700 Inconsistencies in the Bible

Mon 29 Jan, 2018 03:03 am
God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day.
god created the first day: god called the day light and called the darkness night. Pretty simple.

God creates darkness and separates dark from light, and night from day, on the first night. BACKWARDS. god puts the day first, not night. God could have called night light but that would be silly. Light is day, night is not light.

Hope that helped.
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Tue 28 Aug, 2018 11:46 pm
It was all written by men, so why be surprised by inconsistencies? The Bible is an account of the history of a people, with the wisdom of prophets.
It is not a good thing to be restricted by religion, there is more in Truth to be found by curiosity and daring to disbelief the Church.
There is freedom to use the mind and critical faculty and see that IT which creates dwells silently within, and Jesus gave advice how to find it.
How many have the courage to reject the barbarous doctrine of Hell and fear of heresy and disbelief.
I was once a catholic, and since learned many things which had been hidden like reincarnation, and discovered the truth about Jesus.
cicerone imposter
Wed 29 Aug, 2018 09:58 am
Gross inconsistencies and contradictions. Ya can't have it both ways; it's either the true word or it ain't. Start with the age of this planet, then go forward. Also, miracles happened back then but disappeared for what reasons? Homo sapiens walked this planet for 200,000 years. A savior appears 2,000 years ago. What's wrong with this picture?
Wed 29 Aug, 2018 09:00 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Gross inconsistencies and contradictions. Ya can't have it both ways; it's either the true word or it ain't.

There's that finger pointing that y'all are so famous for, ci, when much of your entire existence is "gross inconsistencies and contradictions.
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Sat 12 Feb, 2022 02:22 am
There is not that many inconsistencies in the Bible. The poster has no Spirit and cannot comprehend what the Spirit teaches. The message of the Bible is consistent: Jesus was crucified, resurrected and ascended to heaven, all witnessed by thousands of other's. †
Mon 7 Mar, 2022 03:14 pm
I'm pretty sure they are counting both the old and new testaments - and the message isn't consistent between the two:
- angry, jealous God...to loving, forgiving God
- God who murders 42 children for calling his prophet an old badly...to loving, forgiving God

I'm also pretty sure your reply disagrees with the Bibles version of whether or not the poster possesses Spirit.

That said - as it also says it isn't the direct word of God - why do you care if there are human inconsistencies?
Tue 8 Mar, 2022 06:57 am
That's not an inconsistency. It can be explained by a simple means.

The Jews only understand God as an ally in battle. Basically, they're a bunch of jerks that don't play well with others. Who think their Chosen status means they can be snobs who don't know their own God (still better than the Muslims tho).

Jesus's story of the Prodigal Son is basically about this. "Father I did everything for you and you couldn't even give me a fatted calf," says the Jew who does good things just to be rewarded . God said, "Look at this son (this sinner), he has come back to me after wandering around. How could I not welcome him back?"
Look at early Genesis, and how everyone God encountered received grace from him. Jacob ran off after stealing his brother's blessing, yet God accepted him. Or Abraham was basically a Jew turned Egyptian citizen turned exiled herder, but God granted him power. Then the Jews built a kingdom, and kinda got stuck on themselves. They only knew God as he punished them or their enemies, not as someone who wanted a loving relationship.

Basically, the problem of the Jews is that they wrote the Law because they couldn't understand just two commandments (love your neighbor as yourself, and love the Lord your God). That was probably what was on the original commandments. Even 10 weren't enough, the Jews eventually had about 613 laws.
The second problem was they wanted to be like other nations, and set aside God's rule and God being with them in a tent to God giving them kings (most of which sucked) and God was in a Temple, but was hidden behind a large curtain.
Tue 8 Mar, 2022 02:45 pm
The mere fact you have to explain it by introducing & talking about human inconsistency as the explanation - shows that it is inconsistent. You also avoided the she-bear sent by God to kill 42 children.

That aside, as it doesn't claim to be the direct word of God, but by human hand as they were moved by the Holy Spirit - why do you have an issue with inconsistencies? By your own admission of flawed peoples writing the Bible- there would have to be such.

If you ask me - religion was ultimately meant to teach people about themselves. But around 95% appear to get stuck in the 'rules'. Rules have their place - but not as a be all and end all. 'Humanity' is much more important.
Tue 8 Mar, 2022 08:04 pm
It's not an inconsistency, for the exact reason that it is very consistent with human behavior. Remember, we humans sometimes shun a product that will give us bad gas (olestra) but not one that clogs our arteries (trans fats are still being used). Embarrassment > death, so yeah, human behavior isn't exactly normal.

I was at an LGBT Pride thing one time. I was in a black wig, and rocking a pretty cute dress and heels. Anyway, as I wandered about the fairgrounds, this church (that I later joined) had a poster that said "The Body of Christ has AIDS." Well, this intrigued me so I asked about it.

"The Body of Christ is the people of the church. So if the people are gays dying of AIDS, then Christ is suffering right with them."

The Jews were a chosen people that think it's okay to kill outsiders with a giant she-bear. Yeah...

Likewise, if the Body of Christ wears a mask and shuns people, we got some issues. Ditto for if God kills off thousands of animals a day because of a temple sacrifice system.

Ideally, God (as the sum total of his people) is psychologically healthy, not drunk with power, and not so depressed that the world will end. But this isn't always the case.

What you should do when reading the Bible is not try to look for inconsistencies, but see this as a reflection of the people living it, and the people writing it.
Tue 8 Mar, 2022 11:59 pm
The Jews were a chosen people that think it's okay to kill outsiders with a giant she-bear.
That is not how the story goes. But as you disagree with the Biblical version of God sending the she bear, you obviously think the Biblical version is inconsistent with the truth. Why then the long posts about it not being inconsistent?

or the exact reason that it is very consistent with human behavior. Remember, we humans sometimes shun a product that will give us bad gas (olestra) but not one that clogs our arteries (trans fats are still being used). Embarrassment > death, so yeah, human behavior isn't exactly normal.
A piss poor comparison. Attempting to compare inconsistencies in behaviour to inconsistencies in human metabolism. Behaviour is by choice. Choice shows who we are...metabolism does not.

What you should do when reading the Bible is not try to look for inconsistencies,
I don't in the way you mean. However, inconsistencies always need to be investigated with an open mind, to ascertain truth - which is what all religions claim to seek. Having grown up in a Christian family, I recognise them when I come across them, and acknowledge them. I'm no longer Christian, but that is for a different reason - more to do with the blindness of people who insist on their rightful interpretation, and a lack of true & honest questioning by the majority of adherents.

but see this as a reflection of the people living it, and the people writing it.
Pretty much what I said. People are inconsistent, so why should inconsistencies of a book written by people be such a reason for denial of its inconsistencies (or really, debate on the mere existence of inconsistencies)?

If it claimed to be the direct word, then inconsistencies would be a different story.
Wed 9 Mar, 2022 07:37 am
The reason I didn't comment, is because I don't remember this she-bear story to begin with. But it seems the sort of thing that a people with moral myopia would cheer about.

It's not about metabolism. It's about how humans don't always show their best in terms of sympathy to human suffering. But sometimes suffering stops instead for stupid reasons.
They stopped wearing masks in much of the country. Was it because they realized that some people have breathing problems, others have fears or moral objections, and between all of that some people are shut of society and can't even buy food and clothes? Hell no, it's because masks are uncomfortable and Fauci was caught lying about gain of function.

I've always felt that atheism is an irresponsible way to deal with issues in faith, akin to some demon whispering in one's ear to give up the search. Nah, you should never stop until you understand the answers.

Final Fantasy X is a pretty good idea of what you get from blind faith. The lead character (it isn't Tidus), Yuna is a summoner on a quest to defeat Sin. Sin is not an invisible enemy here but a large manatee-like monster capable of leveling cities.
So she goes from town to town, picking up summons in preparation for the Final Summon. Then we hear the truth: (a) The Final Summon kills the summoner when she summons it to do battle with Sin, and more importantly (b) the Final Summon eventually becomes Sin.

You can either build case against religion entirely from this, but I've heard several people online draw parallels to Christianity. And not just from the badass scene where she dances on the water, but the sense of rejecting the traditions of the temple hierarchy. The Jewish people were trapped in a sort of fog where everything they did was right because they were following God. Yeah, tell that to the animals sacrificed to atone for sins. Or the people too poor to pay for the sacrifice, who were told they were sinners, while the "righteous" were simplty rich enough to have their sins forgiven. Why I'm saying there isn't an inconsistency here, is because the inconsistent part is actually a conflict between what God wants and what the Jews write that God wants. The inconsistent parts? They're lies, covered over by centuries.
Wed 9 Mar, 2022 08:10 pm
Nah, you should never stop until you understand the answers.
As I said - the reason I left, because way too many people didn't understand their own beliefs, and stopped looking after finding 'easy' answers, rather than the answer that was consistent with all the known variables.

The reason I didn't comment, is because I don't remember this she-bear story to begin with.
This is a very lazy response - given as you objected to my reference to God being a fearful God in the Old testament and it was one of two major examples, and you referenced it....it's lazy because it's incredibly easy to look up - type "she-bear 42 children"

It's not about metabolism.
Then don't use metabolism as a comparison to human behaviour.

You can either build case against religion entirely from this,

I don't have an issue with religion - only with blind religion - which again, I point out, is why I left. Questioning religion, that attempts to be consistent with all the known variables, is fine. By the way, by variables, I mean - for the Christian Religion, thing like:
- only God is omniscient / omnipresent; therefore it is impossible for the Devil to be everywhere, whispering in the ears of 5-6 billion people
- that if the devil was able to corrupt (genetics, the physical world etc), that would mean his power was able to overcome God's power to a degree (meaning God wasn't omnipotent). Now there are ways to explain this away...but the base has to be considered in the whole, otherwise the explanation may just be self-serving
- if the devil wasn't able to corrupt, then God created the genetic foundation for gay people...which the bible says he hates.
- if he did allow genes to be corrupted, and then hated people who followed their genes (the entire world does, but in this case - a specific subset who follow their genes), then that is both hypocritical and biased (towards people that can follow his favoured genetic code) for a God that claims to love
- that the world is a reflection of God (seeing as he created it according to the Bible)...therefore the good patterns that are seen in the world that the Bible should be consistent with, etc. Of course, they are just a few questions in a world that has thousands, if not millions of questions.

To be clear - I'm not after an answer from you. It is quite fine that people arrive at their own conclusions.
Thu 10 Mar, 2022 07:23 am
As I said - the reason I left, because way too many people didn't understand their own beliefs, and stopped looking after finding 'easy' answers, rather than the answer that was consistent with all the known variables.

Sweet! But I take it you found none for yourself that were?

- if the devil was able to corrupt (genetics, the physical world etc), that would mean his power was able to overcome God's power to a degree (meaning God wasn't omnipotent). Now there are ways to explain this away...but the base has to be considered in the whole, otherwise the explanation may just be self-serving

For example, this ‘inconsistency' is an error in reading. Genesis is pretty clear in saying that it was God himself who scrambled things up. For example, It took us a long time to unscramble the genetics of corn by painstakingly selecting and planting the best. Ancient corn was a pathetic cob with a few random kernels. I assume it looked a lot like today’s corn in the garden of Eden/earth (before).
Fri 11 Mar, 2022 11:09 am
For example, this ‘inconsistency' is an error in reading. Genesis is pretty clear in saying that it was God himself who scrambled things up. For example, It took us a long time to unscramble the genetics of corn by painstakingly selecting and planting the best. Ancient corn was a pathetic cob with a few random kernels. I assume it looked a lot like today’s corn in the garden of Eden/earth (before).

I assume you mean before this?

Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it’;
Cursed is the ground because of you;
In toil you will eat of it
All the days of your life.
Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you;
And you will eat the plants of the field;
By the sweat of your face
You will eat bread,
Till you return to the ground,
Because from it you were taken;
For you are dust,
And to dust you shall return.”

Bananas btw, have to be cloned from a single mutant banana, since natural bananas have huge seeds and are basically inedible. I honestly wonder how human beings survived even a few years, much less made it to the modern era.

As to that, I'd say it looked like corn 150 years ago in Eden. Modern corn is genetically modified so that it often can't even reproduce on its own.
Ditto for wine grapes. If you've made rootstocks and cultivars that aren't even breedable, uhhhhh you're stupid. All it takes is a generation to forget the patented method, and the the entire breed goes extinct.

...**** you, Monsanto.
Fri 11 Mar, 2022 12:16 pm

...**** you, Monsanto.

You remind me of how funny it is that the woke crowd condemns tweaking the biology of what they eat, but will whole heartedly embrace ******* with their own with a barely tested Covid vaccine.

Just say'n

But yeah, that time in the book.
Fri 11 Mar, 2022 12:45 pm
That you clearly don't understand, vaccinations have been around since Lister, and because microbes mutate so quickly there is a need to focus on the proteins that will trigger an immune response. This science is long standing and thoroughly and rigorously tested.

It's afar cry from mucking about with the genetic code of food crops, that's the huge step into the bloody unknown right there.

The main problem independent science has with gm crops is that they haven't been thoroughly tested. The long term effects are unknown.

Added to that are the shady business practices of Monsanto, third world farmers are forced to buy sterile seeds meaning they can no longer use their own seeds making seed pur have another cost.

It's a monopoly, it is trademarking plants. The vaccine isn't a monopoly, there's lots of different ones from different countries and different companies, and it's been given away free.

Do you really believe the moronic drivel you spout, or are you just attention seeking?

Anyone with a ******* o level in Biology can tell you're talking out your arse, it really is total bollocks.
Fri 11 Mar, 2022 01:06 pm
You clearly do not understand the difference between COVID-19 ‘vaccine' and ALL previous ones. The CDC had to change the definition of ‘vaccine' to make that less obvious to the likes of you.

Come back when you actually know something.
Fri 11 Mar, 2022 01:15 pm
Except that I equally hate GMO stuff and hate the idea of myself becoming a GMO. So maybe I'm a bit more logically consistent?

Fri 11 Mar, 2022 01:19 pm
That’s fine, I just find inconsistencies and contradictions more interesting.

You never struck me as 'woke' anyway.

No offense, but Has anyone ever told you you write like a girl?
Just curious.
Fri 11 Mar, 2022 01:21 pm
Vaccinations have been. Yeah, maybe.

You guys don't seem to get what mRNA is. These "vaccines" have not been around since Lister. These are new.

And by the way... these come in response to a disease that we have NOT been able to isolate (therefore, it doesn't exist for all intents and purposes), and are the biological equivalent of killing a fly with a cannon.

Btw, mRNA turns into DNA in the liver.

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