Sat 3 Sep, 2016 03:10 pm
There are a lot of caterpillars in my yard. They are climbing on the walls of my house and there are dozens of them. I don't know how to make them get off my walls. It really looks creepy and repulsing. They also made "nests", web like things on the trees in front of the house and in the yard. They look black and have some sort of fur like, white hairs.
I don't want to kill them, just to get them off the walls of my house. It makes sitting in the backyard really uncomfortable.
A water hose generally does the trick.
Tried it. They climb back.
Get some birds. Hang bird feeders, pieces of suet dressed in seeds. The birds will also go after the caterpillars and after a while you will be in a caterpillar-free zone.
Don't think of it as killing caterpillars. Two things happen here. The birds get nutrition they need and after a time, caterpillars decide not to hang out in your area because it just isn't good for their future. It's all part of nature and earth cycles taking care of themselves.
Once the caterpillars are gone you can decide whether to continue feeding the birds or not.
Kinda like Sturgis' reply. In a word, live them alone.
Do these things have a name?
Are these gypsy moth catipillars?
These are pure evil creatures. When I was a kid, my grandfather would pay us a bounty for each 20 we killed.