Wed 15 Sep, 2004 08:06 am
any takers?
Christians fighting for school prayer...and at other public functions...despite the injuction of Jesus that praying be done as unostentatiously as possible.
How about christian pro-lifers murdering abortion doctors?
Christians that are pro-lifers-- and then they kill a doctor who performs abortions.
"Let him among ye who is without sin cast the first stone."
Most abused precept in christianity . . .
How about the Christians who are absolutely sure homosexuality is a sin...but refuse to kill homosexuals as instructed by their god.
Hw about the Christians who have problem kids...but do not bring them to the gates of their towns to be stoned to death as their god instructs.
How about the hypocritical Christians who battle AGAINST slavery...when their god instructs that slavery is perfectly moral and acceptable.
Speaking as a Christian...
I'm not sure those examples indicate hypocrisy, but they certainly indicate a conflict between a literal interpretation of scripture and the actual practice of most Christians.
To me it seems hypocrisy is more the putting on of a show of religion that belies your true intentions or practice.
For my own part, I've explained the Church's position on birth control knowing in my own heart that I disagree with it both in theory and my own actions. I used the phrase "the Church teaches that", but I felt like a hypocrite nonetheless.
I applaud your candor and honesty, George . . .
the entire bush presidency......
ok thats enough christian hypocracy
some muslim and jewish examples please
(I'm writing all this down)
I second Setanta's comment, George.
Your post was like a breath of fresh air.
I don't have any Jewish hypocricy for ya, Steve, but i do have a poser which has perplexed me for a long time . . .
If Jewish civilization is 6,000 years old, and Chinese culture is 4,000 years old, what did the Jews eat on Saturday nights for 2,000 years?