Tue 22 Mar, 2016 03:14 pm
You are aware.
You perceive 'change'.
You seem to be a particular body/mind. However, is this body/mind that you seem to be not in fact just another part of the 'change' that is 'perceived' by what You are?
Because 'change' is 'the perceived', NO part of it at all (such as ANY body/mind, or ANY subpart thereof) can actually BE 'the perceiver' of it, that You are.
You have, in all honesty, never had (and could never have) even a single experience of any perception being had by 'the perceived', including the body/mind.
You, as a 'perceiver', are absolutely changeless.
As such, in truth, You have no location or edge, and so You do not begin or end. You are infinite and eternal, as the One unthreatenable Emptiness itself.
You are Pure Awareness.
Quote:You, as a 'perceiver', are absolutely changeless.
I can't help but think that those who believe this must have led very tranquil lives.
Consider instead the view (Maturana)that all we call 'conscious perception' actually involves 'verbalisation' whether internal or external. And consider that with respect to the view that 'self' is a by product of language acquisition (Dennett). Sort of cuts through some of the fog perhaps ?
Okay....but what is the nature of the continuous perceiver of these intermittent internal and external verbalisations?
One view is that in that state there is no continuity of 'perceiving', which involves verbalization. Self identity dissipates indicating 'higher levels of consciousness' characterized by the word 'ineffable'. Religious extrapolations of that view often involve sublimation of 'self' either in terms of submission to 'a deity' or encompassment in 'holistic consciousness'.Generally speaking it is practically impossible to maintain such a state since 'self' is perpetually being 'recalled' to attend to the normal praxis of life. (Hence monastic movements or strict religious orthodoxy which function to artificially delimit that praxis).