Wed 11 May, 2016 06:33 pm
A few years back I watched a really bizarre CGI animated series, possibly Japanese but I think made in Australia. In this series, a sun-shaped creature and a crescent moon-shaped creature crashed-landed in a pretty neighbourhood in the suburbs -- somewhere. They ended up living with a really, er ... buxom and very cute young woman. She took care of them both but she was really attached to the sun creature the way you get attached to a really cute kitten.
Both creatures did house chores, cooked, cleaned, gardened, etc. but the cute-faced sun was her obvious favourite.
The theme in nearly each episode concerned the moon trying to get the girl's attention while she focused on other things and spoiled her "pet" sun-creature. The moon's attempts usually ended in his own grisly death or accidentally killing the sun.
In one episode, the sun baked a pretty cake for the girl, and the moon baked something rather ugly and sloppy, though he had good intentions. So in the end, he baked himself into a cake and somehow left it at her front door as a present...
Pretty bizarre, as I said.
Anyway, with that much detail, I hope someone else has seen this, and can tell me the name of the series and where I might find it again. I want to use examples from it in a psych-analysis project.
Hi Folks -- I found the series! It is available on YouTube and is called "Funny Pets". If you want to find it, enter "Funny Pets anime" and it will come up.
It is Japanese after all, but I think the set I saw years back was made for viewing overseas. There is no speech, just sounds, and some kanji for the opening credits, etc.
Warning -- it's really bizarre in a "Happy Tree Friends" sort of way, and each episode is somewhat tragic for an anime. Definitely not a children's show...
It only lasted one season and was supposed to be 18 or 20 episodes long. However it was cancelled after 10 episodes were aired and now 11 or 12 of them have been released on YouTube. The others have never been seen and never been described...