So, if people do eat snails, and I have, I even remember liking them.. it was at Pierre Bertranou's L'Ermitage restaurant on La Cienega... but anyway, what about slugs? Does anybody ever eat them? You speak to someone who has had, for a short time until it went away, a banana slug pet. That was at work... we named it. Spot, I think it was. It had one brown spot...
If I had one in my own yard I might just faint. (She says, admiring piffka immensely.)
Aha, they are different snails, from snail farms.
trust the romans... well, and all those folks before them, to look for the aphrodisiacal. No way to tell about slugeating, is there, what with no antique slug shell finishings lying about excavations.
Slugs for dinner, osso? Hmmmmmmm ... I dunno about that!
But I was just wandering, after cav's link, whether the snails for the dinner table, so to speak, can come from one's garden? Or do they have to be specially reared for the purpose?
I think not, Msolga, because of the comment about rare, and snail farms...
picking up her ammonia bottle..
Quote:Aha, they are different snails, from snail farms.
trust the romans... well, and all those folks before them, to look for the aphrodisiacal. No way to tell about slugeating, is there, what with no antique slug shell finishings lying about excavations.
I was beginning to suspect that osso went over the edge, but then realized she must be referencing Cav's article.
So, Gus, do you have snails clinging to your shack?
Yes I do, osso... yes I do.
Shall I mail you some ammonia?
Well, I guess that would be a questionable idea.
Perhaps some copper strips?
(Decomposed granite and crushed rock are too heavy for a wee gift.)
Absolutely not.
I am not sending you beer.
Actually, osso, they don't bother me. Certainly not as much as they bother msolga.
Here's a picture of some snails clinging to the side of my shack. It's not a very good picture because the cluster of trees hides my shack, but if you look closely you'll notice a gap in the trees near the right side of the mini-forest. Look through the gap and you'll see my shack's norhtern wall. And, upon closer examination, you'll notice 17 small snails inching their way up the wall. I think there's something on the roof that is attracting them. Maybe I left a beer up there?
Are you trying to ruin my eyes today, Gus?
Oh, look, bossies!!
You know my vision - which by the way is fine now, tap dance - but just for this moment I can't see seventeen snails. I see 4,560...
And your shack, it appears to be one of those fancy glass houses...
perhaps done by Philip.. Phillip...
MsOlga, I think we need to go visit Gus. In fact, it is about time he hosted an a2k meeting. We could all stay, of course, in a nice clean motel nearby... and bring at least two or three and maybe more a2k bands...
In response to your idea of a visit, I just checked to see where Gus lived: "the swamp". After due consideration I think that a motel is a very good idea!
My point exactly. Though, truth be told, I think it is all subterfuge, some kind of alterego thing. But then you know that. He probably dreams of swamps. Dlowan could probably explain this attraction. Or Oliver Sachs.
Yes, one of those renowned authorities should be able to explain, osso.
Do you think Dlowan would be more sympathetic to the swamp fever than Oliver Sachs? Or not?
Maybe it isn't a psychiatric situation after all, MsOlga, it might just be a literary one....
I strongly suspect a love of fantasy, adventure & romance, osso.
He's waiting for his Jane Austen heroine to detect him mid shack.