the signature (if its not just "after" the style of Miro), is actually in the "stone". Even lithos which were pulled by someone under the artists direction should have a penciled orignal signature f the artist responsible for the original work.
Picasso , Miro, Picabia, and most artists who published etchings or lithos of their works, would hand sign.
the signature is often the major pqrt of the ork worth. BUT it must be real, original, nd not deception.
Before his deathm, Dali would sign his name to blank sheets of print stock and his many versions of Quixote or just Cy Twombly style scribbles actually produced by an Italian "artist" named Magui and these would be called "hand signed original "Dali" prints) when Dali was not part of anything xcept a plot to deceive. He wpuld sign and assign an edition number and not even know what the print was. In many cases the print would be done by doing some acratches or adding lines to a plate from a completed edition and make believe it was an entirely new version of a familiar print.