<gives dress back to fortune, runs naked out of the bar, singing 'I want to break free ... I want to BREAK FREE'>
Oh, jesus. Nudism and bad songs put together. I need a nightcap..
Who's got a camera? I wanna post this in the gallery.
Say "Cheese", Rick!
I sang this, this morning:
A town of disrespect, the trains are wrecked
The night is younger than us
Nowhere is anywhere else, you keep to yourself
Stirring the dregs where I have laid
The exit signs are flashing
Dead ends they won't come to life anymore
I pledge the rest, I should have guessed
Your love was hanging by threads
Tongues tied under the moon
My love is a room of broken bottles and tangled webs
The misers wind their minds like clocks that grind their gears on and on
And if it's meant, some accident, some coincidence
Crumbs fall out of the sky when you wander by
The dust clouds blow when nobody's home
Oh won't you lay my bags upon the funeral fire and sing it again?
Oh won't you lay my bags upon the funeral fire and sing it again?
Garth Brooks
Do you not sing whilst you shave?
Do you not listen to country?
Garth Brooks has this little song, "Shameless" and it goes like, "I'm SHAMELESS" and I have a friend who thought for awhile that he was saying "I'm SHAVIN'" so ever since, I can't shave without thinking of the song.

Silly, huh?
Hello, I'm kinda back :wink: Put regular clothes on. I guess it's too late to say "cheese", I'm sorry fortune.