I think that counts as cruel AND environmentally friendly.
Suddenly I feel a wee bit woozy.
How is that different from cruising a bar for a mate?
I fear this thread has gone off the rails ....
I blame gus, he started it.
Poor Gus, he gets blamed for far too many things.
My Take On Killing Snails, CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE Edition
Hmm. Snail problems. Well, as mostly a slug sufferer I'm not sure I'm in a position to give you definitive advice, however...
[If you're feeling particularly cruel, and wish to stay the course, go to ending 1. If you'd rather try a different approach, go to ending 2.]
..., in my opinion, you don't have the right to kill them unless you can do it with your own two (I assume) hands. Possible methods: Smashing, Strangulation, Stabbing, Incessant Poking.
..., your best bet would be to eliminate the desire to be rid of them. Hold onto your desk for this one...BEFRIEND THEM. By forming deep, interpersonal relationships with the snails, you'll have no desire to kill them and your fondness for your plants will pale in comparison to the love you share with your new neighbors. Possible names: Bashful, Sheldon, Denise, Artichoke-Face.
Copyright 2004, Pulpit Press
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Ain't that the truth.
Rather you than me.......
I've changed my mind. I blame Stilly now.
Yeah, right blame the messenger.... never the goat-lover, always the messenger.....
I was wondering what the tap-tap-tap noise was, outside my bedroom window a few mornings ago. Looked out & there was this one feral-looking little bird, getting stuck into snail after snail from my (very wet, following heavy rain) garden. She had a ruthless technique: grabbing the snail with her beak & thwacking it loudly, from side to side on the footpath, till the shell broke & the flesh inside was accessible. First one, then another, then another!

This was the most efficient & ruthless snail killer I'd ever seen! I was mightily impressed.