Teaching Religious Magic Verse Teaching Modern Science Magic.

Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2016 09:00 pm
Below is an attempt to convince readers an established system is using 3,000 years old formulated theories, are treating adults like children by teaching an existence of false modern science much the same as religion teaches magical bible and saint stories.
Rather than school education teaches children useful knowledge, from aged 5 years, children are being taught difficult to prove incorrect wondrous fantasy, as though established systems have all the unseen answers.

Religion favours teaching: bible stories; saints stories. Every calendar day is a saints’ day to be spoken about and celebrated. All information cannot be disputed by young children. Aged 5 years children have to believe stories from religious teachers.


I suggest, many infant and primary schools would have classroom school lessons on the solar system, seeing fabricated glossy pictures of The Milky Way. That large flat swirling spiral circular “The Milky Way” image showing a large bright light in the centre, which mews media recently reports The Milky Way has a black hole in the centre of the bright light. The image of The Milky Way depicted from a long distance from The Milky Way. Earth being somewhere on the outer edge of The Milky Way. The Milky Way seen from earth's northern hemisphere, seen as merely a small cucumber shape of more numerous group of stars in the distance. No bright light in the sky similarly seen on The Milky Way media and school representative picture images can be seen.
I conclude by looking in the sky on a cloudless night, stars are evenly spread throughout the sky and I would suspect throughout the universe. I also conclude that if the only galaxy in the universe seen in the sky at the time The Big Bang theory was contrived. The expanding universe theory cannot include the swirling Milky Way galaxy. The “swirling” action would mess with the expanding universe theory.
Having concluded a noticeable difference between seeing with your own eyes by looking in the sky and established science's presented theories of The Milky Way galaxy. Considering the past 3,000 years of religious fantasy. I conclude there is no Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy is one more fictional story adults tell children to start children off to believe people in charge of society have all the answers, similar to religious leaders have all the answers about forgiving sins have all the answers to get believers into heaven.

Children's modern school learning are partly about: dinosaurs; Mars Rovers; 1970s two Voyager space probes; recent space probe to Pluto; Apollo 11 to 17 landings on the moon; International Space Station; DNA and many science histories. I dispute many of these extreme science teachings are fantasies used as replacements for old religious mythology, mythology used to keep peasants ignorant.

Exampling Haley's Commit returns to orbit the sun every 70 years. Every planet down to every small grain of sand within the sun's influence of gravity, must travel at a required speed depending on the distance from the sun, to stay in orbit around the sun, otherwise the sun's gravity will pull moving too slower objects into the sun. The two 1970s Voyager probes have been said to travel out into space never to return. This never to return statement allows Voyager space probes to be lies.
The space probe sent to Pluto is predicted to keep travelling out in to space like there's no gravity from the sun pulling the space probe back towards the sun.

Sending space probes out to land on commits, commits travelling at tens of thousands of miles per hour. Space probes landing on commits travelling at tens of thousands of miles per hours must be a fantasy story. Earth is travelling around the sun at 67,000 mph speeds in order not to fall into the sun.
Internet estimated speed for space vehicles to leave earth's gravity, travelling out into space away from the sun is 26,000 mph. If earth is travelling at 67,000 mph to hold an orbit 93 million miles from the sun, than anything travelling away from the sun starting from earth's orbit, must exceed 67,000 mph. So the 26,000 mph slung out into space using earth's 67,000 mph may send space craft out into space heading away from the sun. Total speed is 93,000 mph. Any space craft travelling 93,000 mph, hitting specks of sand also travelling at high speeds will, I imagine, punch holes through the space craft. The earth's gravity may have cleaned up earth's orbit from most specks of sand, rocks and meteorites. On the other side of Mars, a belt of meteorites are in the sun's orbit. Any space craft believed to have travelled past this belt of meteorites, believers need to rethink who and what are believed.

The sun emits huge amounts of radio wave static electronic interference, charged particles, made known during periods of increased sun spots. Old AM radio and AM television receiving radio waves encounters what's commonly called snow, on old tube television screens when channels are not on a transmitted channel. If transmitted television channels are near fringe reception areas, channels can be seen with both picture and a degree on snowy speckles white appearance.
Earth's own magnetic field shields earth from much of the sun's static interference. Space craft leaving earth's protective magnetic field should expect to have increased radio wave noise interference the further space probes travel away from earth.
Radio waves progressively lose energy measured in decibels even as space probes sending radio waves are focused using parabolic dishes. Regardless of earth's parabolic dishes: sensitivity; large size; multiplied number of parabolic dishes on earth to receive radio waves from space. The loss of radio wave energy dissipating in space and the sun's static noise levels, the two and a half billion miles from earth planet of Pluto probe sending pictures back to earth.
The lies being believed by technically stupid people educated not to think, not to doubt, scanning memories for spoon fed believed knowledge, school educated conditioned believers fearful of getting teacher questions incorrect, is in my often argued opinion, is due to a bad traumatising school education.
Due to school education repressing traumas of being incorrect, being wrong, pleasing teachers for getting everything right to avoid feeling humiliated. School educated children grown into adults… adults are forcing themselves to have pre-school fun intelligence of children, believing almost everything media reports as news stories. Many intentionally incorrectly educated adults are childlike influenced to believe, if news stories sounds like stories are true than stories that feel true must be true, and or believe everything news readers tell adults to believe as though because news readers state news stories, news stories must be true. There is no difference between teachers telling children what to believe and news readers telling adults what to believe.

Black Hole theory challenges Supernova theories. When stars become large enough, compressing matter into various periodic table elements. The highest most compressed periodic table elements become highly explosive under continued pressure. Like atom bombs exploding, a star big enough to compress matter into elements above periodic table starts a chain reaction blowing up the star, going supernova.
Matter entering a black hole under assumptions that black holes have so much gravity pressure that light can't escape… which by the way light is a radio wave of magnetic energy. Radio waves may be escaping a fictional black hole, black hole heat is so hot electrons are moving so fast, allowing frequency to be too high to see with human eyes or to be detected with electronic equipment.

All this blind faith in media stories allows me the doubt the reality of politics and market forces.

Why? Higher education in studying science encourages students to try more, pushing themselves to endure greater mental stress traumas to achieve higher examination marks in order to enter universities and colleges. Studying science for future careers in space technology that I conclude is often faked science. A 600 year old comparison to monks entering religious orders to study and or copy books before printing presses.

Higher education consumes several years of studying, students pay large sums of money to obtain degrees in chosen career that may have no to very few employment opportunities available.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 4 • Views: 3,265 • Replies: 22

Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2016 09:10 pm
Who are you teaching to?
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Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2016 09:12 pm
And I submit DeGrasse would diagree with you vehmently. You sound angry at science, but I cant understand why.
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Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2016 11:45 pm
Steve, did you have bad experiences as a school boy? You seem to have some knowledge but are unwilling to go further and understand more. You know about EM radiation from the sun and how it affects communication. Is this the end of knowledge? Go find out how this interference is overcome by NASA's space probes! Maybe fifty years ago it would not have been possible, but don't you think there's been progress since?
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2016 12:50 am
As you are newbie here I would advise you that self-publicists with idiosyncratic 'bees in their bonnet' attempt to use forums like this just to see their diatribes in print. Responding to them merely encourages more of the same.

The clear epistemological difference between 'science' and 'religion' is in terms of demonstrable prediction and control. Every scientist knows that their theoretical bases are subject to modification, but religionists think in terms of 'absolute truth'. The application of the word 'magic' to both is therefore ridiculous. The author here would be advised to at least read Khun (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions) if one thought he had any genuine interest in the issue
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2016 03:37 am
The word you wanted was versus. Religious magic verse, that would be somewhat akin to the King James bible, no? At least there was an attempt to put those fairy tales into a literarily good quality of English.
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2016 03:42 am
At least read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time before spouting out his nonsensical noise. The Grand Design is beyond him anyways.
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2016 03:45 am
Setanta wrote:

The word you wanted was versus. Religious magic verse, that would be somewhat akin to the King James bible, no? At least there was an attempt to put those fairy tales into a literarily good quality of English.

It seems that the good time of King James' version as good English has been over long before, Set.
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Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2016 05:03 am
Science would have us believe that the Milky Way is bigger than Mars. In reality Mars is the same size as two Milky Ways.

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Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2016 10:17 am
I think Steve9 is not religious. He has quite a lot to say about religion (as well as some other subjects) and he obviously has some trouble with the English language and has a tendency to rant and maybe has a screw loose (who doesn't?). That said, read his other posts and I think you'll find his ideas interesting.
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2016 11:09 am
Sorry, but after (too) many years here, I don't have the patience to read anything much longer than a couple of short paragraphs. This is primarily a discussion forum, not a platform for would be lecturers or preachers. Nor do I have any patience with those who assert ideas of their own unsupported by researched references. Such a rule is mandatory in academic circles, and is obviously in accordance with the mission statement of A2K regarding the phrase, "ask an expert"
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2016 12:21 pm
I think being skeptical and trying to verify things for yourself is a good idea, so you're on the right track with that. But questioning the conclusions of modern Cosmology based on what you can see with your naked eyes is pretty naive. We do have Telescopes and Microscopes you know.
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Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 09:29 pm
reply from steve9... that's why the title is science magic. Merely because some entertaining established government financed organisation says all technical problems are fixed. Badly educated people to believe what people are told, learned people instantly feel smart for scanning memories, quickly inventing unproven redirection conclusions, by referring people to websites rather than stating magical theories. I have heard this go to NASA and read their website to find little more than more Stanley Kubrick 1968 2001 Space Odessy invented pictures.
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Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 09:41 pm
Genuine interest in the issue is to expose how school education teaches students to believe what education tells students to believe. As religious teachings tell believers what to believe due to events happen long ago and far away in some other dimension. The temptation to invent fictional science by people well aware humans will almost believe anything believers are told. The more outrageous stories are, the entertaining lies can be enjoyed by those who know better.
Reply Thu 10 Mar, 2016 09:57 pm
Stephen Hawking has me wondering how a man in such a disabled state can be classified as one of the most brilliant minds in the world. Have you witnessed Hawking typing on a key board. Have you witnessed Hawking making any responses as digital sound is being heard by listeners. I did see a vague smile while listening to some digital recording, yet that could have been played during a moment Hawking was smiling.
I am not trying to be nasty to Mr Hawking, I am trying to create doubt within readers memories. I am more into psychology as to point out why in such an advanced society, many people are suffering from mental illness. I blame bad mentally stressful education. doubt creates opportunities for intelligent thought. Why miss an opportunity to doubt what's already believed in order to experience doubt?
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Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 01:18 am
You obviously had an inferior 'education'. My experience (in the UK) was one of being encouraged to question, even in the sciences, and that was emphasized as the expected norm at university level. But questioning without having researched and referenced the published questions of others recognized in the field was downgraded. Of course it is true that some we might call 'great minds' are admired for 'doing their own creative thing', but the level of your material and questioning shows no such originality. On the contrary, it merely tells a tale of your discontent ...a common 'adolescent' reaction in fact.

I have suggested a reference to Kuhn above. If you take the trouble to read it, it might reveal to you 'the level' that you are actually at now. There are in fact thousands of texts on ontology and epistemology which is the area you are attempting to tackle.
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Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 08:03 am
Allow me venture to make a guess: Since the moment you were born, your world has been a theater of ignorance, fraud, confusion, cruelty and violence. You've struggled to read, think and write. Your life has been one long emergency. And now, you've made your mind to announce your philosophy to the world. Is it so?
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Reply Fri 11 Mar, 2016 09:00 am
You seem to be a person who is searching for a perfect world, my friend you will be searching for a very very long time...
I understand your skepticism towards the imperfect teachings of religion and science, but one must find and investigate the positive genuine aspects of these disciplines. Not have the attitude that we are doomed and there is no hope, otherwise you are no good to yourself or anyone else.
But I think you maybe more engaged in the suspect theories of science and religion.
I am also aware that science has a lot of loopholes, but these loopholes are only created by loopy people who utilize science in a corrupt way. Science itself is perfect, but the user can be imperfect. All these science worshippers like to claim that "science is going to save us" maybe, maybe not. Too much science is polluting our planet, the environment and ourselves. Therefore, it maybe science(or loopy science I should say) that is going to destroy our species. But I am sure there are genuine honest scientists that are trying to make a positive difference for our species. There are a lot of scientific accepted ideas that we may never be able to prove for ourselves unless we have the equipment and knowledge to test these ideas. So I agree, they could well be only hoaxes and fantasies. Like the Apollo moonlanding, after 47yrs no one has been able to go back to the moon, that's very suspect I should think. Heck if it was true we should be able to land on Mars by now. So I do understand your skepticism towards science education, they haven't always been honest.
But there are also scientific accepted ideas that we can test for ourselves, or are able to be demonstrated in front of our own eyes. I like the science of evolution but I am still skeptical about some ideas, unless I can have some definite proof for my own eyes, not because someone has a Phd. Phds don't make people perfect, we are all subjected to error. Evidence is a critical factor when you are accepting scientific ideas.
Religion also has loopholes created by loopy people who use religion in a corrupt way, but religion itself is perfect. Religion worshippers also like to claim that "religion is going to save us." Maybe, maybe not. Too much religion today is focused on condemning moral points of view and killing people. Therefore, it maybe religion(or loopy religion I should say) that will destroy our specie. But I am sure there are genuine honest teachers of religion trying to make a positive difference for our specie. There are a lot of religious accepted ideas that we can never prove for ourselves because it is assumed that they cannot be physically examined and tested, such things as magical deities and people.
But religion should only be about Healthy moral spirituality and ethics, not magical powers. So I agree, there is a lot of self-serving corruption and unrealistic delusions.
But there are also religious accepted ideas that are able to be tested and proven, such things as humanitarianism and physical health sensibilities that are ideal to teach to ourselves and our children.
I suppose what I am saying is that both Religion and Science have negative aspects that derive from dishonest people.
But there are also positive aspects of Religion and Science that derive from honest people which shouldn't be overlooked...
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Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2016 07:18 am
You have a view that you are smarter than others. IF this is knowable by an intelligent educated person then it is !!!
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Reply Fri 1 Jul, 2016 04:25 am
What did Haley commit?

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