Mon 27 Jan, 2003 09:30 am
Yesterday during the super bowl, I saw something that may have changed my life. Between all the stupid, non-funny commercials(there were a couple good ones, though), one really caught my attention, and taught me something very big.
It was the commercial with the 30-40ish couple standing around the pregnancy test meter, and the subtitle reads "There will soon be a great addition to their family." Then says "They will be the youngest grandparents in town" as the camera turns to their young daughter sitting there.
Turns out to be an anti-drug ad, and the voice of the commercial mentions something about the affects of smoking weed.
"WHOA!" I thought. So, smoking weed makes girls want to have SEX? And no, I wasn't thinking about 13 year old girls, sicko. So, I've been wasting my time all these years, trying to get girls drunk? I mean, thank God our tax money went towards this ingenious commercial, where they correlate smoking weed and teenage pregnancy.
So, anyone know where I can score some kind bud?
Oh, sweet Jesus. You're right. They were promoting drug use as a means to sex. Kinda makes you wonder how much tax there is on a lid of grass. Enough to cover the cost of the advertising?
I think that the ad is simply another reflection of the political pendulum swinging sharply rightword. I did not see it, but I am curious as to who picked up the tab for that ad.
Re: Commercials sucked...but now it's easier to get some
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote: "WHOA!" I thought. So, smoking weed makes girls want to have SEX?
Ahhh.. Poor misguided Slappy.. No no.. you missed the point of the ad. Smoking pot causes
pregnancy! If a teeneage girl smokes dope she'll get pregnant - no sex necessary. That's just the way it works and why the government is oh so concerned.
This little know side effect of dope smoking is actually the basis for that whole virgin Mary thing within the Christian religions. Sorry, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone but now they've spilled the beans by making that ad. Yup. Mary was smokin' a few joints while Joseph was out working some wood and the next thing ya know - BLAMMO! She preggers.
So, the moral of the story here? DON'T SMOKE DOPE! You'll end up preggers and starting whole new religions!
Who cares about her anyway after she's gone and helped those terrorists kill all those families in Colombia by her purchase of illegal drugs? (Surprised I didn't see that commercial during the super bowl).
Uncle fishin', if Slappy smokes dope, will he get pregnant?
Somebody must have laced her weed with sperm. Damn terrorist drug dealers.
Man, I must be reallll lucky then. Phew!
That spot must have been done by a conservative.
Everybody knows all you get when you smoke dope is hungry and lazy.
You have to get a girl drunk to get her pregnant.
Man, that crazy weed. It's like magic. makes broads pregnant without any of the sex. Oh, man, weed is GOD. All praise due the chronic.
Irony is the whole seed smoking effect on the fellas kind of negates the point of the ad if you think about it.
just another round of bizare 'reefer madness'
Must say I forgot seeing that ad; too much beer yesterday. But it was ingenious. What else can they blame on smoking weed? Let's see, so far it's world terrorism and teenage pregnancy. How about AIDS, obesity and global warming?
Well.. All that smoking does give ya the munchies and you are burning stuff... lol
"The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy will run two ads during Sunday's Super Bowl broadcast, as well as two on the pregame show on Walt Disney Co.'s ABC.
Two of the Super Bowl spots are new work from Interpublic Group of Cos.' McCann-Erickson Worldwide, New York, for the Partnership for a Drug Free America. The ads are part of a "negative consequences" campaign meant to show that marijuana is not a "harmless" drug.
In one spot, a 40-ish couple is shown looking worried about a pregnancy, but it turns out it is their daughter who is pregnant, who had unprotected sex after using marijuana".
hahahaha, fjicking B-boy.
So what was the other commercial?
"Little Suzie, honey, your grades at school are a little disappointing. Can you think of something that might explain it?"
"Aww man, what a bummer...."