Wow did anyone read this from the attached article? I mean we need to wait, but this makes the Brazil authorities seem as bad as the swimmers in making up their stories. It doesn't get the swimmers off for lying but it also doesn't make them seem as bad as they were originally portrayed.
An investigation by USA TODAY Sports into the police account found the trashing of the bathroom never happened and that police never even asked the swimmers about it. The swimmers never entered the bathroom or even forced the door, according to their testimonies to Rio authorities. Video doesn’t show them doing anything to the bathroom and the only damage is to an advertising poster torn down by Lochte as the swimmers left. They urinated in bushes behind the building because the bathroom was locked, they said in statements to police.
The swimmers, however, were detained by badge-carrying, armed prison guards working a private security detail, USA TODAY Sports confirmed. They were held at gunpoint as a translator worked out a deal for the swimmers to pay 160 reais – about $50 -- for the damage to the poster and be allowed to leave, they said in statements.