I've been conducting experiments over the last couple of days. I've been a bit concerned about msolga. Is she safe? Are the snails overtaking her? Will she be the victim of a slow and torturous snail date rape?
I couldn't sleep -- images of msolga, screaming in her bed as thousands of snails climbed closer and closer -- it was just too much. She doesn't deserve such a fate.
So, like I said, I've experimented. What is a sure-fire way to eradicate snails, I mused. Beer was not an option -- too many snails, like humans, were not fond of beer. You would in essence get rid of the snail bar crowd, but the regular snail citizens were still there, ready to wreak havoc.
I needed something to kill them all. But what? Then it hit me -- white dots! Friggin' white dots!
The white dot method was first used by the Erinyes, the angry and avenging deities in Greek mythology whose sole purpose was to destroy snails. They threw white dots from the clouds and neatly sliced the offending gastropods in half. Soon, the entire snail population was gone.
Or so they thought. Apparently a few escaped. They made their way to a small village in the lower regions of India and procreated. Soon their numbers burgeoned and they set forth in all directions to once again cause distress to all plant growers.
But they still feared the white dots. In the backs of their little snail minds they knew white dots spelled their doom. So they avoided them.
And to this day, a white dot placed anywere near a garden will supposedly keep the entire snail population of the area at bay.
I placed a white dot by my garden wall, just to make sure. Soon, a snail approached. He tentatively crept up on the white dot and I could tell he suspected that, yes indeed, this was a white dot and perhaps he should flee....
And, sure enough, once he realized the white dot protected this particular garden, he wheeled and headed west, screeching the horrible snail screech as he fled. I could hear the other snails answering. They returned the screech.
It was as if they were saying, "White dot! White dot! Clear the area!"
It's quiet now. The snails are gone. I casually strode out to my garden wall, picked up the white dot, and headed into the house to give msolga the good news.