sozobe wrote: Aw, that sucks about McKenzie. I like him. Or, did. :-( That can't be good for team morale.
Brett's ticked at him. He says a man should honor his commitments (of course).
sozobe wrote:Is Sherman genuinely to blame for this at all? I can't really get a bead on him -- can't tell if he's just adequate and does the minimum to allow the amazing talent on the team to do its thing, or if he's actually good, or actually bad. (Some baaaad calls last year...)
Leaning towards bad in my eyes. Firing Donatell was a half measure... Tom Rossley was just as bad... and as the GM that is his fault. The Mckenzie thing is Mckenzie's fault alone. Mostly I'd go with your middle answer (doing the minimum)... but in cases like Tom Rossley's paranoia, he needs to take steps. Rossley appears to have solid plays that utilize our talent, but he is entirely too conservative when calling the plays. And sometimes; just plain stupid like calling a shotgun on 2nd down and then a rollout on 3rd and 6 (instead of the other way around

Sherman reminds me of Holmgren with his idiotic clock management, too. Mostly I'd say he is just lucky enough to coach Brett Favre. Favre's talent has made practically everyone who ever coached him a star. He makes the running game easier by being scary, and what receiver wouldn't want to work with Brett? I wouldn't fire Sherman just yet, but I'd make him lean on Rossley (or fire him)... and I sure wish we'd make Ron Wolf an offer he can't refuse to come back and be GM. Just my opinion. I'm sure Gus's is different. :wink:
sozobe wrote:If you will be sitting anywhere near the end zones -- as in Lambeau Leap range -- I'm gonna absolutely implode from jealousy.
But maybe I'd really see you on TV! That'd be awesome. :-D
Don't implode, darling. I'm in one of the luxury boxes opposite the press box. Figures too, because the weather is beautiful here now. Next time (like last), I'll probably be freezing my nads off outside. Not that it matters... I'd climb a streetlight naked to see the Pack beat the Bears!