The existence of God

Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2016 11:37 am
... and brought back their foreskins
Thanks Ed. once again...my entire day...Showing Wag one of 'em cruelty and rush to kill
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Reply Sun 30 Dec, 2018 10:05 am
jwagner wrote:

Is there a God?

Depends on what you mean by that term....
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Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2020 09:03 pm
Yes. Logic dictates it and our emotions confirm it
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Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2020 07:16 am
Seemed obvious too.
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Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2020 03:41 pm
rosborne979 wrote:

freekundli wrote:

We have not seen god. It does not mean that god does not exist

We've not seen Unicorns and Elves either, does that mean they exist?

Everything imaginary exists within the imagination because it is recognizable in terms of other, known forms.

So unicorns, for example, are only imaginable because horses exist and because horned animals exist. If they didn't, then the concept of a unicorn would be unthinkable.

God is the ultimate composite identity. He is the unification of all powers and aspects of the universe, known and unknown.

Can we say that things exist that we don't know about? Yes, we know from experience that there are always unknown things beyond the horizon of our current awareness/understanding.

Nothing exists except insofar as it was created from some pre-occuring form or state. The law of conservation of energy/matter is that energy/matter cannot be created or destroyed; so it always transforms from an earlier state.

If the universe is thus in a perpetual state of creation without beginning or end, we can attribute that to a creator beyond time and space. That is possible because it is possible for us to conceive of creation without beginning/end, thus we have to account for the universe's capacity to be aware of itself and understand itself beyond its own infinite nature.

Big bang theory works like this. People ask, "what came before the big bang?" but the notion that time and space can be traced backward without reaching some absolute limit beyond which nothing earlier could have occurred implies that space/time have always been expanding but yet we are capable of analytically conceptualizing the notion of the universe expanding from a single point origin.

Whether the big bang theory is correct or some other theory, the fact that we are conscious and capable of contemplating the universe's origins/history by observing how things work and extrapolating prior causation implies that the universe contains latent potential for knowing itself and being aware of doing so, hence the capacity to describe ultimate creation in terms of an ultimate creator.

Whether or not you can stand to make the leap from thinking in terms of 'creation' to identifying it in terms of an ultimate creative agent, you have to acknowledge that the human mind is capable of taking all the complexity of a living organism and identifying it in terms of centralized agency.

It is this same capacity to identify individuality in a collection of interworking parts that also makes it possible for us to identify individuality at the level of the entire universe of creation.
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Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2020 04:32 pm
jwagner wrote:

Seems legit, what do you think the purpose of life is then? If all we do is live and then die with no hope for afterlife then what reason do I have to live? or is there an afterlife?

The universe does not owe you either a god or a purpose for life or an afterlife for that matter................

A Man Said to the Universe
Stephen Crane

A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!”
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
a sense of obligation.”

Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2020 05:02 pm
BillRM wrote:

The universe does not owe you either a god or a purpose for life or an afterlife for that matter................

The universe 'owes' equal and opposite reactions for every action.

There is no wiggle room where action and reaction, cause and effect, are concerned.
Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2020 05:20 pm
livinglava wrote:

BillRM wrote:

The universe does not owe you either a god or a purpose for life or an afterlife for that matter................

The universe 'owes' equal and opposite reactions for every action.

There is no wiggle room where action and reaction, cause and effect, are concerned.

LOL love a human claiming he or she can demand that the universe must obey cause and effect in all cases in other words a simple Newtonian universe

See the strange workings of quantum mechanical theories just to start with IE is the cat alive or dead or in some strange flux state until you open the box with the cat in it.
Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2020 05:28 pm
BillRM wrote:

LOL love a human claiming he or she can demand that the universe must obey cause and effect in all cases in other words a simple Newtonian universe

Newton didn't invent cause and effect, though he described certain aspects of it quite eloquently.

I don't see what's funny about it, though.

See the strange workings of quantum mechanical theories just to start with IE is the cat alive or dead or in some strange flux state until you open the box with the cat in it.

What causes the quantum superposition to collapse? Isn't that cause and effect as well?

Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2020 05:39 pm
livinglava wrote:

BillRM wrote:

LOL love a human claiming he or she can demand that the universe must obey cause and effect in all cases in other words a simple Newtonian universe

Newton didn't invent cause and effect, though he described certain aspects of it quite eloquently.

I don't see what's funny about it, though.

See the strange workings of quantum mechanical theories just to start with IE is the cat alive or dead or in some strange flux state until you open the box with the cat in it.

What causes the quantum superposition to collapse? Isn't that cause and effect as well?

Hell no not under the many universes theory where any possible outcome occur in one universe or another.

No clear outcome for any possible action so no cause and effect.

Causal relations: who influences whom

In everyday life and in classical physics, events are ordered in time: a cause can only influence an effect in its future not in its past. As a simple example, imagine a person, Alice, walking into a room and finding there a piece of paper. After reading what is written on the paper Alice erases the message and leaves her own message on the piece of paper. Another person, Bob, walks into the same room at some other time and does the same: he reads, erases and re-writes some message on the paper. If Bob enters the room after Alice, he will be able to read what she wrote; however Alice will not have a chance to know Bob's message. In this case, Alice's writing is the "cause" and what Bob reads the "effect." Each time the two repeat the procedure, only one will be able to read what the other wrote. Even if they don't have watches and don't know who enters the room first, they can deduce it by what they write and read on the paper. For example, Alice might write "Alice was here today," such that if Bob reads the message, he will know that he came to the room after her.

Quantum violation of causal order

As long as only the laws of classical physics are allowed, the order of events is fixed: either Bob or Alice is first to enter the room and leave a message for the other person. When quantum mechanics enters into play, however, the picture may change drastically. According to quantum mechanics, objects can lose their well-defined classical properties, such as e.g. a particle that can be at two different locations at the same time. In quantum physics this is called a "superposition."

Now an international team of physicists led by Caslav Brukner from the University of Vienna have shown that even the causal order of events could be in such a superposition. If -- in our example -- Alice and Bob have a quantum system instead of an ordinary piece of paper to write their messages on, they can end up in a situation where each of them can read a part of the message written by the other. Effectively, one has a superposition of two situations: "Alice enters the room first and leaves a message before Bob" and "Bob enters the room first and leaves a message before Alice."

"Such a superposition, however, has not been considered in the standard formulation of quantum mechanics since the theory always assumes a definite causal order between events," says Ognyan Oreshkov from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (formerly University of Vienna). "But if we believe that quantum mechanics governs all phenomena, it is natural to expect that the order of events could also be indefinite, similarly to the location of a particle or its velocity," adds Fabio Costa from the University of Vienna.

The work provides an important step towards understanding that definite causal order might not be a mandatory property of nature. "The real challenge is finding out where in nature we should look for superpositions of causal orders," explains Caslav Brukner from the Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics, Quantum Information group of the University of Vienna.

Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2020 05:41 pm
BillRM wrote:

Hell no not under the many universes theory where any possible outcome occur in one universe or another.

Empirically speaking, how many universes do you observe?

No clear outcome for any possible action so no cause and effect.

What causes the quantum superposition state to collapse into a definite outcome?
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2020 05:59 am
He was hoping you wouldnt notice.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 May, 2020 11:02 pm
The resurrection of Jesus proves it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 May, 2020 09:21 am
BillRM wrote:

Hell no not under the many universes theory where any possible outcome occur in one universe or another.

Even in that theory, can there be universes where energy is not conserved? Nowhere/nohow can momentum not be conserved when two objects collide.

Now you're going to start laughing about Newtonian mechanics, but quantum superposition collapse is the same. It happens when one field 'observes' another field, so there is a cause for every wave collapse.

No clear outcome for any possible action so no cause and effect.

Give an example of an event with multiple possible outcomes?

Causal relations: who influences whom

In everyday life and in classical physics, events are ordered in time: a cause can only influence an effect in its future not in its past. As a simple example, imagine a person, Alice, walking into a room and finding there a piece of paper. After reading what is written on the paper Alice erases the message and leaves her own message on the piece of paper. Another person, Bob, walks into the same room at some other time and does the same: he reads, erases and re-writes some message on the paper. If Bob enters the room after Alice, he will be able to read what she wrote; however Alice will not have a chance to know Bob's message. In this case, Alice's writing is the "cause" and what Bob reads the "effect." Each time the two repeat the procedure, only one will be able to read what the other wrote. Even if they don't have watches and don't know who enters the room first, they can deduce it by what they write and read on the paper. For example, Alice might write "Alice was here today," such that if Bob reads the message, he will know that he came to the room after her.

This seems to be some sort of analogy. What is it an analogy for?

objects can lose their well-defined classical properties, such as e.g. a particle that can be at two different locations at the same time. In quantum physics this is called a "superposition."

But the superposition collapses upon observation/interaction with another field. So the collapse has a cause and an effect, however you slice it.
Reply Mon 4 May, 2020 09:41 am
Energy not being conserved is that your problem????

Well by some modern theory the sum total of energy is zero.

I think off hand the subject was address in the book the Universe from nothing at all.

Sorry there are a lot we do not know and may never know but some all powerful super being that is outside the universe that is the engine of creation is not at all likely.

An of course even as a child my question, when the claim that the universe could not had come into being without an all powerful designer, is where the hell did this designer come from was there a whole serial of gods each more powerful then the one before creating them?
Reply Mon 4 May, 2020 10:09 am
BillRM wrote:

Energy not being conserved is that your problem????

You reduce my posts to something you can arbitrarily respond to with something generically topical.

Well by some modern theory the sum total of energy is zero.

So what? That's sophism. What does it mean that 'the sum total of energy zero?' It sounds relevant without actually saying anything.

I think off hand the subject was address in the book the Universe from nothing at all.

It's naive to make things sum to zero and then use sophism to try to make it meaningful. For things to 'sum to zero,' they have to be quantified as positive and negative. Nothing negative cancels out anything positive in reality. Particles and antiparticles annihilate, but that just means they combine to form a common daughter particle/wave.

Sorry there are a lot we do not know and may never know but some all powerful super being that is outside the universe that is the engine of creation is not at all likely.

You don't even know what a 'being' is or isn't. You just make assumptions based on what you assume constitutes a 'being' or not.

If understand the physics of everything being made up of particles/waves, what makes some combination of particles/waves a 'being' while another combination isn't?

An of course even as a child my question, when the claim that the universe could not had come into being without an all powerful designer, is where the hell did this designer come from was there a whole serial of gods each more powerful then the one before creating them?

The designer is built into the universe. It designs itself as it evolves. The metaphor of God as a physical/material entity separate from the universe is just a metaphor. In reality there is simply higher power, higher authority, and every aspect exhibited by humans must exist as latent potential in the laws of physics that have governed the universe throughout its existence.

There is intelligent design because the universe designs itself intelligently. We attribute agency for the universe because we experience ourselves in terms of agency. Humans didn't create themselves, so it doesn't make sense to say that intentional agency spawned from nothing at some point in the history of the universe. For anything to exist, including consciousness/intent/agenecy, it had to always exist in some latent form prior to its emergence in the form we understand it. As such, we can say that humans were created in the image of whatever created them, therefore there must be God at the level of the universe, i.e. the cause of the latent potential that has manifested itself as everything nature and humans have become.

In terms of a more tangible example, let's say you look at a fruit, say an apple, and you see that it comes from an apple tree; but you examine the leaves and branches of the tree and you don't see them as being anything like an apple. But at the genetic level, the apple, leaves, branches, roots, etc. are all manifestations of the same DNA and even the tree itself was sprouted from an apple seed that came from an apple produced by a parent tree, etc. So there is intelligence in the entire system that produces each tree and causes it generate fruit and thus reproduce, but if you imagine the god of apples as some ultimate apple tree that created all the other apple trees, that's just a metaphor because ultimately apple trees and their DNA are just part of a broader pattern of creation and evolution whose authority goes much farther and deeper than just apple trees and their fruit.

Likewise, God's existence and power goes much further and deeper than just humans, but as humans we can recognize the universality of God in ourselves as products of His creation, just as a sentient apple could recognize itself as a manifestation of the same DNA that manifested its parent tree, etc. So as humans we understand our human existence on different levels, e.g. the level of our material culture, the body, mind, emotions/heart, consciousness that experiences all these different perceptions/emotions/memories/thoughts/etc. so by becoming aware of ourselves on all these different levels, we can begin to extrapolate the existence of all those different aspects of our being at a more universal level; so for example if there are alien beings who look like Octopuses or whatever, we can still see that they have eyes to see, and minds to think, etc. so there is something universal about seeing light or thinking with a brain that exists as latent potential within the universe and the laws of nature.
Reply Wed 6 May, 2020 06:28 pm
Sorry but for a designer to existence then the question come up where the hell did this all powerful designer come from????????

Religion an a belief in an all powerful being just push the questions one further step back without solving anything at all a point I saw first clearly as a young child.

Nor for that matter if such a being or beings exist that said nothing at all about their nature or that they have any connection to any god that mankind had dream up such as the christian god,
Reply Wed 6 May, 2020 06:56 pm
BillRM wrote:

Sorry but for a designer to existence then the question come up where the hell did this all powerful designer come from????????

Before you can address such questions/issues, you have to define what constitutes an entity and what exists that isn't an entity. Once you have entity-ness figured out, then you can start thinking about what 'design' means versus what isn't design.

Evolution 'designs' species/organisms by means of trial and error with mutations, reproduction, and selection; does it not? Is that not a design-process?

Religion an a belief in an all powerful being just push the questions one further step back without solving anything at all a point I saw first clearly as a young child.

The whole point of declaring 'God' as the ultimate power of the universe is to recognize that there is always a 'further step back.'

You're thinking about the term, 'God,' the way people think about the term, 'universe,' when they ask what preceded the universe, or what exists outside the universe. The word, 'universe,' means the set containing all elements of all other sets. So by definition there is nothing beyond the universe or else it would not be the universal set.

Nor for that matter if such a being or beings exist that said nothing at all about their nature or that they have any connection to any god that mankind had dream up such as the christian god,

Humans are capable of recognizing connection between everything in/of the universe. We know, for example, that there are just a handful of physical forces that govern everything in the universe and that the periodic table is universal because protons, electrons, and neutrons always organize themselves according to these same configurations.

We can also see that nothing about human existence occurs except because the laws of nature have manifested them. So everything about our existence exists within a fundamental set of possibilities.

The universe may contain many other possibilities for life and intelligence that we don't yet understand/foresee, but that doesn't mean those possibilities don't exist. Is it possible for human intellect to foresee the existence of things that are as yet unknown? Didn't we know exoplanets would exist before we discovered any? Didn't we know that black holes and other astronomical phenomena would exist just by modeling the various possibilities we could extrapolate from known physics?

If you are capable of seeing the universalities described in the Bible, then you should be able to see that Moses was not in error when he said that humans were created in God's image. Sin is a universal concept and the spiritual experience of sin is also universal. There is no way to be conscious/sentient and not distinguish between good and bad in various ways. As such, we know that good/bad distinction is a universal experience of intelligence, and we can extrapolate that the potential for intelligence goes beyond human existence because it existed as a potential before humans ever manifested it as such.
Reply Wed 6 May, 2020 07:47 pm
If you are capable of seeing the universalities described in the Bible, then you should be able to see that Moses was not in error when he said that humans were created in God's image. Sin is a universal concept and the spiritual experience of sin is also universal. There is no way to be conscious/sentient and not distinguish between good and bad in various ways. As such, we know that good/bad distinction is a universal experience of intelligence, and we can extrapolate that the potential for intelligence goes beyond human existence because it existed as a potential before humans ever manifested it as such.

Once more the god in the bible is an evil god on the face of it in human terms.

Moses who when he first become aware that his people had misbehavior when he was on the mountain with god the first time order his supporters to kill at random among his own people until his supporters was too tired to move their swords?????

Thou shalt not kill did not apply at that point and even later after he replaced the tablets when his people wipe out a whole city full of people who only crime was living on lands they wish to own.

Not nice people that god favor.

Moses Breaks the Tablets
…27He told them, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each of you men is to fasten his sword to his side, go back and forth through the camp from gate to gate, and slay his brother, his friend, and his neighbor.’” 28The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell dead. 29Afterward, Moses said, “Today you have been ordained for service to the LORD, since each man went against his son and his brother; so the LORD has bestowed a blessing on you this day.”…
Berean Study Bible
Reply Wed 6 May, 2020 09:06 pm
Have anyone been watching netflix Lucifer serious?

God seems to be the father of Lucifer for one thing in this show.

It is amusing an interesting in my opinion and well worth watching.

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