Waking up early makes you rich? Hmmm.
Didn't know you were Italian fortune :wink:
Only slightly, Rick. Like many Australians, my ancestry is widely varied.
Like Australian mafia? ;-)
Well, more as in: penal settlement. :wink:
Rick d'Israeli wrote:Waking up early makes you rich? Hmmm.
That is not the most important of the following :-) :
Thok wrote: Wake up early, it makes you healthy, happy and rich.
Well I am healthy (for what I know), and I'm happy at the moment
Rick d'Israeli wrote:Well, more as in: penal settlement. :wink:
(Sarcastically) Har har.
More like as in opera singers and Celtic goddesses, with a few other flavours thrown in for good measure.

You know I'm just teasing you, not?
Damn Rick - now I cant get the song I was singing in the shower out of my head - and I have some critical meetings coming up.
I have just had a team of vendors arrive onsite to support a project. Methinks you will really like one of the members on that team, abt 19, long black hair and absolutely stunning !!! All the guyz on my floor are running arnd with their tongues hanging out !
Mercy Me - I can only Imagine
I love your song, Fortune; how long have you spoken/sung Italian?
Did you like the film, Gautam?
Showered? I haven't done that since '99. I must stink like rotted roadkill splattered on a hot day in July.
Drom, I can't speak it as such, and I understand more than I can speak. I know quite a few Italian songs (mostly religious or operatic) due to a familial musical history. Most of the members of my family are musical in some way.
Truth is, you can pretty much name any country in Europe and some of my ancestors have probably laid claim to a piece of it.
Wow; your ancestors were spread out quite densely, like mine? Are some from Eastern Europe? Most of my ancestors were 'ambassadors,' but some of them have been proven to actually have been part of an unusual organization, 'the White hand.' Would you ever sing in an opera, had you the chance?
i sang Frankenstein by Edgar Winter...
Oooh, sounds mysterious, Drom! I don't think I'll ever be an opera singer, egotistical as I am, I don't think I have the required level of pomposity for the job (which is to say, my interests lie in other quarters).
oh oh oh oh