wow! I like that Chatham - I'm off to Google for more
I too love Diebenkorn and don't know Kahn so am off to look at his stuff too
I googled more Chatham's and like his compositions, the way he plays with viewpoints and the way the eye moves around the painting. He is very good tonally but not a colourist. I enjoyed the work and would like to see more.
Kahn on the other hand doesn't work for me. I don't like the way he uses colour - it lacks something - I find his compositions unimaginative and his work doesn't compare (
for me- this is just personal taste) with the German Expressionists, who had a far stronger understanding of how colours reacted and the drama they can create. I prefer Diebenkorn's beautiful cool subtlety. I's like to see the one's Osso liked to see if I could relate more to them. I do feel he is formulaic, with a sort of false naivety. (I'm sorry Firenze - feel free to be equally harsh with my favourite artists!)
I don't think the Hudson River School is for me either
I'm ready to be persuaded if anyone shows me something I can relate to ....
I think David Blackburn has some of the qualities of Diebenkorn
better webpage
more work