Somebody posted this once and was treated badly for it but I think they were dead on to do so.
5 Summary of common interpretations of quantum mechanics
5.1 Classification adopted by Einstein
5.2 The Copenhagen interpretation
5.3 Many worlds
5.4 Consistent histories
5.5 Ensemble interpretation, or statistical interpretation
5.6 de Broglie–Bohm theory
5.7 Relational quantum mechanics
5.8 Transactional interpretation
5.9 Stochastic mechanics
5.10 Objective collapse theories
5.11 von Neumann/Wigner interpretation: consciousness causes the collapse
5.12 Many minds
5.13 Quantum logic
5.14 Quantum information theories
5.15 Modal interpretations of quantum theory
5.16 Time-symmetric theories
5.17 Branching space–time theories
5.18 Other interpretations
The reality that gives birth to the science must also be part of the interpretation of its results. An equation says nothing