maxdancona wrote:Do you know how many years there are in a century, Oralloy?
Yes. I am expecting that the Republicans are going to easily hold the White House for the next 20 years.
If the Democrats manage to come back after that 20 year period, it will only be by purging liberalism from their party and nominating a "Trump-lite" (sort of like how Bill Clinton won in the era of Reagan by running as a "Reagan-lite").
And even if the Democrats manage to eventually win an election by nominating a Trump-lite, that won't preclude future Republicans from winning office (sort of like how Bill Clinton's victory didn't prevent W from getting elected).
Mr. Trump will easily be the dominant political figure of the first half of the 21st century.
Meanwhile extremist liberalism is going to concentrate in the Democratic Party for the next 20 years, but since they will be a fringe party during this time it won't count for anything. We are privileged to finally be witnessing the extinction of this bankrupt ideology.