Here is the founder of NASA spilling the beans on ET.
I have a theory about this.
In my opinion this ET that NASA describes evolved within the sun.
Just as fish that live under the sea in thousands of pounds of pressure, these fish evolved over billions of years.
These deep sea fish have consciousness and their very existence defies the laws of physics.
We may speculate that if we were to flood the earth with nuclear radiation and destroy most life that out of that would evolve a life form impervious to nuclear radiation.
Well life has had billions of years to evolve within the sun also we could think of this life as "angels" or, maybe not. Who really knows at this point?
Is this theoretical sun life cognoscent like their underwater cousins?
These star born life forms, not unlike cockroaches, are nearly impervious to nuclear radiation.
We may someday discover that more than the biological life that we can observe are present in our world, life that is outside of the spectrum of our ability to observe can surely exist. Just like light exists in other "invisible" spectrums. i.e. Infra red, ultraviolet etc...
These ET life forms may be all around us and only occasionally can they move into our biological spectrum.
Phantom (spirit) life biology and elements that are impervious to the sun would perhaps live/exist outside the known physics of our universe.
Whether if this ET sun life exists or has become extinct, only science and great genius thinkers will unravel this mystery.
Any thoughts?
Perhaps the sun is our higher power? Let there be light!
Any input on this is welcome