Since itd be my last supper, Im thinking a pure gallimaufry of seafood. A vritable dogs breakfast of the following;
1. A 1.5 lb hard shell lobster. Steamed , not boiled and served with clarified sweet butter
2. 6 large fresh bay scallops broiled in a beur with a sweet sherry and served with slices of crispingWright's bourbon cured bacon (Not crispy)
3. One dozen fresh raw Chincoteague oysters and 1 dozen Lafayette Louisiana oysters served with an icey cold freshly made sauce of 2 parts ketchup and 3 parts horseradish. (Im still trying to figure out which variety I like better)
4. A freshly caught and broiled mackerel (About 12 inches long harbor mackerel. Broiled with a sweet butter/sweet sherry/ lemon juice basting, and served with a side of a fresh bernaise with pepper.
5 A butter/brown sugar apple tart, freshly baked and served a bit warm, with a caramel sauce on the side.
6. A bottle of Laphroig and a small glass and a pitcher of ice water to "open up my "Phroig"
You could then pull the switch