I do.
I once worked in catering ( Another thread is leaning toward the same - Something about a bloke protesting against customers on welfare, whilst, fraudulently claiming it himself) under an islamic-administration - Because of this, plus the (middle-easten) menu - The business (Also within 50 yards of the city's main mosque) attracted many local muslims.
98% were devoted to their faith, but a few had become lapsed.
When you are clearly intoxicated with alcohol (Islamic-no-no), demanding the meat (being served you) better be 'Halal' (prepared in accordance to islamic requirement) - Is highly hypocritical.
It is quite often the case that we become more fervently the 'judge' over those who embody our own (overlooked/unregistering) flaws.
We are all hypocrites, on occasion - And, it is at these times, we learn about ourselves moreso.
Whether that develops you/me into betterment, or fails to register is relative to ones' own perception.
But we are all guilty of hypocrisy - Calling others out on it makes it prevail.