It's a prize you win at the fair's an honor to present it to your girlfriend.
Aha! <Yells> Jessica (with the big ... feet), get your <censored> cute little bottom (...) over here!
*Is shocked*
Besides, that doll is evil. I believe it is possessed by the ghost of the dad from Family Ties.
Rick won it at the strong man should be proud D
As I'm not familiar with Family Ties, I accept the doll. Thank you panzade!
Step right up! Win the little lady a kewpie doll...move along boy ...step right up!
Huh? I thought I already won it <looks some twenty posts ago> Am I going for a second one?
I said move along boy...give someone else a chance...STEP RIGHT UP...WIN THE LITTLE LADY A KEWPIE DOLL!!
Oh ... so suddenly T-Boy isn't important anymore ... <sigh> Oh well, I do have Jessica (...) Jessica? Jessica?? Oh there you a ... who's that?! What you say? (...) Gustavratzenhofer? Don't know him (...) What?! But ... I thought ... you looked so happy. What does he have to offer that I don't? Goats??
Ehh ... Anyone interested in a fresh bachelor?
You ever touch me there again I'll...
I thought Jessica was Gustavratzenhofer...
I never touched you panzade ... did I? Yesterday evening is just one big black hole in my memory ... Jessica was Gustavratzenhofer? (...) Could explain her ehm somewhat awkward demands.
Hmm, you forget things quickly, don't you Rick? What-- demands-- were these?

Ehh ... demands? Errr ... Sorry, but that's private! Or else, I ... ehh ... don't remember!
Fine. I'm calling Gustav myself. See, you say that I am 'connected' with him, to hide your own sin!
That was Olav who claimed that :wink:
Pah! You cannot fool me! I have a test to see who is whom.
Do you notice that, when I meet you, I give a cigar to you? If it were you to whom I was speaking, you would try to pose with the cigar; if it were Olav, he would crush it in his hand and start blabbering. It was definitely you ;D.
<becomes pale> OK, I'll confess. I did know Gustavratzenhofer. Now, I didn't know he was Jessica, I swear! But ... yes ... I know him ... it was me who discovered and said you know him ... go tell him. I have lost my pride <SIGH> <hangs his head in shame, walks away while the sun is going down, nobody cares, nobody listens ...>
Thank you. But is it you who should be melodramatic, Rick? Think of the heartbreak that this will bring to a long list of people, most prominently Bi-Polar Bear.