Sorry, but the truth is all of those items actually make me feel nauseous.
So, I guess when I think of the diabetic inducing food of this thread, I think of (a) how much better other things taste, and (b) how I don't want to have a leg cut off, and then die while waiting to have the other leg taken, like my mother did.
Truth be told, IMHO, the addicition to sugar overrides how good or meh it actually tastes, telling you it's better than it is.
Over the last couple of weeks, I had the opportunity to take a small taste of a few dessert items that came from wonderful restaurants and bakeries. Without exception, my reaction was "Really? This is what the other people I'm eating with are falling into raptures over?"
Thinking about it, it's like smoking. That first cigarette you had really tasted pretty bad. Then, after awhile, you're raving about the taste.