gotta finish my beer..... maybe this shot too.
stews on, along with the lobster bisque.
<ready to hear littlek sing>
oh, oh, gotta make a veggie medley for littlek.
be right back
I'd like the combo plate ... roast wabbit and fried pueo sauteed in a nice wine sauce with a littlek on the side. And who ... I mean what shall I have for dessert ... I'll have to think about that.
Hmmmmm, maybe I should eat first? Naaaahhhh
Ehem..... <I can't believe they have this song in here>
Goin' home, late last night <giggle>
suddenly I got a fright
Yeah I looked throught the window and surprised what I saw
Fairy boots were dancin' with a dwarf, all right now!
Fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me <snicker>
yeah I saw it, I saw it, I tell you no lies
Yeah Fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me
I saw it, I saw it with my own two eyes, well all right now!
So I went to the doctor, see what he could give me
he said "Son, son, you've gone too far.
'cause smokin' and trippin' is all that you do.
<degrades to incoherence>
fried pueo eh c?!
ok, we now have room for roasted chatoyant, anyone need hot sauce?
clap, clap, clap!!!!
hmmmm. clap just doesn't work, does it?
I am going out to lunch - but I shall be thinking of all of you -- remember, drink up - I ain't paying....
Piper Heidseck, anyone?
where IS my avatar?
and where is little cousin emma?
i still haven't got the ok to sing put in writing yet......
Roasted chatoyant is found only in the hinterlands of East Yatookaville out past the Sagidollia Swamp. The only way you can get there is by riding a camel with one hump. And you must take at least three months supply of roasted wabbit, fried pueo and 6 months supply of water (or a year's supply of jack) carried on a two-humped camel with three legs. If you do not follow these instructions exactly, the Six-Eyed Gasteroneous Baloneous Monster will jump out of the Sagidollia Swamp and lasso you with vines from the Majooji Tree. What happens next is something I just don't want to think about. Would anyone like a map?
I vote for Mikey to sing!
Put me down for a map, and an interpretation.
A year's supply of Jack may require an additional pack animal.
Jeeeeesh chatoyant, you're pushing the envelope a bit here aren't you?
i'll sing when we KNOW FOR SURE where little cousin emma is.
Sublime, the rules cannot be changed!
Mikey, sorry ... I forgot about little cousin Emma, whoever that is.