And if you don't believe that Ryan is getting a lot of negative press just do a google search with his name - you get headings like:
Starring now in Brazil's theater of the absurd: Ryan Lochte's one-act play of stupidity
Ryan Lochte issues lame non-apology for Olympic 'robbery' fiasco
Chrissy Teigen Just Nailed the Worst Aspect of Ryan Lochte Drama
Is Ryan Lochte the Biggest Jerk of the Rio Games?
Ryan Lochte cost himself 'millions and millions' in scandal, Bob ...
I saw some more neutral ones - but not one that was the least bit positive
Now when you search for Gabby:
How social media outpouring lifted up Gabby Douglas during ...
Gabby Douglas doesn't deserve such hate
Black women are heroes in Rio, but they're not just fighting to win gold
Ode To Olympian Gabby Douglas
Leslie Jones launches #LOVE4GABBYUSA to show Gabby Douglas ...
Why Is Gabby Douglas the Target of So Much Unfair, Petty Criticism?
Not there is a lot about reference to her having an unfair target - which I would agree isn't right or fair- but there is not an actual article or link on the first page that is negative towards her