Re: I Need A Logo Designed....Very Important...
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:see the following thread for details....everyone here is so talented.....I need an all inclusive immortal sould could hang in the balance.....Help this poor old degenerate Bear please
used to be able to say with true conviction that I was a Christian....I can't anymore.
I believe there is a God who functions as a creator. I believe that God has and will intervene in human existence. I believe God hears prayers. I believe in an afterlife.
That's all I can say with certainty.
I believe the bible, Christianity, Isalm, bla bla bla, is totally politicized and perverted and you can't trust it, but I can't bring myself to throw the baby out with the bathwater, so I've decided to pray to and worship an "Unknown" God and just ask for strength, peacefulness, maybe a little understanding and a reduced stress level.
Here's the deal. I need a logo for this God, something I can see, maybe get tattooed on myself somewhere. And don't give me any of this "no idols" bullshit. If genuflecting to a man nailed to a cross in every art media including black velvet is not idolatry I don't know what is. Just help me out here, all you talented A2Kers. Who Knows maybe if I get peaceful I'll stop talking about sex all the time.
I can't say that I agree with you. Although those things would be nice, there is really no evidence to support them on earth. I say, enjoy what you can while you can, and be responsible (so that other people can as well.)
That said, I will try to bias my point of view to include a g-d-being in this logo idea.
So, what we need is symbolism. And don't worry, it doesn't have to be great to take on meaning. Look at everyone walking around, wearing the roman torture device that killed their beloved. It's not even the right shape.
Moving on, we need:
something showing a creator
something showing intervention in human existance/prayer response
something showing an afterlife
something that shows not to trust religious politics
something that shows your goals of strength, peace, understanding, reduced stress.
I'll think on something that shows all of these goals.
In the meantime, maybe you should work out, be nice to those close to you, do some scientific research, and take a vacation.