Thanks to everyone for their responses! Really appreciated!
When I originally took the old switch off the wall, I replaced/paired the existing 2 black wires with 1 red and 1 black from the new switch. As well, I put the new white with the old white that was capped/unused as well as the copper ground with the capped/unused green wire...
When I turned the breaker back on, nothing worked....
After reading your response, I thought I would try again and switch the black wires with the new red/black ones(as Well as connecting the green and white ones and it worked!!
So the theme is Don't give up!
Anyhow, it is nice to have the switch automated now so I don't have to turn the outside light on and off.... I had tried the screw in sensors that sense light/dark but they ended up cutting the wattage so the night lights were dim...
Now it is all great!!
Thanks again everyone!!