Eva wrote:I sure hope the baby makes it. Soz is right...the milk replenishes itself after nursing, and if pigsy isn't nursing, she will dry up. I'd call the vet and ask them specifically how they're feeding the baby. The anesthetic from the surgery might make it unwise for Pigsy to nurse, if the drugs are passed on to the baby through the milk. I'd find out what they're doing.
How old is Pigsy? Is she a very young mother (under a year old)? First litters to young mothers often have problems, because the mother's body isn't fully developed itself.
Hello Eva, Pigsy is 4. Quite old for a first time mom.
Stand Up
I am so very very sorry to hear of the way things turned out. Big hugs going out to you and your kitty's. You are in my thoughts.
Hugs to pigsy and standy and the babe, if it is still with us...
Not to equate these, but my cousin's son, who I've always called my nephew, and his wife, had a baby girl this last weekend, quite prematurely, she weighed in at 2 lbs 2 oz, and 15 inches. That part of the family has always been svelte and tall, in contrast to some. Care being given...
The coming into being.... is so fragile..
So fragile.
Best of luck to that tiny baby, as well.
Any updates, SUP?
I phoned the vet this morning, asked if she was ready to come home. They told me she and her baby are doing great, but pigsy isn't eating so she'll be staying another night. Well, of course she isn't eating, she's a scared cat as it is, now she's in a weird place, got hacked up by weird people, then thrown back in a cage. So anyway, my boyfriend said asif she should have to stay there, so we went and picked her up. Just got back actually. If pigsy by some chance, doesn't eat, I will bring her back, but she'll eat i'm sure. She was so happy to see us at the vets office, she just pirked right up. And since we got home she doesn't want to leave my side, so she and her baby are right beside me in their bed. Her incision is around 4 inches long, and she goes to get the stitches out in two weeks. We don't like the vet at all, he just seems wrong in every way, so we may take her somewhere else to get the stitches out.
They're home! Yay!
Is the baby nursing?
What did the vet tell you about how and what the baby has been eating?
What does the baby look like?
Have you named her yet?
(I'll shut up now...)
Hey Soz! The baby is nursing yes, and really well. I assume they just took the baby off pigsy while she was getting operated on, then put her back on the boob after. The baby is a black striped color, with a patch of orange on his face, and orange legs. I don't know what's going to happen with it's damaged leg, but i'm sure she'll be fine. No names have been picked out, but I want it to be something special, after all, this baby is pigsy's only baby she'll ever have, and the only survivor out of six babies. They still smell really bad from the vets, and I gotta find something pigsy is willing to eat. Other then that, I think we are all much happier.
Nursing! Yay!
That's a really important element.
Looks like a bittersweet, if not exactly happy, ending is in sight.
Fingers crossed!
Thanks, me too. I just want to thank you again Sozobe, you've been a great supporter. Thank-you.
Sounds like this and my cat's birth are parallel in a lot of ways... poor Tillie just had no idea what she was doing.
Anyway, glad things are coming along pretty well, keep us updated when you can!
Stand Up
I'm so glad that pigsy is ok and little kitty is doing well. I can only imagine what you and pigsy went through.
This made my day! I'm so happy to hear they're doing okay. And I absolutely agree with you. You should find a new veterinarian at once. I didn't like the sound of this one from Day One.
The kitten sounds adorable! Can you post pictures? I know we'd all love to see the teensie little thing...we've been so worried!
I was in the hospital this morning. Not as a patient, but rather to see my brother who had both his arms and one leg ripped off in a horrific farm accident. The family members were all sitting around the waiting room, wringing their hands, sobbing, holding each other, and staring out the window, looks of grave concern etched on their faces. You see, there was a very real chance that my brother would die.
I was alone in the corner, sitting in a chair, staring at the floor. Suddenly.... I lost it. I started bawling like a baby, my shoulders shook and my primal screams filled the room.
The family members came racing over and put their arms around me and hugged me and started trying to comfort me. My sister said "It's ok, Gus, he's strong, he'll make it. And with artificial limbs he'll be up and around in no time at all."
I stared at my sister for a second before I realized she was talking about my brother.
I reached out and took her hands and said, "I'm not worried about Fred. He's a tough old bird. No.... I was just thinking about Standup's kitten. That poor girl and that kitten have been through hell together. I am just a nervous wreck thinking about those two."
I started crying again and the rest of the family moved away, presumably to give me some space.
I got back to the house a few minute ago and raced to the computer to find out about Standup's kitten.
I saw that the kitten was ok and I let out a scream and started dancing around the house, pumping my fists into the air. I raced outside and shouted to the world, "Standup's kitten is ok! Standup's kitten is ok!" Standup's kitten is ok!"
I'm exhausted now, washed over in a tremendous sense of relief. I'm gonna go over to my easy chair and sip a beer and see if I can get this damn smile off my face.
Gus, I love your stories! I will try and post pics as soon as I can. My bf and I just made a splint and cast for the baby kitty's leg, so hopefully it will help fix it.
Also, we named the baby "thurman"!!
Here are some pics of Thurman!!!
Awwww!!!! Isn't he sweet :-D
Hehe...thanks....Thurman is a she though!!! I know, boys name.....but i'm not a comformist.
I thought first of Thurman Munson, a male, but then remembered Uma Thurman, the actress -
Thurman is very darling, nice to see the pictures.