I'm with you on the jealousy thing, eoe. It is petty, but all artists are prone to it. There is a beautfiul 'boite' in my neighbourhood for lease that would do mad business as a high end dim sum/take out shop. It's a wealthy area, and there is no representation in the immediate vicinity for Chinese cuisine, yet folks around here love it, order it, drive to get it, even if it's just a few blocks, or miles. Meanwhile, pissant Justin opens this place and urinates on my parade!

He should have just sent me the money. Prince owns a house in my city, why can't Justin finance my project?
See, I have no problem with Robert De Niro owning Nobu, because they put out a fantastic product, and had Iron Chef Morimoto there for some time, before he moved to Philly to open his own place, which I know is great, as my brother and the folks have been there. My bro lives in Philly now.
I try to avoid the jealousy thing, but sometimes it's tough. If a celebrity invests in another market, and does a good job, artistically, I'm cool with that. The Justin Timberlakes of the world, however, make my eyes go all twitchy...