Mon 29 Feb, 2016 07:37 am
If so, what did you think? I'm considering going to see it at a real, honest to dog movie theater, rather than waiting for it to get to the small screen.
It's an amazing work on all counts.
The acting is reserved and sublime. The characters are smart and fascinating. The direction is spot on.
I can't recommend it enough. It's an intelligent thriller and work of science fiction.
Cool beans . . . thanks, Boss.
I've seen it. One of the best and most thought provoking sci-fi movies in years. Enjoy.
I was impressed when i read that it cost them $15 million--that wouldn't pay for the catering on a Star Wars set. Thanks again . . . now i'm getting very encouraged.
I missed this last January when it was released over here. It completely passed me by for some reason.
I shall have to see if it still on anywhere, as the reviews seem amazing.
Sounds like a sort of 7 0f 9 crossed with Hitchcock. I wonder if it's out on DVD over here? I'll check on Amazon.....
Answer yes.....£4.99, delivery on Thursday,
Thanks for the heads up, Set.
Seven of nine . . . yum yum!
Why is she always smuggling peanuts?
Borgs don't get paid scale . . .
Setanta wrote:
If so, what did you think? I'm considering going to see it at a real, honest to dog movie theater, rather than waiting for it to get to the small screen.
I thought it was very, very good. A modern modern Prometheus.
More good reviews . . . i love it.
Oscar Issac is an incredible actor. He portrays the archetypal arrogant eccentric tech billionaire perfectly.
Setanta, could you kindly tell us when you have seen the movie?
I would love to be able to have a discussion on this story without ruining anything for you. I agree with everyone here... it was a damn good story.
There was a problem with this fil-um . . . it came out just before the Oscars last year, so it didn't get it's shot at an award until this year. It got bad reviews (what do critics know, they think Star Wars is good science fiction), so it wasn't in theatrical release for very long. However, movies often get another theatrical run if they get an Oscar, and this is a big market, so i'm hoping for that. Yes, i will keep this thread informed, but it may be a while.
Setanta wrote:
It got bad reviews (what do critics know, they think Star Wars is good science fiction), so it wasn't in theatrical release for very long.
It didn't get bad reviews. It's one of the best reviewed films of 2015.
Rotten Tomatores: score of 93%.
A slightly lower score on 78.
It initially got a limited theatrical release in
April 2015 (after the 87th Academy Awards onFeb 22, 2015). The movie has been out in DVD and BluRay since July 14, 2015. Hopefully, it'll get a national (short lived) theatrical release to grab the post Oscar buzz.
Well, it got bad reviews up here, online.
Interesting . . . it got what i would call mixed reviews in 2015. Now, reviewers in t.o. are falling all over themselves to praise it. The power of the Academy award . . .
There was another film that came out around the same time called "The Machine". Many people confused the two, but they are radically different at heart even though the subject matter seems the same.