Wilso wrote:
roger wrote:
Yes, yes, but how does that relate to your US personality disorder in the title. Axe to grind?
If the thousands of posts I've read relating gun ownership to freedom, and the positive aspects of gun culture have not been from Americans, I will withdraw my objection. If someone provides me with evidence that the picture is not of an American family, I will withdraw my objection. But show anyone on earth that picture, and ask them to take a guess at their nationality, maybe 2 in 7 billion would not immediately answer "American".
I'll go further. Any member here (regardless of nationality) who does not look at that photograph and immediately feel profound disgust, please go to my profile, and put me on ignore. You're possessed of a mind that I don't want to associate with.
this still doesn't explain why you think so many Americans have a personality disorder. Because one offensive picture that may or may not be of Americans you equate it to half a country? Especially when such a country is so diverse. There is no logic whatsoever you what you state.
You are being prejudiced against Americans simply because you are offended by a picture shown on the internet.
If were so thick headed, thinking as you do - I would again surmise that half of all Australians were idiots.
You ask for proof that this family are American - you are the one accusing so you should provide such proof and even if it is true that they American - does one American family equate to half a nation? Anyone with some degree of intelligence would know that is plain old dumb.
You also state about the thousands of posts regarding gun ownership defending it provide proof they aren't all Americans - again you are making the acquisitions so you should be providing the proof - and even if that is true the majority are - then again how does that equate to half a nation having a personality disorder? Anyone with some degree of intelligence would know that is plain old dumb.
But I would not go so far and call half your countrymen and women as thick headed prejudiced idiots just because of one thick headed prejudiced opinion of that kind.