I went to the Toronto zoo not too long ago, and we stopped for a truly horrible lunch at one of the pavillions. The 'patio' area overlooked one of the zebra enclosures. I noticed that in one corner, a Canada goose family had built a nest, and had new hatchlings. What does a zebra know from a Canada goose? They were just curious, and many times larger than the geese, but mother was one mean mother, and them striped horses were quite intimidated. Geese are really the best guard non-dogs on the planet.
I had no idea about the migration. Believe me, the species isn't endangered, and I'm sure they will return southwards eventually. They are actually a bit of a nuisance in some areas here, but they are beautiful creatures.
The common loon is actually my favourite Canadian bird, and sadly, they are in danger:
http://www.saskschools.ca/~gregory/animals/loon/ln6.html They have the most beautiful song.
Getting back to summer camp...it was in Northern Ontario, Haliburton, and we had loons on the lake, and a clear, clean sky at night. I remember once going out to the dock with a couple of other counsellors one night to watch a meteor storm while the loons cooed. It was a truly wonderful experience.