“Pompeo can’t trust the CIA bureaucracy, so we need to create this thing that reports just directly to him,” said a former senior U.S. intelligence official with firsthand knowledge of the proposals, in describing White House discussions. “It is a direct-action arm, totally off the books,” this person said, meaning the intelligence collected would not be shared with the rest of the CIA or the larger intelligence community. “The whole point is this is supposed to report to the president and Pompeo directly.”

The proposals would utilize an army of spies with no official cover in several countries deemed “denied areas” for current American intelligence personnel, including North Korea and Iran. The White House has also considered creating a new global rendition unit meant to capture terrorist suspects around the world, as well as a propaganda campaign in the Middle East and Europe to combat Islamic extremism and Iran.

“I can find no evidence that this ever came to the attention of anyone at the NSC or [White House] at all,” wrote Michael N. Anton, a spokesperson for the National Security Council, in an email. “The White House does not and would not support such a proposal.” But a current U.S. intelligence official appeared to contradict that assertion, stating that the various proposals were first pitched at the White House before being delivered to the CIA. The Intercept reached out to several senior officials that sources said had been briefed on the plans by Prince, including Vice President Mike Pence. His spokesperson wrote there was “no record of [Prince] ever having met with or briefed the VP.” North did not respond to a request for comment.

According to two former senior intelligence officials, Pompeo has embraced the plan and lobbied the White House to approve the contract. Asked for comment, a CIA spokesperson said, “You have been provided wildly inaccurate information by people peddling an agenda.”

Fri 15 Dec, 2017 07:28 pm
This is so wrong in so many ways and right in 0 ways, probably even equal in many ways also. This would pit them against the CIA who have a license to kill, they wouldn't and could be prosecuted. I would even believe it is quasi evidence of war against the USA; and therefore, treasonous of everyone to the very top. In fact, these acts as they exist right now are sedition.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Dec, 2017 05:26 pm
Trump boasts 'I'm unbeatable' in New York speech after being showered with 'lock him up' taunts


0 Replies
Thu 11 Jan, 2018 06:20 pm
GOP senators have to obey the order of the Feds(FBI).

GOP senators Corker and Flake both announced retirement obviously their leaving is because they were against Trump's policy. Then Trump showed off his victory in 'love fest' lunch. Because his master is the Feds. And the politicians have to obey their master.

Trump lashes out against Corker and Flake, touts GOP 'love fest' lunch

Gabby Kaufma Yahoo News October 25, 2017

President Trump mocked Sens. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., Wednesday morning for acting “so hurt & wounded,” after both delivered striking criticism of Trump a day earlier.

Both GOP lawmakers, who are not running for reelection next year, repeatedly criticized Trump across cable news shows Tuesday and Wednesday morning. In response, Trump claimed that the senators opted to retire because both had “zero chance” of returning to the Senate for another term.



Wednesday, October 25

ANOTHER SENATOR ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT AND ATTACKS TRUMP In a stunning turn, Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake announced he will not be seeking re-election in 2018, saying there "may not be a place" for him in President Donald Trump's GOP. Here's what this means for Senate Republicans and the GOP as a whole. Take a minute to read his entire remarkable speech condemning Trumpism from the floor. The whole speech and the White House response summed up 2017 in a nutshell. And the Arizona Senate race is now about to be bonkers.
0 Replies
Wed 24 Jan, 2018 03:26 pm
Trump tax plan hits bump in Senate as Rand Paul weighs 'no' vote
David Morgan OCTOBER 17, 2017


In early November, Rand Paul was assaulted by his neighbor. That's a Mafia style intimidation.

quote, "
Rand Paul has 6 broken ribs following alleged assault
Sophie Tatum
By Sophie Tatum, T November 8, 2017"

It works, Rand Paul bows down.

In early November, Rand Paul was assaulted by his neighbor and got six ribs broken. That was a Mafia style extortion.

11/27/2017 1:42 PM ET
Senator Rand Paul, R-Ken., revealed Monday he intends to vote for the Republican tax reform bill and urged his colleagues to do the same.


cicerone imposter
Wed 24 Jan, 2018 03:35 pm
40% approval/55% disapproval job rating at one-year mark, making Trump the most unpopular president since Harry S. Truman in 1945

That's over seven decades. The longer he stays in office and makes speeches, he will lower his rating further with no foreseeable bottom.
Thu 25 Jan, 2018 12:19 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Trump is the only pres to have a negative rating, which is -15%.
0 Replies
Tue 6 Feb, 2018 06:17 pm
I posted a message:
"Las Vegas Eyewitness, Who Exposed Multiple Shooters, Found Dead".

I got a reply like this. It tells the true face of US. Trump is a representative of that Deep State.

Sheila L.

I am not shocked that she died, Kimberly was too vocal. There is a deep dark state operating on their own. They have been for a very long time and I believe JFK, RFK were victims as well. This deep dark state is independent from POTUS, they operate as they please. It is scary. Not a word on Mandalay Bay Killing Spree, not a word on the mysterious girlfriend who flew back from Philippines. NOTHING - LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED. NO MORE INVESTIGATION AND MSM NEVER DOES A FOLLOW-UP.

0 Replies
Tue 20 Feb, 2018 04:49 pm
Bannon Calls Donald Trump Jr.'s Meeting with Russian Lawyer 'Treasonous' and 'Unpatriotic'
Yahoo View•January 2, 2018


I think it was another distraction. If I fell in their "illegal gift" trap, then there could be a movement of "impeach Donald Trump" that would have drawn the attention from the framed case. For some reason, they cancelled that movement quickly. It ended with Steve Bannon as a scapegoat.

Steve Bannon: Donald Trump Jr was not 'treasonous' – I meant Paul Manafort
Former White House strategist issues statement
Trump allies insist ‘political genius’ president is mentally fit for office 1/7/2018


Is it treasonous that Trump Jr. met with the Russian lawyer in Trump Tower? I agree with Bannon "treasonous" conclusion. Hillary Clinton is a victim in e-mail hacking event. Her money (e-mail) was stolen by a thief(hackers). Trump's team tried to get the material from the thief to hurt Hillary Clinton. Seeking Russian's help to deal with American, that's treason. But Trump is the candidate of the Feds(FBI). What they want is not justice and law but a dictate power. Under their terror reign, even their extreme right ally has to bow down. Steve Bannon now should realize what kind of person is Trump that he helped to steal the president seat.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Thu 1 Mar, 2018 06:18 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Trump is just an idiot. https://www.google.com/amp/amp.nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/01/fine-trump-doesnt-have-dementia-hes-just-a-moron.html
Tue 6 Mar, 2018 04:45 pm
1005. News proves my opinion is very correct (2/16/2018)

On 1/27 in (1,002) about the (anti Trump) text of FBI agents Strzok and Page I wrote:

I think that is done by the real "secret society" of the FBI.

1. Everybody has his own politic view. So do Strzok and Page. Must they have to support Donald Trump? Did they commit any crime in that Trump Russian gate investigation team?

2. It's more like a sting project as the FBI used to do. Strzok and Page could be false flag embedded in that team to sabotage "anti-Trump" plot. They were monitored. Their email were intercepted. As I know the culture of the FBI is anti-Clinton, and Trump is their representative. see #930.

3. The articles is to cut relationship between Trump and the FBI when Trump became notorious that he won the election by the help of Russians.

4. It's another style to apply pressure on the FBI to finish the Kat Sung's case.See #902.
"Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story. That is the core interest of the Feds for which they have paid so much to China. see new secret deal at :"899. April plot (3/29/2016)"."

Four days later, a news article proves my opinion is very correct.

FBI Agent Trump Accused Of 'Treason' Wrote Letter That Helped Get Trump Elected

Paige Lavender,HuffPost• January 31, 2018

WASHINGTON ? FBI agent Peter Strzok helped draft a letter that, in the final days of the 2016 presidential campaign, signaled the re-opening of a probe into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s emails, CNN reported Wednesday.

Strzok is one of the FBI agents whom some Republicans have accused of scheming to undermine President Donald Trump ahead of the 2016 election. He worked on both the Clinton probe as well as the Russia probe when it was in its early stages, and later joined special counsel Robert Mueller’s team.

The letter Strzok helped draft, sent to Congress by then-FBI Director James Comey on Oct. 28 ? days ahead of the 2016 election ? dealt a blow to Clinton, whom Trump repeatedly attacked for using a personal email while serving as secretary of state. Comey penned another letter just before the election saying no new relevant information was found, and stood by the FBI’s prior decision not to recommend charges


The reality is Strzok took part in the operation to re-open the investigation on Hillary ten days before the voting date that helped Trump to win the election.

The reality is Strzok's text with Page are now used by Trump to attack Mueller's team that investigating him.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Tue 6 Mar, 2018 10:05 pm
@cicerone imposter,
George W Bush on Trump: "He makes me look pretty good!"
0 Replies
Sun 18 Mar, 2018 05:30 pm
To get rid of people he doesn't like by firing.

03/17/2018 03:06 am ET Updated 1 day ago
Donald Trump Hails Andrew McCabe’s Firing As ‘A Great Day For Democracy’
Trump also described the dismissal as “a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI.”

By Lee Moran


0 Replies
Fri 30 Mar, 2018 04:44 pm
Two years ago, I wrote,

902. Trump's job (2) (5/7/2016)

I revealed the Trump campaign was a comedy on 4/30. Within days his rivals Cruze and Kasich dropped the election campaign. It would be a joke to go on with this comic show.

This country is ruled by the Feds. They rule the country by controlled intelligence and media. They select politicians through rigged election and justify the election result through the fake poll done by media.

In 2001, Clinton left the White House with a budget surplus. That was unusual. Most U.S.presidents added deficit to the huge national debt. Yet the Feds arranged George W. Bush to win the election. They need a candidate of their own to take care of the big events they planed to create - 911 attack, the Patriot Act and the Mid-east wars.

When the media beat the drum to push up Trump's popularity, it means the Feds having another plan to produce a second "Bush". That's why I said something big will happen - bigger than 911 attack and the Mid-east wars.

The big events may relate to China, I think. 911 attack was a derivation derived from the secret deal between the Feds and Chinese secret police.(see #884 to #899) Benefited from "hosting the Olympic summer game" and "membership of WTO", China has been developed into economic power No.2 of the world. Which is shaking the super-power throne of the US. That's the story of Bush time.

Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story. That is the core interest of the Feds for which they have paid so much to China. see new secret deal at :"899. April plot (3/29/2016)". [/quote]

I failed to post it. I was blocked to post #1008 for a while, I thought it might because I revealed China is the partner of this plot, the Feds doesn't want to offend their friend. I shortened the reply as this: You can see the difference.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Apr, 2018 04:46 pm
Comey Says Trump Is Like a 'Mob Boss' in Upcoming Interview

Newsweek Greg Price Newsweek April 11, 2018


He is backed by the Feds(FBI) so he is like a "Mob boss".
cicerone imposter
Fri 13 Apr, 2018 06:02 pm
He demands personal loyalty - like a mob boss.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Apr, 2018 06:09 pm

Trump asks Russian to hack Hillary
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