Most prominently Bi-Polar Bear? Did I miss something here?
You know what I mean. You were involved with 'The Deal.'
Incidentally, I sang this:
I've been drifting along in the same stale shoes
Loose ends tying a noose in the back of my mind
If you thought that you were making your way
To where the puzzles and pagans lay
I'll put it together, it's a strange invitation
When I wake up, someone will sweep up my lazy bones
And we will rise in the cool of the evening
I remember the way that you smiled
When the gravity shackles were wild
But something is vacant when I think it's all beginning
I've been drifting along in the same stale shoes
Loose ends tyint a noose in the back of my mind
If you thought that you were making your way
To where the puzzles and pagans lay
I'll put it together, it's a strange invitation...
(I'm rather glad I was absent for the 'Jessica' thing)
I sang this today: "Speed bonney boat likea bird on the wing. Onward the sailors cry..."
The Deal? <looks innocent>
If you don't know what the plan is, perhaps we should get Cav in to remind you.
Bring it on!

But do know that cav fears me. I've knocked him down once, I would do it again!
Pah! He could hardly feel it! The guillotined leg of a deceased anteater, thrown by a two year old girl with nits, has more chance of knocking him out than you do! I'll call him over here.
+ added consonants for effect.
Come on! He begged me to stop hitting me. He even wet his pants (sorry cav, but this is crucial for drom to know). Me T-Boy, me strong! <makes a backwards somersault, followed by breaking a steel door with his bare hands>
I was there. This was shortly after I, Drom the Demure, beat you totally in a game of fencing and/or tripping you over when you get into that silly little Matrix Play mode. And, no matter how hard you wish it, silver plastecine is not steel.
That was Olav (I love that line!). And maybe the door wasn't made of steel, could be, could be ... But it WAS a strong door. And I asked my little niece to break it, and she only got half-way through. I think I have won this discussion.
(BTW, they're blue, not purple)
Rick, I shall have to get after you with my ninja squad again. This time I shall stop for no puppy!
Agh, Rickje, you would drive Mother Teresa to distraction, if she were alive! Drastic times call for drastic measures. I'm going to steal Olav when he's apparently dressed as Fortune, and sell him on Ebay as a girlfriend to Slappy Doo Hoo. Then you can't say that it was him!
(P.S. I am too stubborn to lose a conversation.)
Fortune, I dare you: catch me if you can!
drom, have I mentioned the fact that I have another identical brother, Andhakaasurasudana?
Rick, we're two steps ahead of you. We put a little surprise in the Kool aid.
No. Whom does /he/ pretend to be? I met plenty of Andhakaasurasudanas in College. But I'll keep an open mind.
The drink? What did you do?
Rick d'Israeli wrote:The drink? What did you do?

It will be a big hit. I hear it's positively 'electric'.

Is this some mass conspiracy? drom, fortune, cav? <looks paranoid> Who's that? <runs to the door> Shadows ... everywhere! <shivers>
O, yes, indeed. The 'force' will be with them.
Don't forget Bo; he's on the list too, Caesar! O, and have you met my eight genetically modified sisters?