maxdancona wrote:I don't believe that Hillary has said anything in her life as outrageous as the things Trump has said.
It was pretty outrageous when Hillary used underhanded tactics to devastate a rape victim in court so that her rapist could get away with it, and then laugh about it afterwards.
It also was pretty outrageous when Hillary tried to intimidate the woman that Bill Clinton raped.
For that matter, it was pretty outrageous for Bill Clinton to rape someone. And since the Democrats think it is OK for Bill Clinton to rape people, this is relevant to Hillary's candidacy.
maxdancona wrote:By the way, I am not against Donald Trump. I am beginning to love Donald Trump more than ever. What he is doing to the Republican Party is simply wonderful. It is likely that the impact he has on the party will last for decades.
The only way he will have a lasting impact will be by being elected president. And in that case, you will not like his impact very much.
If he is not elected, then he will not have any lasting impact.