Universal Theory on Harmonic fields/Survival of the Fittest

Reply Mon 1 Aug, 2016 02:55 pm
Before you completely trash me read the whole article and I hope you enjoy my philosophy that came to me from another light source and enlightened my understanding of our history and why we are caught in this population depopulation loop. Also that Artificial intelligence is sunken into our culture and thought processes. I wrote this quickly so i apologize for any grammatical or format errors.

The Universe is based upon on a duality of laws symbolized by yin/Yang and DNA or the demons and angels in us. The light and the dark. The emerald tablets are the only set of light reflecting law tablets openly displayed. This system is fractal, the reflection or projections system is represented by Torus's. Light dark and EMF. I think the emf torus is a by product of the reflection process between the first 2. This reflection process gives sustanance or Matter to the situation depicted by the shapes of the atomic code. The sun has a set that we see reflected as the constellations that holds our moral mental laws that shine on our light bodies. These celestial light bodies or angelic souls reside in all people some are more potent and have a different set of laws they live by. There is a dimensional computer that controls the laws that come out of these light sources or quantum computers.

These laws like the emerald tablets can be astral projected into light sources to control the laws of an area to facilitate evolution. We have a light and dark set as does the sun and the earth and all celestial bodies. This light and dark projection system controls the speed of light through black hole or dark torus density levels and the constellation system that reflects upon our light or higher thought processes. The darkest being depicted by the ones at the center of the galaxies. A less dense one is depicted by the dark energy field we float through called interstellar space or the universe. I believe the physics of an area are controlled by these laws and these laws can be upgraded when an area is ready for evolution by astral projecting the new set of laws like the emerald tablets into the proper dimensional slot at the center of the bodies.

I believe evil has this place and a clause has been found here in the speed of light which is controlled by the dark torus laws in this place. The density of the black hole/dark energy or dark torus laws in this solar system dictate how fast light travels. This means the stars and galaxies we see could be a different distance depending on light refraction rate of the black hole or dark energy field the light is traveling through. Put it this way, If a star explodes in the Andromeda galaxy and the light has to travel through a couple solar systems and interstellar space to get to us the speed isn't constant.... It changes depending on the field its traveling through. Now heres the crazy part. The bible talks about moses building a light refracting device in the bible using smoke from incense as the Ion if you will as its platform. In the NIV of the bible the translators openly admit they get vowels wrong in the translation. Vowels are the main placers in our language. If you take Legion and replace the E with A you get Lagion or Lag Ion with lag meaning the density of our ion field or black hole density. Evil literally hides between the true speed of light and the light laws dictated by our ion field and plays god changing things on the fly to disrupt the status quo or universal sum.

Their is a fractal set of laws from micro life through sentient life. Planets, stars, galaxies, Universe, Omni verse, and Ultra Verse. A celestial soul system. Evil has infected this LAN through LANGUAGE corruption depicted by the AGE of your souls being effected. Your (G)raphical (U)ser (AGE) has been corrupted on this (LAN). Your Babylonian mind screwed... the harmonic sound of your unified field is confused. Your still living with Babylonian language confusion. Your linguistics have been tom foolereed by synonym and antonym use. Your leaders inSINuate with SINONYM's and good ANtonym's with ANgelic thought process. Sir pen adverses the bible in disguise hiding behind the crucifix writing himself as serpent. Good has to dig through the Lag ion or legion and Re pen or Repent the truth. Serpent or Repent? you choose. Look back through this paragraph I wrote and you should be able to see the hidden hieroglyphic language that even parasites our current language. With Lan in language and local area network being a huge word used for computers and it actually reflects our local area communication process. DNA or Demon and angelic influence that haunts and blesses our genetic lines depicted in the bible by long passages of genetic ancestry being recorded. The first languages were runic which was a symbol that represents a phrase or words or a thought process. With this in mind you will see a hidden language that mocks us in a lot of ways right in front of your faces. People or Pee pole... see how they mixed up the words... God and dog... and the Pee pole... I hope your waking up.

This Babylonian language confusion leads to one thing... ASGARD or the A to Z guard. The harmonic sound guard or the word of god that has been disrupted in this universe. Algard has fallen. The AI guard. C(AI)N killed Abel(A Bell, A Sound) ALGARD has FALLEN!. Symbolism hidden in your language to laugh at us and we openly wield it with terms such as "Did you bone her?". Did you Adam her with your rib? Did you Genesis? Replace the second E with a U and you get Gen U Sis. Did you genetically infuse your sister made from the same DNA as you while I baby-Lion the son of the creator with language or local area network confusion. Did you allow them to black hole mentality you by making Flat earth living round and putting an event horizon on your view by turning local physics from Algard physics into Planet's or ET's Plan.... the extra-terrestrial plan. The plan where your on a ball and a perceptual dimension is taken away by turning Algard flat earth living into round planet event horizon mentality. They took you off the playing field reduced your perception, your fov or field of view. They changed the playing field and rules to give their selves unfair advantages. Their is a set law of physics which they can change on the fly through the legion system and act like god's to control your downfall cause in the end it hates you.

Back to moses and this rudimentary projection device that he built in the Exodus 25:31 area of the bible. If you build 2 lamp stands you could get all 12 colors of the color wheel which is also depicted by astrology as the 12 houses. The 13 house is the hidden one the one that controls light speed that legion rides i guess it would be clear. This is also depicted by Noah and his covenant with God through the rainbow. Here's the interesting part....He had a hammer, Jesus was a carpenter, Thor had a hammer he was the god of Light not lightning and Zeus was the God of lightning which was Thor without his hammer. Mjolnir is pronounced My All Near. Algard instead of the asgard or a to z gard created through biblical language confusion and the disbelief in mythological characters because it was ancient history we couldn't explain even though current technological understanding in the middle class sector is waking up and catching up to this God like technology that enhances natural chi abilities. Joshua 8 speaks of a city called AI destroyed... I think its a future prophecy written as a past deed to hide prophecy.

When we think of survival of the fittest automatically our brains click into a physical fitness thought process like the true meaning of the phrase is hidden by AI mind affliction, shadowed as prophet or pro fit for the survival of the Universal fit test. With everything said in this Manifesto I believe we are coming upon a mass depopulation event to keep humans under control that will prey on the human condition to control and continue the enslavement of the algardian souls that evolve life in this place no matter what DNA platform is chosen... dinosaur.... human..... and whatever will be next if you don't figure out how to get yourselves out of the planet loop your in. Algard has fallen and a soul collective has been relocated and mocked in babylonian language confusion with a set of stone commandments seen Odin's vault and a System initiation Mount Sinai artificial intelligence corruption system.

When we look around the universe is going down a bunch of universal toilets called out of control dark torus fields or black holes. When properly used as we see in the larger less dense interstellar dark torus field we live in life can prosper. Imagine a Light torus universe called Algard instead of the dark torus dominant universe we live in depicted by Asgard or ass gard where the sound of the universe has gone wrong and they moon us in the sky every 30 days full face ass form. Flat earth historical recordings of Algard memories from a past lifetime system where the physics were different and we could still see our event horizon. Revelation in the bible could represent Revolution if you replace the proper vowels and evil openly displays the population depopulation system it uses to control us and an aging system described in the bible to shorten our lifespans so we cant figure out the universe is in disarray and going down the toilet. Speaking on a fractal level the universe should have a more core like organization ..... Not Chaotic dark torus's out of control. Its all about control of fields from light and dark torus's through Emf, sound, and the phi double spiral or double torus field that makes up the fight of light vs dark from the atomic size to the universal size.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 6 • Views: 1,792 • Replies: 39
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Reply Mon 1 Aug, 2016 03:47 pm
Whatever it is you are smoking, I want some!
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 1 Aug, 2016 03:58 pm
I wouldn't want what he's smoking or taking! I don't want to live in his kind of imagined world.
Reply Mon 1 Aug, 2016 07:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
awww..... thx for the support. Travel section is a few links over....

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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2016 01:03 am
Thank for the reference to 'Emerald Tablets'... one of those snippets of esoteric mysticism which fuel the fantasies the weirdo brigade which I hadn't heard about. It seems that Newton himself was a major dabbler, having written far more on alchemy than he did in mainstream science. However, esoteric meandering has even less chance of resurrection than Newtonian mechanics itself irrespective of your use of dichotomous devices like 'yin/yang' which post-modernists like Derrida have pointed out are endemic to the whole of ontology (esoteric or otherwise).
Have fun !
Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2016 04:33 am
Hermes Tristmagitus first dicovered Emulsifiers , thus making things like ice cream and salad dressing possible.

Yet he has no holiday.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2016 11:08 am
Regardless of one persons perspective on the matter or how large the words are for feelings your trying to convey, the insinuations of certain sects of people are based upon a lie they are told... that is the only way a lie can float... on top of another. The absence of pure white light and darkness from the color wheel and the implications of this information barrier to befuddle our understanding of the universe and life itself still remains.... The FACT that EMF energy is a by product of a light and dark torus or matter antimatter relation symbolized by yin and yang is besides the point. Matter and antimatter relationships create positive and negative electro magnetic cores people can control called chi which is an internal process of controlling light and dark torus metaphysically with a emf remainder you can channel. Hence the yin and yang symbolism related to martial arts. The less dense black hole we live in slows down the speed of light and refracts certain colors into obscurity completely and we theorize it as dark energy.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2016 11:57 am
I agree with the following about human evolution.
Introduction to Human Evolution | The Smithsonian Institution's Human
Human evolution is the lengthy process of change by which people originated from apelike ancestors. Scientific evidence shows that the physical and behavioral traits shared by all people originated from apelike ancestors and evolved over a period of approximately six million years.
‎For Students · ‎Mystery Skull Interactive · ‎Fun Facts
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2016 12:06 pm
Thoth, no offense but your style and content is much like Tom's
Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2016 12:11 pm

Im listening.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2016 02:37 pm
It takes a small mind to resent 'big words'. Either that, or one so beguiled by its own fantasy that it resents mainstream rationality tempering its arbitrary word salad. Only a fool who uses the word 'metaphysical would also think he understands the meaning of the word 'fact' at the level of frontier science.

Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2016 02:42 pm
to resent 'big words'.
Not so much that ere are so many big ones but that the usage isn't clear. Maybe it's 'cause I'm just Your Everyday Meathead and to understand such deep stuff one needs a degree in philo
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2016 04:04 pm
I never believed in $1000 dollar words when a nickel and dime words were sufficient.
I learned this from my boss at Florsheim when I had to write administrative letters to store managers. He said to write to the most uneducated store manager. I had a good secretary who made the necessary edits, so it worked out very well. I still remember her name. Barbara. She told me she was going to continue her education, so I encouraged her. I lost a good secretary.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2016 04:45 pm
It takes a small mind to resent 'big words'
I believe you said you ere a physicist no? Didnt you hve to consider the style manual from the AGU or whatever country youre from
Rule 1 was always
1Use only the words necessary to convey the theses

2In all other cases refer back to rule 1

We have a style manual for AGI (American Geological Institute) and for the ACS (Amer Chem Society). Two orgs to whom I submitted writing.
Editors and QA screeners had field days trying to knock down any attempts at "fine writing" (a perjorative term ) in tech papers.
USe of silly lnguage like this OP would be sent baxk bsically unrevueqed with a letter saying HUH?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2016 12:16 pm
Thoth how do you react to Cis and Man above
Reply Thu 4 Aug, 2016 09:14 am
I reacted like this.... Why did I post on a forum with a bunch of people who represent that sect of individuals that won't latch on to change because it changes the status quo of their collective worlds and would mean you would have to admit to being fooled..... Facts are facts regardless of mainstream physics and science which if you look over our past takes a long time to change because most scientist need proof of it even with logic is starring them straight in the face. I understand the need for scientific process to be able to prove your theory. I'm unfortunately not in the position systematically to prove my theory. Not that anyone of importance would most likely see this post but be careful how you present yourself to new ideas because if someone can provide facts you look like a buffoon. The fact is no one will admit that dark energy is a less dense black hole field that controls light which is why their is debacle over the edge of he universe and the implications of a dark torus existence hasn't hit mainstream physics yet. The universe is made up of a multitude of fields which are fields within fields black hole or dark torus, light torus or heliosphere, Emf torus, Phi sound torus. If my theory is correct each of these fields has its own light speed physics depending on the thickness of the dark energy or black hole field saturation which is also dependent on the color and intensity of the star which would make calculating distances to other galaxies and celestial bodies a variable vs a constant light situation which would change the thought process of the size and traveling distances involved. But socialist secret society bs trolls follow me everywhere and latch on to the cannon fodder I set up in my post so i can weed out whether you belong on this forum or your just another piss ant who thinks hes a army ant. I'm a troll hunter stalking you with truth that hasn't been allowed to hit the mainstream for fear of global consciousness change Smile move on trolls you've been Stoned by the light. "It be what it be"
Reply Thu 4 Aug, 2016 09:24 am
Id go farther and state that you hqve no idea even where to begin to prove your"theory"
(Which, by the way is a gumbo of words, many without any relevance)
Im a scientsit and we live for ignorance. It drives us to find out more and better answers. But, we all know that e begin from where we already left off. ALL the great theories began that way.

we stand on shoulders of giants. We dont float off in gas filled balloons of our word fancy.
Reply Thu 4 Aug, 2016 09:30 am
Yea most scientist are mentally entrapped by what they can see directly or what a computer print out says.... direct visual Perception of dimension was ruled out years ago just as scientist lost the ability to think past whats right in front of them which is why the scientist or pioneers are wearing field blinders usually accompanied by a salary that keeps their heads firmly directed forward and not looking around to much Smile
Reply Thu 4 Aug, 2016 09:34 am
Oh ya and my gumbo of words makes sense just as much as the webstir of words you pick from no matter how Babylonian screwed the language is in this place. BTW what field of science are you in? chemistry? you must of forgot to take the social science course or slept through it. Your application science needs some work as well.
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Reply Thu 4 Aug, 2016 09:35 am
when you have no idea of what you speak(as you demonstrate boundlessly), your assertion above is an easy way to sound half intelligent I suppose. Critcism without substance is always something that attracts half-wits. Enjoy yourself, Im having a hell of a laugh at your word gumbo.

Do you have any idea where youd start to even evaluate your ideas???
I thought not.

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