Kara - I noticed you were trying to save some of Debacle's stuff - I was thinking of doing the same - but I am having a hell of a job finding ANY time to do so!!!
Here is Debacle's home page on Abuzz
just in case you dinna have it....it will help!
I never left Abuzz, either - but sometimes I wasn't there much at all - there is only so much time in the day.
The damned idiots are STILL trying to create rivaly crap bewteen A2k and Abuzz (even impersonating Craven to do so - I cracked, and posted on one of the drivel threads) and now they are attempting to do the same with Seattlebuzz. I can't believe it - poor Abuzz is dying, and they are still doing mischief...oh well.
Thank you all for posting these wonderful threads - to save, or savour for one last time.
We had such FUN, didn't we?????
Even though I missed the "golden age"......
"Auto spam filter" - I never saw that before! - lol - (good on ya Craven - but it makes me feel soooooooo guilty!) well, with another site.....